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Soothing Your Baby’s Colic Symptoms

Soothing Your Baby’s Colic Symptoms

By Roshan Kaderali, RN, CNM, CLE. Crying is a baby’s way of letting us know something is wrong. When the crying becomes excessive and lasts for longer than three hours a day, however, this may be a sign that you have a colicky baby on your hands. When dealing with colic, mothers suffer just as much as their little ones; calming a seemingly inconsolable infant can be frustrating, and mothers will do anything to soothe symptoms, even if it means staying up all hours of the night. Whether you are new to motherhood or you are already a mother of four, it can be hard to know exactly what to do when colic strikes. Luckily, there are some easy solutions to help ease your baby’s pain and discomfort, and help bring bliss back into the home! White noise: Sometimes, all it takes to soothe a colicky infant is a little bit of white noise. The most popular white noise used to relax a baby during colicky periods is the vacuum; however a white noise machine, a recorded heartbeat, the shower or other household appliances have also been effective. Massage and swaddle: Some soothing contact can change a baby’s whole mood. Try massaging them gently, or wrapping them tightly in a blanket to provide a safe, relaxing environment similar to the snug feeling your baby was used to inside the womb. Likewise, holding the baby will provide a similar feeling, and if one position does not work, try shifting to another. Ease a gassy tummy: Colicky babies tend to swallow air while crying, which can result in painful gassiness. Try a supplement; Gripe Water containing herbs such as ginger and fennel, or Gas Relief Drops containing simethicone each help to settle the stomach and relax cramping muscles, while also being safe for your baby. For some added help in the evening, try Gripe Water Night Time, containing chamomile, lemon balm, and passion flower, which all help to calm and relax your baby for a peaceful night's sleep. Keep an eye on baby’s diet: Intolerance to certain foods or ingredients may upset your baby and cause tummy troubles as well. If you are breastfeeding, try switching out certain foods from your diet to see how your baby reacts. If your baby is on formula, it may be beneficial to switch to one with different ingredients – just be sure to talk to your baby’s doctor before making any significant dietary changes. Roshan Kaderali is a Registered Nurse, Certified Nurse Midwife, Certified Lactation Educator and founder of Mommy’s Bliss. Working with an FDA-registered current good manufacturing practice laboratory, she developed Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water over 20 years ago.

This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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