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6 Tips for Soothing Baby

6 Tips for Soothing Baby

When your little one has a cough or sniffles, we know it can be scary, especially if you’re a first-time parent. The good news is it’s probably just an occasional cough: babies get between 7 and 8 of them a year! But that doesn’t make their discomfort (and your lack of sleep!) any easier to deal with. Lucky for you, the moms at Mommy’s Bliss have all been there and so we know what works and what doesn’t when you’re trying to make baby feel better. Here are our top six soothing strategies.

Use a humidifier or cool-mist vaporizer.

These devices add much-needed moisture to the air in baby’s bedroom, which is especially important in the winter months when heating systems dry out the air even more. These devices help keep those little nasal passages moist. Pro tip: Clean the humidifier or vaporizer regularly (check the instruction manual) to keep mold at bay.

Fluids, fluids and more fluids.

Just like us, babies need to stay super hydrated when they’re sick. Here’s why: fluids help to thin their mucus and make it easier for mucus to get out of their little systems. Breast milk and formula are great for the littlest babies. For older babes, you can give them water, juice, or a rehydration drink.

Steam it out.

Create your own steam room for baby. Head to the bathroom, shut the door, turn on a hot shower, and sit with them for 10-15 minutes. The steam will help loosen congestion and open up their little nasal passages (Bonus: it’s good for your skin, too!).

Flush it out.

A saline mist can help clean and moisturize baby nose helping clear mucus and congestion. Mommy’s Bliss offers Saline Mist which is free from preservatives, parabens, or alcohol.

Calm and soothe.

A mentholated chest rub is a good way to ease congestion and soothe sniffles. To calm and soothe your baby safely, try a non-medicated chest rub made with organic essential oils.

Give an extra dose of love.

There’s nothing better for them (or you!) than extra hugs and snuggle time. Cuddling will help distract them from their discomfort and help them relax so their bodies can heal faster and better.

This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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