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Tips for Traveling with Baby

Tips for Traveling with Baby

As the holiday season quickly approaches you may be planning to go see family and friends, if you are planning to bring along baby we have some tips that could help the trip go smoothly.
1. Plan travel around nap times
When booking your travel (if traveling by plane or train) or planning your ride try to plan around nap times. If you are en route when baby is already supposed to be sleeping then there will be minimal disruption to their schedule and hopefully make for a more peaceful ride.
2. Bring plenty of food
Be sure to pack additional food, formula and/or breast milk for the trip. Planes and trains are often delayed and you want to be sure to have enough food on hand should that occur. Also if this is your baby's first time flying it might be a good idea to have some expressed milk in a bottle, the first time I flew with my son he would not nurse and I had to feed him from a bottle during take off and landing. (I also tried to remember to throw in a few snacks for myself)
3. Travel Gear
A portable crib like is great to set up in the airport so you can have a clean safe place to put baby down, and also a familiar and comfortable place for them to sleep. A travel system is also great, having the car seat and the stroller it can click into will make travel with the car seat much easier. If you are traveling by plane and intend to take the car seat on the plane double check that is approved for air travel. Baby carriers are great to keep hands free while walking through the airport, if your baby is a lap child consider checking your car seat and stroller and putting baby in the carrier for the airport. Once on the plane for take off and landing your child will have to come out of the carrier.
4. Well stocked diaper bag
Pack more than you think you will need to prepare for any delays, I liked to pack twice as many diapers and changes of clothes as I would for a normal outing. I also made sure to bring along a well stocked first aid kit complete with diaper rash cream, fever reducer, thermometer and remedies to calm my son's stomach like gripe water on the go packs.
An infant with blue eyes, lying on its back looking at the camera
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