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Can I add Organic Baby Cough Syrup to a bottle?
Our Organic Baby Cough Syrup has a low pH, which means it’ll curdle milk, breastmilk or formula. You can try mixing with fruit juice or water if you’d like to give it to your baby in a bottle.
Can I give Organic Baby Cough Syrup to my infant?
Our Organic Baby Cough Syrup is only for babies who are at least four months old. Coughs in infants younger than four months may be of significant concern, and should be discussed with your pediatrician as soon as they arise.
Where does your citric acid come from?
Like nearly all citric acid used in food production, our citric acid is manufactured by bio-fermentation of carbohydrate starting materials, such as sugar and starch processing wastes. Converted to citric acid by bacteria and then extensively purified by filtration, ion exchange and successive recrystallizations produce a pure, food-grade citric acid.
Can I give Organic Baby Cough Syrup Night Time to my baby during the day?
Yes, though our Organic Baby Cough Syrup Night Time includes our Bedtime Bliss Blend of chamomile, lemon balm and passionflower to help your baby relax and gently fall asleep.* So, keep bedtime in mind when you give our Night Time formula, and consider sticking to Organic Baby Cough Syrup during the day, when you’re looking to make your baby more comfortable rather than making way for sleep.
What if my baby has a persistent cough?
Contact your pediatrician for any cough that lasts five days or longer, or that seems especially difficult for your child.