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How to Ease Baby Eczema - Day and Night

How to Ease Baby Eczema - Day and Night

Ohhhh, baby’s skin. That kissable, squeezable, soft, smooth deliciousness. Where do you think the phrase “soft as a baby’s bottom” was born? So, when common culprits like Eczema, rashes, and other itchiness strike delicate skin, we want to get baby comfortable again as soon as motherly possible. Let's cover how to ease baby Eczema, anytime of day. It’s tough to see your baby in pain or discomfort with red, itchy, irritated skin. So, let’s put skin concerns to sleep or give baby a fuss-free day with some helpful hints from our moms who’ve been there.

Preventative Tips for Eczema:

  • Be wary of irritants like laundry or bath soap or rough, scratchy clothes.
  • Be mindful of heat and sweat which can cause skin to stay moist and stir up discomfort as can extremely dry skin, especially during winter.
  • -Remember, allergens from cow’s milk or certain foods can certainly cause outbreaks.

What to do?

Eczema at Daytime:

  • Steer clear of any known allergens and try to keep baby cool on hot days and warm on cold ones.
  • Try to keep baby’s mind off their itchies with toys, books, songs or even their favorite age-appropriate snacks. If they’re picking up cheerios with both hands, they’ve got zero hands left to itch with. Mom math.
  • Apply moisturizer with colloidal oatmeal, shea butter, and olive oil to provide some “ahhh” and keep skin protected all day.
  • For flare-ups or trouble spots, try a spot treatment with colloidal oatmeal formula.

Eczema at Nighttime:

  • Use a mild baby soap and lukewarm water to help soothe skin and gently pat baby dry. Distract baby with toys and sweet music.
  • The National Eczema Association suggests moisturizing baby’s skin within 3 minutes of bath time to help lock-in moisture. Apply a night time body lotion with aloe and ceramide to replenish moisture and lock it in so baby stays hydrated (and hopefully resting) all night
  • How to dress baby with eczema at night? Dress baby in loose, cool, cotton pj’s so skin can breathe.
  • Use a humidifier in baby’s room to help keep skin hydrated.
  • Sing and read stories to make them forget all about it...and feel all better.
  • And because skin issues are often more than skin deep, try a probiotic like Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops to help balance baby’s skin from the inside out with a clinically studied probiotic strain.* It’s important to reach for both topicals and probiotics for complete skin health and blissful, happy skin.

Mommy knows best and the best thing for baby is luscious, itch-free skin. With our Complete Skin Support System, Eczema doesn’t stand a chance. Don’t mess with a Mommy on a mission.

This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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