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7 Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

7 Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

Our Mommy’s Bliss moms know a thing (or three) about the blissful, real, and challenging journey. Breastfeeding! What a wonderful gift, right? Well, the short answer is “Yes!” But the real-life answer is, breastfeeding can be challenging for many moms and isn’t always the blissful journey we see in the brochure. During those first few weeks, it may feel like you’ll never get the hang of it. And while it will likely get better with practice and support, here’s a little help from our Mommy’s Bliss moms who’ve been there. So, let’s break it down, with real tips for you, mama…and for any new mom who may need your support.

Breastfeeding tips for Moms:

  1. Milk production is based on the frequency and effectiveness of milk taken by the baby. So begin nursing and/or pumping every 2-3 hours when baby is a newborn.
  2. Gently massage breasts to avoid engorgement, soften your milk supply, and make it easier for baby to latch.
  3. Nurse in the most comfortable position possible. Seems like a no-brainer but when you’re comfortable and relaxed, it will be better for your flow and for baby.
  4. Ensure water and essentials are within reach – you might be busy for a while. Think cell phone & charger, remote, snacks, nursing pillow, burp cloths, breast pads, and of course Mommy’s Bliss Nipple Balm to help ease sore, overworked nipples.
  5. Travel (near or far) with a nursing blanket cover for privacy.
  6. Wash and dry all pump parts and properly store your milk storage bags.
  7. Always ask for help if needed. If you sense something isn’t right or you’re experiencing pain, trust your gut and reach out to your doctor or a lactation consultant for help.

To help a breastfeeding mom…

  • Words of encouragement go a long way. Simply tell her she’s doing an amazing job…and it’s a tough job.
  • Offer to take care of older children, run errands, or offer to hold baby so mom can shower or nap before she’s back on the job.
  • Gift new moms a pampering session to help them relax and rejuvenate.
  • Fix her a lactation-focused snack or smoothie. It always tastes better when someone else makes it!
  • Help with nighttime baby care including getting the baby up and putting them back to bed or putting on mama’s favorite show.
  • Just check-in. “What can I do?” “What do you need?” “How are you?” “Hi.”
Hoping this blog finds you and your little one happy, healthy, and finding your way on your breastfeeding journey. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, so settle in, pump on, give yourself some grace, and enjoy the ride, if possible. You got this! And if you don’t...that’s ok too. Never forget – this is hard – and you’re amazing.

This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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