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Real Moms Share: Getting Relief with Gripe Water

Real Moms Share: Getting Relief with Gripe Water

Pregnancy can do a number on your body and occasionally make you feel pretty rough. When I was pregnant with our twins, I constantly had heartburn, hiccups and stomach discomfort. I would joke with my husband that maybe 'I was the one going to have colic' and how awful it must be for a baby. As a pregnant woman, there wasn't much that I could do to help some of my discomfort and heartburn so relief just didn't seem possible. After the arrival of our twins, we noticed that often they would have some of the same symptoms of 'rumbling bellies', gas, hiccups and lots of spit up. We tried a few things to ease the issues but they never seemed to get better and in fact, got worse. As the girls grew, we saw more issues of spitting up after feeding, not being able to lay down and excessive crying. My Pediatrician decided that we had a combination of a twin with gas and the other with colic, which resulted in sleepless nights for mama and daddy. When you are a parent you hate to see your little ones in pain and I felt helpless, thinking of all the nights I felt terrible from the same symptoms and couldn't take anything for relief. I had to do something and make the right choice in products.

'When you are a parent you hate to see your little ones in pain and I felt helpless... I had to do something and make the right choice in products.'

Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water was suggested and I immediately grabbed a bottle. It made a huge difference for the rumbling baby bellies and hiccups circling around our house. After that, I never ran out of Gripe Water and absolutely swear by it! I chose Gripe Water because it was a natural product that is safe and gentle for little ones while helping manage the symptoms of stomach discomfort associated with gas, colic, and hiccups. Highly recommended, Gripe Water was a life changer for my husband and I - letting us have more peace of mind about our little ones and a restful night of sleep. I will always recommend Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water as well as anything else in the Mommy's Bliss line of products because of the relief that it gave our twins! If you want more info on Gripe Water, check out Mommy's Bliss HERE!

This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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