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Back-to-School Sleep Tips…From A to Zzzz.

Back-to-School Sleep Tips…From A to Zzzz.

It’s (almost) that wonderful time of year…back to school. And while it’s exciting for your little one, not to mention, you…it’s tough to get back to a schedule after a long, eventful summer. From vacations, to travel to late nights and long days, sleep stumbles can be frustrating—and exhausting. But with a few smart changes, you can make bedtime go smoothly, and sleepily just in time for the bell! Get ready to tackle the zzz’s and watch them rise and shine like champs using our sleep tips.

#1 Sleep Tip for Change of Schedule

There’s been a change of schedule or time (due to daylight savings, a family vacation, or just extended playtime.) The fix: You’ll want to re-establish whatever routine you may have strayed from. Start by setting the scene; perhaps it’s time to install (or simply lower) some room-darkening shades, which can be a real game-changer if it’s too bright at bedtime or you need to help your child adjust back to a stricter bedtime. Cue up some snoozy tunes and set aside plenty of wind-down time for the full evening routine (bath, books, plenty of cuddles, and no screens). Short-term use of a product like Mommy’s Bliss Kids Sleep Gummies, which contains melatonin, Mommy’s Bliss Kids Sleep Chewable, which contains melatonin, magnesium, and calming herbs, or Mommy’s Bliss Kids Sleep Liquid, which has melatonin and calming herbs, can help support your child’s natural sleep process.

#2 Sleep Tip for Bad Dreams

Your little one has been having bad dreams or fears of monsters in the room – or maybe even a bit of anxiety around starting school. The fix: Instead of saying “Don’t be scared,” try to validate your child’s fears by letting them know that you understand how they feel. Use dramatic play (with puppets or dolls) or drawings to help them work out how they’re feeling. Look for books you can read together that address the after-dark frights in fun, approachable ways. A cute night light can also help to illuminate the darkness. Finally, try this time-honored, parent-tested trick: Arm your child with a spray bottle filled with water (shhh!) that you’ve clearly labeled “Monster Spray.” Happy monster hunting, kid.

#3 Sleep Tip for Hyperactivity

Your little one is simply too hyped up and too used to summer fun near bedtime to nod off. The fix: It’s a frustrating situation, for sure. No judgment if you’ve sort of given up and let your kiddo stay up til he passes out. Returning to basics is vital here, and that means mapping out (and sticking to!) a solid bedtime routine, which sets the scene for slumber. And here’s the most important part: Sign your sweetie off all screens at least an hour before his intended bedtime. Research has shown that tech time can make going to sleep harder for many kids.

#4 Sleep Challenge for Illness

Your child has lingering stuffiness or coughing from a cold, making it hard to hit the hay. The fix: Occasional coughs needn’t keep your tot up all night long. Start the mucus-loosening process by having your little one hang out in a steamy room—you can always run a hot shower for ten minutes before filling the tub for her bath. As she’s putting on her pj’s, set up a cool-mist humidifier in her room. Placing a few towels beneath the mattress or offering a thick pillow can help elevate her head, making breathing a tad easier. Another idea: try an organic cough and mucus syrup specially formulated for bedtime, like Mommy’s Bliss Organic Kids Cough Syrup and Mucus Night Time. It’s made with organic honey, agave, and ivy leaf, which can help when your child is coughing to clear mucus*, and has herbs like chamomile, lemon balm, and passionflower to promote relaxation*. Start prepping earlier than the day before school to assure they’ve settled into a new (old) routine and are ready for their first day. Keep these tips handy for a worry-free transition for them and you. Remember it’s so much easier to “shine” at school after they “rise” from a great night’s sleep. Happy zzzz’s!

This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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