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Immunity Support for Baby: 6 Easy Tips

Immunity Support for Baby: 6 Easy Tips

The snuggles. The cries. The first smile. You’re there for your baby every step of the way. Every fiber of a parent’s being is geared toward making your baby happy, healthy, and comfortable. When your baby doesn’t feel well, seeing them suffer is the worst! The saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” strikes true here. Get ahead of the curve by supporting babys immunity early with these easy yet trusted tips.

Get Fresh Air and Sunshine

Doctors have long been recommending that infants get at least 30 minutes of fresh air and sunlight per day. In 1884, Dr. Luther Emmett advocated “airing babies to promote robust health. We can get Vitamin D from foods or supplements and our body can make it from sunlight. We also know that oxygen-rich fresh air clears lungs and energizes bodies. Taking a walk near some trees before 10 a.m. is calming for both baby and parent and supports healthy immune function. Make sure to dress your baby in as many layers as you would wear, plus one; this could be as simple as keeping a blanket with you.

Give Them a Multivitamin

When our bodies don’t have enough vitamins and minerals, our immunity doesn’t function as well as it could. You can get ahead of the deficit by trying Mommy’s Bliss Organic Multivitamin at 2 months of age. Its a daily organic supplement that provides essential vitamins for baby's optimal nutrition, healthy growth, and bone development. Its certified USDA Organic, made from real-food, and contains 5 essential vitamins: A, B, C, D, and E. Always consult a pediatrician before adding supplements to your baby’s diet.

Keep Them Hydrated

Babies and children have a greater risk of dehydration, because their bodies contain a higher proportion of water than adult bodies; they use more water during activity; and their kidneys aren’t fully developed. Staying hydrated helps their little bodies process toxins. Infants get hydration from milk, but once they start eating solids, transition to offering milk with foods and eventually water.

Wash Hands From The Start

Believe it or not, babies hands need to be washed as often as adults are. Maybe even more often, since they're exploring everythingincluding all the icky things. (Eek! Don’t touch that!) You don't want to go overboard, but wash their hands whenever you wash your own: after you change their diaper (think of the germs on a changing table!) and before eating. Use soap and warm water, rubbing hands gently for 20-30 secondsas long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday twiceand rinse well.

Try Elderberry for Immunity

A baby’s immune system is in a constant state of development, and if you’re anything like us as parents, you want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your baby healthy. Our Organic Elderberry Drops are designed for babies 4 months and up, to support their immunity with a baby-friendly blend of organic herbs, extracts, prebiotics, and vitamins. Once a day will do it!

Start a Probiotic Regiment Early

Probiotics can be started from the time a baby is born, and pediatricians often recommend them. Probiotics help to regulate the immune system by balancing good bacteria in the tummy. These helpful microorganisms potentially reduce the risk of diarrhea. Strengthen your child’s immune system by adding a high-quality probiotic supplement like our Probiotic Drops to their daily intake.

This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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