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Is Mommy's Bliss Lactation Support + Probiotics 3rd party tested?
Yes! Our Lactation Support is NSF Certified which means it has been independently tested and certified to meet standards for quality, safety and label claims. Learn more about our NSF Certified products here.
Should I take the Lactation + Probiotics Capsules with food?
Our recommendation is to take 1-2 capsules with food. Please follow label directions.
What is fenugreek in the Lactation + Probiotics Capsules?
Fenugreek is a clover-like herb native to the Mediterranean region, southern Europe, and western Asia. Its seeds, which smell and taste like maple syrup, have been used in cooking and as medicine. Fenugreek is used as an ingredient in spice blends and a flavoring agent in foods and beverages. In North Africa, Asia, and southern Europe, fenugreek was an age-old milk supply enhancer in breastfeeding moms.
Why did you choose the lactospore probiotic for the Lactation + Probiotic Capsules?
A NON-GMO Product, LactoSpore®, is found to be safe and well tolerated by healthy individuals when consumed orally. Our formula settles in the digestive tract and produces enough lactic acid and other antagonistic substances, inhibiting growth of pathogenic bacteria.
How does the Lactation + Probiotics Capsules support my milk supply?
Our Lactation + probiotics capsules support milk supply with fenugreek, blessed thistle and milk thistle. We also add probiotic Lactospore* to support immunity and digestive health.