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Mother's Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day Gift Guide

What should I get mom for Mother’s Day this year? That’s the million dollar question, right?! Well we polled our Mommy’s Bliss ambassadors to find out what moms REALLY want for their special day. Here’s what they said:
  1. SLEEP

Let the mama sleep in on her special day. You would be amazed what two extra hours of sleep can do for a sleep deprived, running on empty mom! I was trying to remember when I last slept in until 9am…and I honestly don’t remember. Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep came up several times on the mommy wish lists. Sleep is the most valuable item to any mom, am I right? Plus, it’s absolutely free, and you can’t beat free!
  1. Spa Day

As moms we're so busy making sure our little ones are cared for that we often forget to pamper ourselves. A spa day is what every mommy needs to reset and unwind from wresting toddlers and cleaning up food art splatters. Whether it be a shiatsu massage, a rejuvenating facial or a mani-pedi in utter silence, a spa day was the most requested gift from the moms we polled.
  1. Brunch with (just) Girlfriends

Have you tried going out to eat with your girlfriends and toddlers at the same time? It can be utter chaos! Our moms agreed a Mother’s Day brunch with close friends is what would kick their day off just right. Adult conversation without “mommy, mommy, mommy” interruptions, sipping on mimosas and eating HOT food.
  1. Alone Time

Alone time—we’re not talking about spending the whole day alone. We’re talking about giving mom time to put on some makeup and feel cute, take a nice long hot shower, or take some “me” time to read a few chapters in her book without anyone needing something. A little alone time goes a long way, trust me.
  1. Jewelry

Meaningful jewelry with the kiddos birthstones or initials has always been one of my favorite pieces of jewelry to wear daily. It’s nice to be reminded of your sweet babe when you look down at a ring or get a glimpse of your necklace in the mirror. Another popular item and my personal favorite is the Necklace bar that you can personalize with whatever you want.
  1. Time Outdoors

Being outside is so refreshing, especially when the weather is nice. Hiking with the family, an outdoor picnic or even just a simple walk around your favorite park is a great gift for mom. There’s something about the fresh air that can calm the rowdiest of kids or at least give them room to exert all that energy.
  1. Shopping Spree

I can’t tell you how many times I have gone into the mall with intentions of splurging on myself only to come home with new cute matching outfits for my girls and nothing for myself. Gift cards to her favorite stores are a guaranteed hit! Plus, shopping (alone) can be therapeutic, that’s why they call it retail therapy.
  1. Family photos

Although taking the photos, setting up a photographer and getting everyone to smile for that one perfect photo can be stressful, family photos are always a precious gift to give. On my first Mother’s Day I received a collage of photos of me and my daughter meeting for the first time and I will forever cherish it. My oldest is two years old now and those photos are a sweet reminder of when my life changed for the better.
  1. Keepsake Crafts

I don’t know about you, but I love canvas paintings with my little ones’ hands or feet. Being reminded of how small they once were always tugs at my heart strings. Mugs, canvases, bags the options are endless when it comes to mini art projects. It’s a great way to let the kiddos get creative and be covered in paint.
  1. A Week Without Chores!

Why should mom be pampered for one day only? Why not make it a week or month-long celebration? No chores/no laundry for a week came up several times. I would love to come home after a long day of work and not have to wash bottles or prepare dinner. Get a list of chores you do daily together and hand them over to your partner, tell them you would love for the list to be completed on your behalf, especially on Mother’s Day. Feel free to tag your spouse, take a screen shot or send an email of our Mother’s Day Gift Guide so your partner can get some inspiration for that perfect Mother’s Day gift. They deserve to know what you REALLY want this Mother’s Day.

This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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