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Helpful Teething Tips from the Experts at The Teething Egg

Helpful Teething Tips from the Experts at The Teething Egg

As parents, we can feel extremely helpless when our little ones are in pain. We spend countless hours reading, seeking the advice of family and friends, and desperately trying to avoid anything that might cause our babies discomfort. We at The Teething Egg have discovered firsthand that the teething stage is not only one most expectant mothers don’t know how to prepare for, but it can also sneak up on you and strike at very inconvenient times such as the middle of the night or a long car trip home for the holidays. So, we are here today to outline the main teething symptoms most babies experience and provide helpful tips on soothing your little one to help make teething more bearable… for the entire family! Teething can be a very different experience from child to child and can start as early as 2 months old. Some parents will say they didn’t even know a tooth was coming through, while others will stress it was a long few months before their baby got just one. The first signs of teething can range from drooling, sore and swollen gums, irritability, trouble sleeping, biting, chewing, to putting anything they can find in their mouth, rejecting food, grabbing their ears, and lastly, a visible tooth showing below the gums. The first reaction a lot of parents experience is 'Could these symptoms be related to other issues?' And the answer is yes! Many parents will rush their little ones to the doctor only to be sent home with a teething diagnosis. As with any stage of growth with a baby, the symptoms can vary. The secret is observing your child and learning what symptoms affect them most. Some babies will drool a lot, while others just simply do not want to eat or become very irritable. Your parents or grandparents may have warned you that a fever or a runny nose could also be related to teething. This is merely an Old Wives Tale. There’s no scientific proof that these conditions are a direct link to teething even though many parents will swear they are related. Call your child’s healthcare provider if your baby experiences a fever higher than 101 degrees F or shows symptoms of lethargy, vomiting, or diarrhea. When it comes to treating teething pain we wish we could say there was just one thing that works, but as we know, each little one is different and what might work for one baby won't soothe another. Cold compresses are a great place to start. Place a wet washcloth in a plastic bag and into the freezer. The fabric with help massage the gums while the cold numbs the pain. Monitor baby at all times and check that the frozen washcloth is not too cold for their tiny hands. Finding a teether that is both refrigerator and freezer safe is best! There are a wide range of teethers on the market today, here are a few key aspects to check for when shopping and using a teething toy.

  1. What is it made from? Does it consist of any toxic materials?
  2. Is it liquid filled? Check for leaks each and every time before handing to your little one.
  3. Are there any holes in the toy? If so can water, saliva, or other liquids get caught inside causing mold?
  4. Check for choking hazards.

    When we designed The Teething Egg we made sure it checked off on all of these. The Teething Egg is CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) tested and made from an all-natural, FDA Approved, Food Grade TPE material. TPE is the latest in rubber blend technology and is completely BPA, BPS, PVC, Phthalate, Metal, Latex, and Lead-Free! The Teething Egg is a completely closed system so no liquids can get inside, which makes it easy to clean to sanitize. Teething babies need to overwhelm the sensory receptors on their gums to help stop the (Nociceptive) pain signal that is sent to the brain that says 'OUCH!'. Having a consistent, soft textured surface with a firm body underneath is one of the key features that sets our product apart from other teethers. If your baby has already graduated to solid foods, some can be used to put pressure on the gums and relieve the pain similar to the way teethers do. Large carrots, teething crackers, and frozen bananas are just some of the popular teething items found in your kitchen. Always keep an eye on your baby to make sure they do not choke while gnawing on them. Finally, gently rubbing your baby’s gums with your clean pinky finger might just do the trick! There are many popular sayings we hear as moms that can help us cope while tackling adversity. Our favorite has to be, 'The days are long but the years are short.' We know how hard the teething stage is for both you and your baby, but the key is to find joy in the ways you soothe your little one and lift your spirits. We recommend putting the cleaning on hold, ordering in food and soaking up the extra snuggles. It might just be what your baby (and you!) need! We are always available at www.TheTeethingEgg.com to answer any questions and offer you support. We hope once this stage passes and you are onto the next one, you take some beautiful memories along with you.

    This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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