Stephanie Medina
Mom + Senior Director of R&D
We love finding and making the products moms need most, and Stephanie is our product superhero. She’s always figuring out ways to perfect our products and on the lookout for new ideas that make our products as pure, simple and effective as possible, so moms and their babies get to have more bliss every day.How being a mom informs my job
I’m a brand new mom so I’m using our products a lot! I’ve already come to realize a couple of product improvement opportunities. Nothing major, but I just am looking at them with new eyes. Another aspect is how I manage my team. Now that I’m a mom, I’m even more sensitive to what it takes to be a parent and an employee. I really get that we’re all just humans doing this thing together—trying to get to work on time, managing a household—and it helps to be patient with each other. My team is half male, and I see that those dads are impacted as much as the moms are. So I have more patience and understanding, and I hope that influences my team.Proudest moment at Mommy’s Bliss
Launching our first certified organic product. It was a big deal to me to bring that to the company and since then we’ve brought on three more and there are others on the horizon.To me, “We run on the power of mom” means...
We run on grit. I’ve only been back at work for 2 weeks since having my baby, and I can already see how hard it is to manage schedule wise. But the reason I’m going to do it is grit: Moms are strong, they’re resilient, and they do whatever it takes. On the other side of the coin, motherhood also brings understanding and nurturing to our company, and that’s hugely important as well.Best parenting advice my mom gave me
She gave me a classic: “Never wake a sleeping baby.” At first, doing all those feedings throughout the day and night was killing me because I was waking my son up to eat. My mom was like no! Don’t overdo or over think it. And it was the best advice ever. We’re all much happier now.3 adjectives that describe me as a mom
Empathetic Cautious (I question everything!) Very sleepy ; ) Motherhood has certainly changed me. I’m a revised and refreshed version of myself.This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.