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Why Do Moms and Babies Need a Prenatal?

Why Do Moms and Babies Need a Prenatal?

When you're pregnant, you need extra nutrients to nourish your growing baby—and your own growing everything!

But even if you’re eating well, you may be missing out on key nutrients, and a good prenatal can help fill the gaps. Each of our prenatals has vitamins and minerals your baby needs for healthy development plus nutritional support for the issues affecting moms-to-be most: digestive problems, low energy, and sleep troubles. A prenatal must-have is folic acid, the synthetic form of a B vitamin that occurs naturally in certain foods. Folic acid helps prevent abnormalities of the fetal brain and spinal cord, and ideally, you should begin taking extra folic acid at least three months before you become pregnant. Mommy’s Bliss prenatals use methyl folate, the most bioavailable form of folic acid on the market. But we don’t stop there. We’ve crafted our prenatals with additional wise and natural ingredients to make your pregnancy happier.

Prebiotics & Probiotics

Nicknamed the “friendly bacteria,” probiotics are living microorganisms, similar to the ones found in your intestines (or gut). Combined with prebiotics, and dietary fiber that feeds the friendly bacteria, probiotics help support your digestive system and help optimize your gut health.


If you’re newly pregnant, you know better than anyone that “morning sickness” is one of the toughest things to work through. And the all-too-common nausea and vomiting can really put a damper on the joy of new motherhood. Ginger root has been shown to help diminish the symptoms of morning sickness.

Extra B12

Studies show that vitamin B12 is just as important as folic acid in helping to prevent neurological problems in infants. Since most people get B12 by eating animal products, you might be deficient if you’re a vegetarian or a vegan. A huge added bonus is B12 may also improve your energy levels (and who doesn’t need that!).


Omega-3s are a family of fatty acids (the healthy kind!) that have been found to be essential in supporting a baby’s brain and eye development and may help prevent preterm labor and postpartum depression. Because the main dietary source of Omega-3s is fish, most pregnant women likely don’t get enough because OB/GYNs often restrict seafood to two servings a week.


Fiber is part of a plant that the digestive system can’t break down, so it travels through your digestive tract, sweeping away the gunk that can make you constipated. Because pregnancy naturally slows down your digestive system, getting enough fiber is absolutely essential when you’re pregnant. Not only will it help keep you regular, but it can also help you avoid one of the other “secret” annoyances of pregnancy: hemorrhoids.

This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

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