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Does Baby Need Vitamin D? Everything You Need to Know

Here’s why baby might need a Vitamin D supplement, plus when and how to give it.

By: Chaunie Marie Brusie, BSN, RN

After sharing my plans to exclusively breastfeed, I was surprised when our pediatrician told me that I needed to start supplementing my third child with oral Vitamin D drops. Long accustomed to the idea that breast milk provided all the nutrients my babies needed, I initially hesitated about this updated advice for newborn babies.

However, my fears quickly subsided when I learned that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all breastfed babies receive oral Vitamin D supplementation. You should always talk to your pediatrician about supplementation, but here is some additional information to help you decide if baby needs Vitamin D.

Why do babies need Vitamin D?

Lauren Davis, DO, founder of Latched Nourished Thriving, explains that Vitamin D is actually a hormone that plays an important role in many body functions, from building strong bones and teeth to supporting muscle growth and the immune system. According to the AAP, Vitamin D even plays a role in mental health.

Dr. Lauren Davis explains that the recommendation to supplement babies with Vitamin D stems from the fact that most breastfeeding parents don’t have adequate levels of Vitamin D themselves, so their breast milk won’t contain enough for their babies either. The primary sources of Vitamin D for adults are sunlight and certain foods, like egg yolks and animal livers. However, because diets and sunlight exposure vary widely, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the AAP recommend all infants take oral Vitamin D for their first year of life to ensure they are getting the right amount they need.

There are no known risks to taking the recommended level of Vitamin D, but taking too much Vitamin D can be dangerous for babies, says Cherylin Davis, MD, FAAP, at Elliston Pediatrics in New York City. Side effects like nausea, vomiting, poor feeding, constipation, decreased alertness and dehydration could occur with too-high levels of Vitamin D. However, the only way this would happen is with regular supplementation that significantly exceeds the amount you’d find in baby Vitamin D drops. Consult your pediatrician about how much to give your baby.

When should babies take Vitamin D supplements?

Dr. Cherylin Davis recommends following the AAP’s guidelines to give babies 400 IU (10 micrograms) of Vitamin D daily as soon as they are born. Babies who are exclusively breastfed should continue Vitamin D supplementation every day until they’re 1 year old. Formula-fed babies should also take Vitamin D unless they are drinking more than 32 ounces daily (that’s four 8-ounce bottles) of Vitamin D-fortified formula—in which case, they’re getting all they need from the formula and won’t need additional supplementation, she says. Typically, once a toddler switches to cow’s milk and is eating solid foods that contain Vitamin D, such as eggs and fortified cereals and yogurt, they will no longer need supplementation, according to the CDC.

Dr. Lauren Davis adds that it’s also an option for nursing parents to supplement their own diets with 6400 IU/day to provide their breastfed babies with enough Vitamin D through breast milk. But if you’re thinking about just getting more sun exposure to boost your Vitamin D levels, she cautions that while it can be helpful, sun exposure alone is most likely not enough—breastfeeding parents who aren’t taking a supplement should still supplement their babies with oral Vitamin D.

How to give babies Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplements are once-a-day liquid drops that can be administered via a dispenser or a small syringe depending on the brand. Always check the specific instructions on the supplement to ensure you’re administering it correctly. Some nursing parents also place the Vitamin D drops directly on their nipple before baby latches on or directly into the breast milk. You can give baby Vitamin D at any time, day or night.

It’s safe to give Vitamin D with or near a feeding, but if possible, Dr. Cherylin Davis recommends giving the Vitamin D separately—that way, if baby doesn’t finish the bottle or spits up their feeding, you don’t have to worry or wonder if they received the full amount.

What to look for in a Vitamin D supplement

Here are some additional tips the doctors provided about choosing a Vitamin D supplement and administering it to babies:

Ensure it’s easy to give. Look for a brand that offers an easy-to-administer complete serving. For instance, a 1 mL dropper will provide baby with the 400 IU recommended daily amount. Keep it clean. Choose supplements with simple, clean ingredients free of unnecessary additives, dyes or sugars.
Check for testing. Look for brands that are third-party tested for purity and potency. Give it at the same time. To make it easier to remember, make it a part of your routine at the same time every day.

Wondering what happens if you forget to give baby their daily Vitamin D? Don’t fret, says Dr. Cherilyn Davis. “It’s okay if you occasionally forget [to give] Vitamin D, but do your best to be consistent with it,” she notes. “If you’re not sure if you gave it to your baby that day, it’s best to skip it, and resume the following day.”

Our Pick: Mommy’s Bliss Organic Vitamin D Drops

This supplement checks all the boxes, with one easy-to-administer drop that delivers a full daily 400 IU serving. Bonus: It’s USDA Certified Organic with only two ingredients. There’s no added sugar, alcohol, artificial flavors or colors, and it’s NSF Certified to meet standards for quality, safety and label claims via independent testing.

Dealing With Gas and Colic: Experienced Parents Share Their Tricks

Parent-tested hacks for easing common tummy troubles—because no one (including baby!) likes an all-night scream session.

By Anna Davies, Contributing Writer at The Bump

Gas and colic might sound like one of those “common baby things” everyone goes through—but that’s little consolation when you’re pacing the nursery at 2 a.m. after four hours of crying. While gas may come and go, colic (when a baby under 3 months cries for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, and more than three weeks in a row) can be especially challenging to navigate.

But whether it meets the definition of colic or not, when baby’s tummy hurts, it’s heartbreaking, exhausting and loud. The good news? There are ways to ease their discomfort and get everyone back to calm. Here’s what real parents swore by when it came to soothing those tiny tummies.

We tried baby yoga 

When my daughter was 6 weeks old, we tried baby yoga. I thought it would be yoga for me, but surprise—it was for babies! It might sound a little out-there, but we learned some amazing gas-relieving moves, like bicycling her legs or gently bringing her knees to her chest. I picked up the techniques quickly, and they really seemed to help her feel better. Plus, it turned into a fun bonding experience for both of us. Annabelle, 38

We tried a warm bath 

When my baby seemed extra uncomfortable, a warm bath often did the trick. I’d gently swirl the water around his belly and sometimes even lay a warm washcloth across his tummy. The combination of warmth and relaxation seemed to help ease the gas and settle him down. Yvonne, 35 

We used gripe water 

I had gotten gripe water as part of a newborn kit, and gave it a try one day. I gave him a small amount as directed, and moments later, the crying started to ease. He even let out a burp, which felt like a victory. Bianca, 35 

I fed him before he got super hungry 

My lactation consultant suggested paying attention to my baby’s cues and feeding him before he got too hungry. When she observed us, she felt like he was gulping too quickly, and that was contributing to gas buildup. So I began really watching him, noticed he would do this little mouth-opening motion, and that became my signal to feed him—even if it wasn’t exactly on schedule. Responding to his cues ended up working so much better for both of us than sticking to a strict feeding routine and seemed to stave off the endless crying sessions. Robin, 37 

We put tummy time in the routine 

Tummy time, about 30 minutes after eating, worked wonders for us. I started when my baby was about 8 weeks old since, before that, he’d fall asleep right after eating. The tummy time helped him burp or pass gas, which made him calmer and led to longer, more restful naps. He especially loved doing tummy time in front of a mirror—it was his favorite spot! Amina, 29 

We used a yoga ball 

My yoga ball became my go-to for soothing my newborn. I’d gently bounce for about 20 minutes—especially when she was really worked up. The movement and being snuggled against me seemed to help. I’d also play loud music, which did wonders to calm me down. Eventually, she’d let out a burp, so I’m convinced the bouncing helped work the gas out of her system. Sarah, 29

I asked friends for advice 

After a day of nonstop crying, a new mom friend gave me gas drops. I called our pediatrician to see if it was OK, and got the OK to try. A few minutes later, my son emitted the loudest fart I had ever heard. Best sound ever. Gas drops quickly earned a permanent spot in our diaper bag. Gabby, 34

I changed bottles 

After what felt like endless trial and error, we switched to a slow-flow bottle with an anti-colic vent. It made a huge difference. He stopped gulping as much air during feedings, and I noticed he wasn’t as fussy afterward. Cheyenne, 34

I tweaked my diet 

My newborn was very fussy after every feed, and burping only helped him minimally. My lactation consultant recommended tweaking my diet—especially focusing on my caffeine and dairy intake. I ended up cutting out caffeine entirely and drastically reduced dairy. That did the trick. For me, keeping a food journal of what I ate and subsequent behaviors was helpful in the early days. My son is now 2 and doesn’t have any allergies, but there were definitely foods he was very sensitive to as an infant, so it was worth it to pay extra attention. Denise, 38 

Two top products to try:

1. Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water Made with organic ginger and fennel, Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water can help gently settle tiny tummies and is safe for babies 2 weeks and up. Its trusted formula has been used by moms for over 25 years and is free from added sugar, colors, alcohol and the top nine allergens. You can give your infant this herbal supplement with the included syringe or in an empty slow-flow bottle to soothe your baby from occasional fussiness or stomach discomfort.

Shop now: Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water

2. Mommy’s Bliss Gas Relief Drops Made with simethicone, these gas drops help break up bubbles in baby’s tummy within minutes. This gentle formula is Clean Label Project Verified, and contains no dyes, artificial colors or flavors. With a sweet (sugar-free) taste, the liquid is easy to measure and give to baby orally with the included syringe or mixed with formula or breastmilk in a bottle.

Shop now: Mommy’s Bliss Baby Gas Relief Drops

How to Comfort Kids and Babies with a Fever

Fever. It’s the one common symptom that every parent inevitably faces, and in most cases, it’s not a sign of anything serious. But as parents who worry, everything feels big when our little ones are sick. And all that really matters is making them feel “all better” as quickly as we can. While most fevers are harmless and caused by mild infections, it’s important to be prepared and know the signs. Let’s tackle this together with facts and treatments to get babies and kids back on track and parents back to breathing a sigh of relief. When their fever breaks – we all feel “all better.”


A fever usually means the body is fighting an illness and your little one’s immune system is working correctly. If your baby or child has a fever, it most likely means they’ve gotten a virus, or some other possible infection and their little body is fighting it.

What’s normal?

A normal temperature can range from about 97 to 100.3 F while most doctors consider a rectal temperature of 100.4 F or higher to be a fever. It’s never a bad idea to take your little one’s temperature when they’re well to gain some context. And as always, it’s important to monitor and help comfort your little ones until the fever breaks. If your child has a fever, it’s essential to know the signs and know when to seek medical care.

How to comfort a feverish baby or kid…

  • Try a cool towel and put it on their back or neck. You might even get a smile.
  • Give them a lukewarm bath. It’s good for the fever and it just feels nice.
  • Offer lots of fluids. Even though your child may resist, try water, juice, milk, or even popsicles for older kids to add some fun and color. For babies, try to offer the breast or bottle more often, as a fever can cause dehydration.
  • Keep them dressed in light, cool clothes
  • Acetaminophen can help provide relief. We recommend Mommy’s Bliss NEW Infants’ and Children’s Acetaminophen to reduce fever and ease body aches.

Be sure to check your little one’s temperature after administering the above.

Call the doc if your little one…

  • Is under 3 months.
  • Has a fever over 102 and is 3 months old or older (especially if they are under 2 years old)
  • Is unusually lethargic, not responsive or has problems breathing or eating
  • Has a rash
  • Shows signs of dehydration, such as fewer wet diapers, a dry mouth, no tears when they cry, or a sunken soft spot on the head
  • Is vomiting or has longer term diarrhea
  • Is unusually sleepy or fussy
  • Has had a fever for more than 72 hours

Keep NEW Mommy’s Bliss Infants’ and Children’s Acetaminophen handy for pain and fever relief. This is the first-ever Clean Label Project Certified acetaminophen, and it’s what we give our own family to ease our little ones and quickly reduce their fever. Feels good to know we’re in this together. We call it Medicine for Peace of Mind.


Mommy’s Bliss Parents

Caring for baby’s cute little teeth. Sink your teeth into some real How-Tos…

How to care for baby’s adorable little newborn teeth? Spoiler alert…it’s never too early to start...teeth or not! For starters, good tooth care begins with great gum care. Before those baby teeth appear, amidst cheers and awe, and photo ops, the gums are bursting with readiness and pain. It’s a notoriously tough time for babies and the grouchies are likely to follow. Wouldn’t you be grouchy if your gums were inflamed, and you didn’t know why? Rhetorical. And by the way, asking baby if their gums ache is like talking to a newborn. But you can ease their hard-working tender gums with Mommy’s Bliss Little Gums Soothing Massage Gel. Just a drop of this magical gel with organic chamomile and vanilla on the tip of mommy’s finger for a mini massage and it’s smiles all around. Yes, this one won the 2023 Innovation Award...all those tiny gums can’t be wrong. Couple our Massage Gel with our new Soothing Oral Tablets to calm teething babies. This is literally the dream team that works better together to help tackle teething.

Once those pearly wonders burst onto baby’s scene (or even before they do), let’s talk about how to take the very best care of them and set them up for future dental success. You’ve got questions…as you should.

When do I start brushing baby’s teeth?

Believe it or not, you can begin brushing baby’s gums before the first tooth appears. Simply run a soft infant toothbrush or clean, damp washcloth over little gums to remove harmful bacteria. As soon as baby has their first tooth, let the brushing begin – twice a day…even if it’s just that lone first pearly white. Talk with your doctor or dentist about toothpaste options and what they recommend. This is also the perfect time to schedule your baby’s first dental appointment to get them accustomed to visits – after the first tooth or on baby’s first birthday – whichever comes first. Typically, the first teeth to come in are the lower front teeth and most children will usually have all their baby teeth by age three. But don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal for some babies not to have a single tooth at their first birthday party. Normally, around 3 months old, you’ll notice baby exploring the world with their mouth, increased saliva and putting their hands in their mouths is all normal. The first tooth usually appears around 6 months old. As soon as baby’s teeth start touching, start flossing. Gently, of course. When your child is old enough, teach them to spit out the excess toothpaste and continue to watch them so they aren’t swallowing the toothpaste! Brush alongside them as a perfect example of how it’s done. Look at mommy’s pearly whites…healthy habits begin by example.

What if my baby refuses to open their mouths for brushing (We’ve been there)

Babies can be insistent – especially if gums are sore. The last thing baby wants is mom or dad getting close to brush or massage. If two grown-ups are available, the knee-to-knee approach works great. Place your child’s head in your lap while the other holds your child and chats with them, sings or distracts them if they’re upset. Try saying “uh oh” and open your mouth really wide and your little one may mimic you. Silly, but it works! You can also gently place a finger between the back gums to carefully hold mouth open for brushing. Brush gently but swiftly before they catch on. Hoping this blog finds you and your little one happy, healthy, and finding your way on your breastfeeding journey. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, so settle in, pump on, give yourself some grace, and enjoy the ride, if possible. You got this! And if you don’t...that’s ok too. Never forget – this is hard – and you’re amazing.

Can babies get tooth decay?

Believe it or not, even babies can get tooth decay. Putting a baby to sleep with a bottle can harm teeth thanks to the sugar in juice, formula or milk that lingers on baby’s teeth for hours. This sugar can eat away at tooth enamel leading to “bottle mouth” or “baby bottle tooth decay.” When this happens, baby’s teeth could get discolored, pocked or pitted, cavities may form and in severe cases, these teeth may need to be pulled. No baby (or mama) wants that! When kids are 6 months old, switch from a bottle to a sippy cup with a straw or a hard spout to prevent liquid from pooling around teeth.

What else should I know?

If your baby is fussy, gums are red and tender and they are drooling (more than usual), it’s likely teething. Massaging gums with clean fingers and Mommy’s Bliss Little Gums Soothing Massage Gel and add our new dissolvable Soothing Oral Tablets to calm upset teethers. This dynamic duo works wonders, as does a solid cold-filled teething ring, cold washcloths or a teething biscuit (be sure to keep a close watch with this one to avoid a choking hazard). If baby is still upset or uncomfortable, reach out to your pediatrician to ask if a weight-appropriate dose of acetaminophen or, if over 6 months, ibuprofen, would be helpful. Try to avoid teething products with benzocaine. The FDA has issued warnings against it due to potential side effects. With a few helpful pointers, and our award-winning gum massage gel, it’s easy to care for tiny new teeth, sore gums, and to teach baby good habits from the get-go. Healthy, pearly whites and a calm baby are such a sweet reward. The tooth fairy would be proud of both of you. Smiles all around. 

July Baby Innovation Awardsx

Baby milestones and the must-haves to get them there

Babies go through so many changes and milestones in their first year. It’s exciting and usually adorable, but each new chapter brings new needs and new concerns and so many not-so-adorable moments. Let’s talk about how to make transitions easier for baby and mom with a few little essentials that make a world of difference. Let’s talk about Mommy’s Bliss blissentials and what you’ll need every step of the way.

Digestive Development

Babies’ digestive systems develop so much in that first year. Between learning how to digest milk, then pureed food, then onto solids, it’s a lot for tiny tummies to process. Keep Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops on hand, and stock up on a goldmine of goodness with the world’s most studied single strain probiotic that keeps baby’s gut full of “good bacteria” supporting their ability to digest food, and absorb vitamins. Happy belly. Happy baby.

Sore Gums

Oh, those tiny tender little gums. If baby could tell you they ache, they most certainly would. And sore gums can make even the calmest of babies feel cranky. When baby’s cranky…everyone’s cranky. Ease the soreness as they transition through this phase with Mommy’s Bliss Little Gums Soothing Massage Gel. It’s gentle and safe for teething babies, and features organic ingredients such as chamomile and vanilla for daytime and lemon balm and passionflower for nighttime. Just one drop massaged onto baby’s gums with mommy’s finger, and tears turn to smiles…on the spot.

Sleep Changes and Regression 

Sleep - that elusive luxury…for both of you, may seem out of reach during transition time as baby deals with so much newness.  Just when you had a routine figured out – voila – it changes again. It’s normal, but exhausting. Mommy’s Bliss Bedtime Drops can get baby back on track with organic chamomile, passionflower and lemon balm to promote calm, restful sleep, while simultaneously providing immunity support that will help mom rest easy. And when baby’s calm and peaceful, it’s pj time for mom. 

When you prep for each milestone, it’s easier to keep baby happy and less rattled along the way. From the first tooth to that first bite of solid food, these are the moments to be treasured. Enjoy the changes that come and come and come. Mommy’s Bliss - and our baby essentials - is along for all of it. 


Vitamin D for Babies: The Comprehensive Guide

There’s so much information out there for babies! What they need. What they don’t. How much? How little? We get it. Let’s start with the all-important letter...Vitamin D. Read on for the full A-Z on D...and why it’s so essential for your little one.

Vitamin D:

First and foremost, Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium, something all babies need for strong bones and growth. Little bodies also need D for brain development and overall immune system health. But let’s answer your questions about when, why, and how much...

What if I’m breastfeeding?

Infants who are exclusively breastfed are at a higher risk for a Vitamin D deficiency. Not enough can result in rickets, a softening and weakening of the bones, and a higher risk for bone fractures later on. And since sun exposure (where we get so much Vitamin D) isn’t recommended for babies, supplements are the best way to be sure they’re getting what they need. That’s why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 400 IU of vitamin D daily for breastfed babies to promote healthy growth.

When should I start breastfeeding?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends adding Vitamin D as early as the first few days after birth. And babies should continue to receive 400 (IU) daily until age 1. A dedicated Vitamin D supplement is one of the best ways to ensure they receive the full recommended amount until they are old enough to receive it from diet and/or formula alone.

When will babies get Vitamin D on their own?

Once the baby is old enough to get a full dose of Vitamin D from the diet, including solids like tuna, salmon, eggs and cheese, whole milk, or from a big dose of sunshine (with SPF, of course), they won’t need to take an extra vitamin. Until then, a supplement is essential and an easy way to support healthy growth and development.

Do I need to add Vitamin D if I’m using a fortified formula?

All infant formulas provide the required amount of Vitamin D as a regulation requirement, but it typically requires consuming 32 ounces (or approximately 1 Liter) of formula every day. Since many formula-fed babies are not consuming that much in the first few months, ask your pediatrician if an additional Vitamin D boost may be needed.

What if I already take a Vitamin D supplement myself?

Moms can safely supplement 600 IU/day and fortify their breast milk to the necessary requirement but it’s worth a conversation with your doctor to see if this is a valid option.

Does Mommy’s Bliss have Vitamin D I can easily give to my baby?

We’re so glad you asked, and the answer is a blissful, resounding “yes”! Our Organic Vitamin D drops contain 400 IU per one-drop serving and have zero additives, chemicals, or artificial flavoring. Each drop is made of only two simple ingredients: high-quality Vitamin D3 and organic fractionated coconut oil (aka MCT oil) as a carrier to help with absorption. Just one little, easy-to-administer drop is all you need to be certain the baby is getting what they need. “This is the perfect solution to giving babies the Vitamin D they need without all the stuff they don't need…this is so easy and she doesn't even notice! “ Jess A. It’s easy to add Vitamin D, and the peace of mind is priceless. Definitely add a D and subtract the worry that comes with being a new mom to such a precious, ever-changing little bundle.

8 New Baby Essentials - Must-have products for the first 6 months

Babies are (very) unpredictable and sometimes gripes, tummy troubles and achy little gums kick in at 2 am – aka, not our dream time for an errand. When baby hurts, we hurt too. So, stock up and keep on hand these new baby essentials for the first 6 months.

1. Gripe Water Original & Gripe Water Night Time

There’s a reason Gripe Water has been our #1 bestseller for over 20 years – actually, there are three reasons...gas, colic, and fussiness. All those calmed tiny tummies can’t be wrong. Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water soothes and relieves with organic fennel and ginger, a combination that’s been used for ages to calm colicky babies.* Gripe Water Night Time adds chamomile, lemon balm and passionflower to the mix, nudging baby to sleep by soothing discomfort and inviting a restful night's sleep*. “A must-have for every new mom! Your Night Time Gripe Water will be included in every baby shower gift from now on. This stuff is fabulous.”- Melody. Mom and Awesome Baby Shower Gift-Giver.

    2. Gum Massage Gel

    Tender sore gums call for tender loving care in a mild, sweet vanilla and chamomile organic gel for day or a comforting organic lemon balm and passionflower gel for night. Just a drop on your finger of Organic Little Gums Massage Gel to sweetly massage away baby’s tenderness and put a smile where a frown used to be. “These gels were a life-saver...this stuff works great!” Latisha – Mom, and Gum Massage guru.

    3. Multivitamin + Iron

    Even the best-fed baby can benefit from a thoughtful multivitamin. Just one serving of our Baby Multivitamin + Iron is high in iron for immune support and healthy development,* plus provides 100% daily values of vitamins C, D3, E, B1, B2, and B6, so you never have to doubt your newborn’s nourishment.

    4. Digital Thermometer

    … Not the forehead kind. It’s recommended that parents take their kiddo’s temperature rectally until the age of three, for the most accurate results. Of course, clean the end with rubbing alcohol or soap and water before and after every use.

    5. Petroleum Jelly

    Nervous about the whole rectal thermometer thing? Apply a dab of petroleum jelly to the tip of the thermometer to make it easy to insert. Petroleum jelly is also a top-notch baby-friendly moisturizer, great for keeping scrapes, dry skin, and diaper rash well-lubricated, which speeds healing.

    6. Cool-Mist Humidifier

    The cool, moist air from a humidifier helps to gently thin out nose-stuffing gunk, making it one of the safest and most natural ways to ease congestion. (Warm-air humidifiers work, too, but steam can cause burns, so it’s best to avoid those around newborns.)

    7. Saline Nasal Drops

    Unlike steroid nasal sprays that grown-ups may use to tackle drippy allergy-infested noses, babies only need a med-free saline nasal solution, like our Saline Drops. The saltwater solution dilutes nasal mucus, in a safe and gentle way to relieve congestion.

    8. Nasal Aspirator

    Since stuffed-up infants can’t blow their teeny noses yet, you’ll want to gently suction out mucus buildup with a soft nasal aspirator (AKA bulb syringe). A couple of quick squeezes can help your congested baby breathe more easily. (If you’re using nasal drops, use the aspirator afterward, so you can suck out any loosened snot.)

    Stay Prepared! - Stock Baby Essentials

    Keep these new baby essentials handy so you don’t run out! Prepare for the fussiest before they happen and you may never go to the drugstore in your bathrobe again. You got this mama!

    How to Ease Baby Eczema - Day and Night

    Ohhhh, baby’s skin. That kissable, squeezable, soft, smooth deliciousness. Where do you think the phrase “soft as a baby’s bottom” was born? So, when common culprits like Eczema, rashes, and other itchiness strike delicate skin, we want to get baby comfortable again as soon as motherly possible. Let's cover how to ease baby Eczema, anytime of day. It’s tough to see your baby in pain or discomfort with red, itchy, irritated skin. So, let’s put skin concerns to sleep or give baby a fuss-free day with some helpful hints from our moms who’ve been there.

    Preventative Tips for Eczema:

    • Be wary of irritants like laundry or bath soap or rough, scratchy clothes.
    • Be mindful of heat and sweat which can cause skin to stay moist and stir up discomfort as can extremely dry skin, especially during winter.
    • -Remember, allergens from cow’s milk or certain foods can certainly cause outbreaks.

    What to do?

    Eczema at Daytime:

    • Steer clear of any known allergens and try to keep baby cool on hot days and warm on cold ones.
    • Try to keep baby’s mind off their itchies with toys, books, songs or even their favorite age-appropriate snacks. If they’re picking up cheerios with both hands, they’ve got zero hands left to itch with. Mom math.
    • Apply moisturizer with colloidal oatmeal, shea butter, and olive oil to provide some “ahhh” and keep skin protected all day.
    • For flare-ups or trouble spots, try a spot treatment with colloidal oatmeal formula.

    Eczema at Nighttime:

    • Use a mild baby soap and lukewarm water to help soothe skin and gently pat baby dry. Distract baby with toys and sweet music.
    • The National Eczema Association suggests moisturizing baby’s skin within 3 minutes of bath time to help lock-in moisture. Apply a night time body lotion with aloe and ceramide to replenish moisture and lock it in so baby stays hydrated (and hopefully resting) all night
    • How to dress baby with eczema at night? Dress baby in loose, cool, cotton pj’s so skin can breathe.
    • Use a humidifier in baby’s room to help keep skin hydrated.
    • Sing and read stories to make them forget all about it...and feel all better.
    • And because skin issues are often more than skin deep, try a probiotic like Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops to help balance baby’s skin from the inside out with a clinically studied probiotic strain.* It’s important to reach for both topicals and probiotics for complete skin health and blissful, happy skin.

    Mommy knows best and the best thing for baby is luscious, itch-free skin. With our Complete Skin Support System, Eczema doesn’t stand a chance. Don’t mess with a Mommy on a mission.

    When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night?

    Sleep. Mommy’s most blissful word. So begs the question...

    When do babies start sleeping through the night?

    Babies typically start sleeping through the night between 3-6 months of age. However, this can vary depending on the baby and their individual development. It's important to note that sleeping through the night means different things for different age ranges. Newborns generally sleep in short, frequent bursts throughout the day and night, with periods of wakefulness for feeding and diaper changes. As they grow, they may start to consolidate their sleep into longer stretches at night. By three months, some babies may sleep for 5-6 hour stretches at night, and by six months, many are capable of sleeping through the night without waking for feedings. It's important to note that some babies may take longer to sleep through the night, and others may regress and wake up more frequently during growth spurts or developmental milestones. Additionally, there are a number of factors that can affect a baby's sleep patterns, including their individual temperament, feeding habits, and sleep environment. It's essential to work with your pediatrician to establish healthy sleep habits and to ensure that your baby is getting the sleep they need to support their growth and development. As any new parent knows, sleep can be a challenging topic. Even when your little one is seemingly on track, so many things can throw off the bliss…travel, teething, sickness, or the impending time change. And one size definitely doesn’t fit all when it comes to advice so let’s see which sleep tips work for you and your little one. Asap, if not sooner.

    Some tips for helping put a baby to sleep are:

    • Set up a bedtime routine so baby knows what’s coming.
    • Try a warm bath to relax before bed. 
    • Get baby’s room ready for sleep - darkness, a soothing sound machine, a comfortable sleep temp (between 68-72 degrees).
    • Swaddle. Nothing is more cozy.  
    • Avoid letting baby get over tired. Sometimes that can backfire.  
    When a baby’s routine is thrown off due to travel, time change or the classic “sleep regression”, try Mommy’s Bliss Organic Bedtime Drops for babies 4 months +. In addition to promoting restful sleep, these little droplets of wonder also support immune health so both your days and nights feel better.   The sooner the baby gets to sleep, the mommy gets to sleep.  

    Top 4 Baby Essentials - A Mom's Toolkit

    For something so small, it’s amazing how many things babies need…or possibly don’t. Let’s talk about the must-haves that matter for baby’s immunity, and mommy’s peace of mind, and ensure baby is growing strong, healthy, and happy. So read on to add peace of mind to your list and be certain you’ve got just what you (and baby need) to grow, change, and thrive. Mommy’s Bliss Essentials Checklist – “essential” is right in the name. You might want to save this…

    1. Baby Vitamin D drops:

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 400 IU of Vitamin D daily for breastfed babies for strong bones and healthy growth**. Just one drop daily of Mommy’s Bliss Organic Vitamin D Drops –done. They might not even blink. “This is the perfect solution to giving babies that extra Vitamin D they need without all the stuff they don’t. This is so easy.” Jess A.

    2. Baby Multi-vitamin + Iron:

    Essential (there’s that word again) vitamins for healthy growth put baby’s development first and foremost. Mommy’s Bliss Baby Multivitamin + Iron is easy to use and contains 100% daily value of no less than six vitamins, including C, D3, and E. Did we mention it has a yummy grape flavor? “The baby multivitamin with iron is easy to use and the baby had no problem taking it. I like that it is made with 70% organic ingredients.” Jess

    3. Baby Probiotic Drops:

    Pure and simple, support baby’s gut with the “good bacteria” that help their ability to digest food, absorb vitamins, and develop the strong immune systems they need as they grow *. Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops Everyday are made with Pure Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG, the world’s most-studied single-strain probiotic, and is safe to use from day one. “Works like a charm! Helped my little one's slow digestive system so much.” Naynay419

    4. Elderberry Drops:

    A baby’s immune system is constantly developing, and keeping immunity in mind early promotes health for a long time down the road. Mommy’s Bliss Organic Baby Elderberry Drops combines high-quality, organic elderberry with the additional immunity support of echinacea, Vitamin C, and zinc for a great-tasting way to safeguard y our baby from the get-go. * “I bought this for my 9-month-old granddaughter ...what a great product. Will buy it again. ” Nana Before our very eyes...babies grow up so fast. It’s beautiful, and unique and leaves us wondering if we’re doing all we can to foster this. Mommy’s Bliss has taken the worry out of the wonder with the essentials you (and baby) need. Feels good to know you’re doing amazing. Carry on mama, you truly do have this.

    4 Tips for Soothing Baby Eczema

    Baby eczema is really common, occurring in at least one out of every ten children. It’s difficult to see your baby in pain or discomfort with red, itchy and irritated skin. Baby's skin can be especially delicate and sensitive, so it’s hard to know what and what not to try. Check out these go-to steps to keep your little one comfortable.

    Recognize and avoid the following triggers:

    • Irritants like laundry soaps, bath soaps, and scratchy or rough clothing.
    • Heat and sweat cause the skin to stay moist.
    • Allergens from cow’s milk or certain foods.
    • Extreme dry skin, especially during winter.

    Gear up, clear up! Here are some routines and items that can help clear baby eczema:

    1. Use mild baby soap and lukewarm baths to help soothe the skin. Pat baby dry after a bath.
    2. Use a humidifier in the baby’s room to keep skin hydrated.
    3. Apply moisturizers to keep skin hydrated daily. When baby eczema flare-ups arise, try a spot treatment with colloidal oatmeal to quickly relieve dry skin.
    4. Try a probiotic, like Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops, to help balance baby’s skin from the inside out with a clinically studied probiotic strain.

    You know better than anyone that your baby’s skin is delicate and sensitive. With a few tips and products, you can keep your little one’s irritated skin or eczema in control -- and yourself stress-free.

    The Sleep Struggle Is Real

    Ask any parent what makes the biggest difference in their lives, and you’ll likely hear the same answer: good sleep. Besides making the whole family happier and less stressed, good sleep is crucial for your child. Getting the right amount of sleep is associated with better memory and increased attention; better regulation of their emotions; and even benefits their physical health. When kids don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis, the problems can be daunting. They can have trouble learning, start having behavioral challenges, and experience health problems you’d more commonly expect in adults, like hypertension and depression. But when you’re in the trenches dealing with a child who’s having trouble with sleep—and causing you to be sleep deprived yourself—it can be really, really frustrating. All that hard work you did back when they were a baby (I still remember the heartbreaking cries of my own when we did sleep training) seems like it’s gone out the window. The first step to getting back on track is to make sure you know what the right amount of sleep is for your child—and the signs that they may not be getting it.

    How much sleep does my child need?

    Of course, every child is different, but here’s a good baseline from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Don’t stress out if they’re not hitting their range every single night, but definitely look for patterns if you’re concerned. Newborn to 3 months: 14 to 17 hours 3 months to 1 year: 12 to 16 hours (including naps) 1 to 3 years: 10 to 14 hours (including naps) 3 to 5 years: 10 to 13 hours (including naps) 6 to 12 years: 9 to 12 hours

    What are the signs my child isn’t getting enough sleep?

    Next, look for these common signs that your child isn’t getting enough shut-eye.

    For babies & toddlers

    • They’re cranky, whiny, or fussy regularly, especially in the late afternoon
    • They’re acting especially clingy
    • They’re more fidgety or antsy than usual
    • They’re more quiet than usual
    • They wake up groggy
    • They fall asleep during short car rides
    • They’re snoring

    For young kids

    • They’re hyperactive
    • They fall asleep at inappropriate times
    • You have to wake them up several times each morning
    • Their attention span has decreased
    • They’re having problems with their schoolwork or homework
    • They have trouble falling asleep at night
    • They start having night terrors or sleepwalking
    • They’re snoring loudly
    • They’re anxious about being separated from you (day and night)

    The good news is you can get your kid back on the good sleep track, and our 7 Tips for Bedtime Bliss is a great place to start. If your child needs extra support from time to time when your sleep plan is thrown off, our Kids Sleep Gummies, Kids Sleep Liquid, and Chewables can help. They contain our own special blend of melatonin plus calming herbs to help reset your child’s “sleep clock” and bring bliss back to bedtime.

    3 Surprising Ways to Grow a Baby's Immunity

    When you have a newborn, the world suddenly looks a lot germier. You load up on sanitizing wipes and sprays and tuck them in all your bags and the seat pockets of your car. But here’s the thing: All the wipes in the world won’t change the fact that your little one will still get the occasional cough and sniffles as her immune system develops. You can’t keep germs away forever, but you can help build up your baby’s immunity with a few humble helpers.

    1. Prebiotics

    Research has long suggested that a healthy immune system stems from a healthy gut. We all have a community of microorganisms, known as our microbiome, that calls our digestive system home. It’s a delicate balance of different types of bacteria, and it’s there to keep us healthy. At least 70 percent of your immune system is in your gut, research finds. A baby’s microbiome is still developing, so promoting beneficial gut flora is key to building immunity. Hello, prebiotics. Think of these as the food that feeds probiotics, the good bacteria necessary for gut and immune health (more on that below). Prebiotics are carbohydrates your body can’t digest. Instead, they move through the stomach to the lower GI tract, where good bacteria feed on them and thrive. Prebiotics are found in high-fiber foods such as onions, chicory root, asparagus, dandelion greens, artichokes, and under-ripe bananas. Babies aren’t eating these foods yet, but once your baby’s 4 months old, you can give him a daily supplement containing prebiotics. Our Organic Baby Elderberry Drops include prebiotics in the form of inulin, derived from Jerusalem artichokes, as well as immune-supporting elderberry and zinc.

    2. Probiotics

    Probiotics are, as mentioned, friendly bacteria that help promote and restore our microbiome’s balance and our immune system’s strength. You can find these in fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, and pickles (again, not on a newborn’s menu), but you can also get them in supplements. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are two of the most well-recognized strains. Our Baby Probiotic Drops contain pure Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, the world’s most-studied single-strain probiotic, delivering 1 billion cells per serving—without sugar, dairy, artificial flavors, or colors.

    3. Vitamin D

    Chances are you’ve heard some buzz about vitamin D and immune health. Research has shown that this vitamin bolsters immune health against nasty bacteria and viruses (which include those occasional coughs and sniffles), and a deficiency of vitamin D is linked to increased infections, autoimmune issues, and allergies. The body doesn’t make vitamin D. We can only get it from our foods, sunlight, and supplements. Supplementation is especially important for breastfeeding infants because breast milk lacks vitamin D, infants aren’t yet eating a variety of foods, and it’s best for them to avoid direct sunlight. That's why we made Baby Vitamin D Organic Drops, which promote healthy growth and bone development with 400 IU of liquid vitamin D in just one drop. Our Baby Multivitamin + Iron also contains 400 IU of vitamin D, along with vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, folate, and iron, covering your little one’s nutritional bases while providing immune support. While your baby may still get occasional coughs and sniffles, take heart: The habits you’re starting with your little one now will help him develop his immune system for the long haul. That’s nothing to sneeze at! So give your baby's immunity an edge as early as possible.

    Q&A: Can My Newborn See Me?

    We have the pleasure of speaking with one of the experts on the Mommy’s Bliss team, Dr. Smita Malhotra. Dr. Smita is a pediatrician and mom who talks to a lot of newborn parents. We asked her to share some of the common questions she gets and how she responds.

    Can my newborn see me?

    The short answer is, yes! The longer answer is a little more complex. As a rule, newborns can only see about 8-to-12 inches in front of them. That's why breastfeeding is such a bonding experience. When your newborn is breastfeeding, your faces are the perfect distance from each other so he can stay fixated on you. Anything beyond 12 inches is a big blur. Newborns mostly see in black, white, and shades of gray; color vision doesn’t develop until a bit later in babyhood (along with their ability to see farther and farther away). Something else that’s interesting about newborns is that they have a very keen and distinct sense of smell, and they can always smell their mom (or whoever carried them), even if she’s on the other side of the room. A lot of dads have a hard time feeding their newborn a bottle if the birth mom is nearby; the baby knows there’s breast milk right there! And when moms are trying to wean from breast to bottle, I tell them to leave the room or leave the house so the baby can’t tell they’re around.” For more Q&As with our experts, follow us on instagram or facebook.

    When Fussy Baby Means a Tender Tummy - Gas or Colic

    When you become a parent, it can come as a surprise that “mind reader” is part of the job description. When your baby’s fussiness can’t be connected to hunger, a dirty diaper, or being overtired, it’s most likely gas or colic. Which one? And what to do? Here’s your fussy-baby cheat sheet.

    Is it colic?

    Babies with colic have regular fussy periods, usually between 6:00 p.m. and midnight. What makes colic, colic, is that it’s exceedingly tough to calm your baby and the crying lasts and lasts. At its peak, crying can go on for three grueling hours. Yikes. You can help by doing this:

    • Wear your baby. The gentle bump-bump-bump of being walked while nestled in a baby carrier can be a great soother. The combo of close contact and motion does the trick.

    • Swaddle up. A safe, tight swaddle is comforting for newborns because it reminds them of the close quarters of the womb.

    • Try an old-school approach. Parents have been using gripe water for colic since the way-way back of the 1800s. While the formulas of yesteryear featured alcohol (oops!), today’s are a mix of sodium bicarbonate (AKA baking soda) and baby-safe herbs like ginger and fennel, historically known to help soothe a sensitive stomach. Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water is free of alcohol, added sugar, and artificial flavors and colors. And our ginger and fennel are organic. Ahem.

    Is it gas?

    Babies are full of toots and burps, thanks to a still-developing digestive system and a habit of gulping air while feeding and crying. If you notice your baby is squirming and pulling their legs up, she’s probably trying to relieve gas pains. You can help by doing this:

    • Mimic baby’s moves. Help your baby pump their own gas out by laying them flat on their back and moving their legs in a bicycling motion.

    • Try gas drops. Ask your pediatrician about gas drops containing simethicone, a baby-safe medication that breaks down gas bubbles, making them easier to pass. Look for a gentle formula, like Mommy’s Bliss Gas Relief Drops, which is 100% free of sugar, alcohol, and artificial flavors or colors.

    • Feed differently. Tilt your baby’s bottle at an angle so the entire nipple is filled with milk —not air bubbles — and be sure their little head is higher than their stomach. Using powdered formula? Let bubbles settle post-shake before feeding.

    Good luck, and, if it’s time for Gripe Water Night Time or Organic Gripe Water Gel Night Time, good night!

    Keeping Healthy Habits for Babies - 4 Tips

    Immunity’s on our minds most of the time these days. By now, we all know the drill: wash hands often, for 20 seconds at a time, with enough soap and water to clean every inch. Eat a balanced diet rich in a variety of whole, healthy foods. Drink water. Get plenty of sleep. Making these everyday habits a practice goes a long way toward keeping us feeling well, and full of the energy we need to enjoy each other. These are also great ways to keep our babies healthy. A lot of their development is amazing to watch — they get taller and bigger, their faces come into focus, and their emerging personalities start showing us who they are. But they’re also developing in ways we can’t see, like their continuously evolving immune systems, which can use all the support we can give.

    1. Practice Clean

    Wash your baby’s hands when you wash yours: before and after meals, when coming home from outside, and after playtime. Handwashing can be a fun and nurturing part of your mealtime rituals, and the more it’s a matter of course now, the less you’ll have to teach (or nag) about it later.

    2. Sleep Steady

    The body does much of its most important work while we sleep, so rest is a crucial component of immunity support. If you don’t already have a sleep routine that works for you and your baby, now’s the time to build one (perhaps starting with these tips for bedtime bliss). We’re living through times of unprecedented chronic stress, which are even more impactful for those of us who were already dealing with the health effects of societal imbalances. If you’re struggling to keep sleep on track for yourself and your family, try some suggestions from sleep expert Nicole Cannon.

    3. Get Moving

    Work some kind (any kind!) of movement into your days. Exercise, be it yoga, strength training, walking around the block, or dancing in the kitchen, can lift our moods while it lifts our immunity. Being stuck in the house for a while has emphasized the value of a little fresh air, but it’s harder to get out in the winter. This means that most of us can use a vitamin D supplement, babies included. Our Baby Vitamin D Organic Drops are safe for newborns, and just one drop a day provides 400 IU of vitamin D.

    4. Keep Help Handy

    Even while keeping up all these healthy habits, sometimes your baby might need a little extra support. Our variety of probiotics are ready for your newborn’s intestinal and immune systems from day one. Try Baby Probiotics + Vitamin D to support bone development, or Probiotic Drops + Colic Support to help with fussiness and tummy troubles from colic. Our Organic Baby Elderberry Drops are a great option for bonus immune support, with organic Black Elderberry, prebiotics, zinc, and organic echinacea. There are many paths to well-being, so always check with your pediatrician as you try what resonates with you and works for your wee one.

    Immunity Support for Baby: 6 Easy Tips

    The snuggles. The cries. The first smile. You’re there for your baby every step of the way. Every fiber of a parent’s being is geared toward making your baby happy, healthy, and comfortable. When your baby doesn’t feel well, seeing them suffer is the worst! The saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” strikes true here. Get ahead of the curve by supporting babys immunity early with these easy yet trusted tips.

    Get Fresh Air and Sunshine

    Doctors have long been recommending that infants get at least 30 minutes of fresh air and sunlight per day. In 1884, Dr. Luther Emmett advocated “airing babies to promote robust health. We can get Vitamin D from foods or supplements and our body can make it from sunlight. We also know that oxygen-rich fresh air clears lungs and energizes bodies. Taking a walk near some trees before 10 a.m. is calming for both baby and parent and supports healthy immune function. Make sure to dress your baby in as many layers as you would wear, plus one; this could be as simple as keeping a blanket with you.

    Give Them a Multivitamin

    When our bodies don’t have enough vitamins and minerals, our immunity doesn’t function as well as it could. You can get ahead of the deficit by trying Mommy’s Bliss Organic Multivitamin at 2 months of age. Its a daily organic supplement that provides essential vitamins for baby's optimal nutrition, healthy growth, and bone development. Its certified USDA Organic, made from real-food, and contains 5 essential vitamins: A, B, C, D, and E. Always consult a pediatrician before adding supplements to your baby’s diet.

    Keep Them Hydrated

    Babies and children have a greater risk of dehydration, because their bodies contain a higher proportion of water than adult bodies; they use more water during activity; and their kidneys aren’t fully developed. Staying hydrated helps their little bodies process toxins. Infants get hydration from milk, but once they start eating solids, transition to offering milk with foods and eventually water.

    Wash Hands From The Start

    Believe it or not, babies hands need to be washed as often as adults are. Maybe even more often, since they're exploring everythingincluding all the icky things. (Eek! Don’t touch that!) You don't want to go overboard, but wash their hands whenever you wash your own: after you change their diaper (think of the germs on a changing table!) and before eating. Use soap and warm water, rubbing hands gently for 20-30 secondsas long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday twiceand rinse well.

    Try Elderberry for Immunity

    A baby’s immune system is in a constant state of development, and if you’re anything like us as parents, you want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your baby healthy. Our Organic Elderberry Drops are designed for babies 4 months and up, to support their immunity with a baby-friendly blend of organic herbs, extracts, prebiotics, and vitamins. Once a day will do it!

    Start a Probiotic Regiment Early

    Probiotics can be started from the time a baby is born, and pediatricians often recommend them. Probiotics help to regulate the immune system by balancing good bacteria in the tummy. These helpful microorganisms potentially reduce the risk of diarrhea. Strengthen your child’s immune system by adding a high-quality probiotic supplement like our Probiotic Drops to their daily intake.

    6 Tips for Soothing Baby

    When your little one has a cough or sniffles, we know it can be scary, especially if you’re a first-time parent. The good news is it’s probably just an occasional cough: babies get between 7 and 8 of them a year! But that doesn’t make their discomfort (and your lack of sleep!) any easier to deal with. Lucky for you, the moms at Mommy’s Bliss have all been there and so we know what works and what doesn’t when you’re trying to make baby feel better. Here are our top six soothing strategies.

    Use a humidifier or cool-mist vaporizer.

    These devices add much-needed moisture to the air in baby’s bedroom, which is especially important in the winter months when heating systems dry out the air even more. These devices help keep those little nasal passages moist. Pro tip: Clean the humidifier or vaporizer regularly (check the instruction manual) to keep mold at bay.

    Fluids, fluids and more fluids.

    Just like us, babies need to stay super hydrated when they’re sick. Here’s why: fluids help to thin their mucus and make it easier for mucus to get out of their little systems. Breast milk and formula are great for the littlest babies. For older babes, you can give them water, juice, or a rehydration drink.

    Steam it out.

    Create your own steam room for baby. Head to the bathroom, shut the door, turn on a hot shower, and sit with them for 10-15 minutes. The steam will help loosen congestion and open up their little nasal passages (Bonus: it’s good for your skin, too!).

    Flush it out.

    A saline mist can help clean and moisturize baby nose helping clear mucus and congestion. Mommy’s Bliss offers Saline Mist which is free from preservatives, parabens, or alcohol.

    Calm and soothe.

    A mentholated chest rub is a good way to ease congestion and soothe sniffles. To calm and soothe your baby safely, try a non-medicated chest rub made with organic essential oils.

    Give an extra dose of love.

    There’s nothing better for them (or you!) than extra hugs and snuggle time. Cuddling will help distract them from their discomfort and help them relax so their bodies can heal faster and better.

    Keeping Baby Healthy

    Not Today, Coughs!

    We’re all extra careful these days to take every possible precaution to keep our families healthy. As the season shifts, it’s even more important to strengthen immunity, especially for your littlest one. Start with these everyday tips to keep healthy habits on point, and, if occasional coughs break through, we’ve got some simple ways to keep comfort close.


    Keeping hands clean is fundamental to keeping everyone healthy. It’s never too early to teach your baby how to wash their hands, so they develop a lifelong good habit. Everyone should give their hands a good long scrub before eating, after using the bathroom, and first thing when returning home from the outside world. This is especially important when your baby’s teething and constantly sticking her hands in her mouth!


    Lack of sleep can lower the body’s immune response, so make sure your little one is getting enough sleep. Babies may need up to 18 hours of sleep and toddlers between 12 and 13 hours. Check with your child’s pediatrician to see how much sleep they should be getting. It can be a lot harder for busy parents to get enough sleep themselves, but … do your best. Laundry and dishes will still be there in the morning.


    You know this one. It’s super important to avoid large gatherings, especially through the winter, when they’re more likely to be indoors without enough ventilation. If you have kids in daycare, they’re regularly in close quarters with others, so it’s even more essential to double up on immunity-perking practices. When handwashing is second nature, hand sanitizer ever-present, and helpful supplements are on hand, you’ve got what you need to stay protected.


    If possible, avoid letting your baby play with objects such as cell phones and car keys, as they can harbor quite a bit of yucky bacteria. Make sure you’re routinely cleaning and sanitizing frequently used surfaces and items like counter tops and all the devices we touch without thinking. And, of course, baby toys can get particularly gross when your little one is teething, so wipe those down routinely. We love Seventh Generation’s botanical disinfecting wipes. They’re safe for baby and super easy to use.


    One of our favorite supplements is black elderberry syrup, which has been used since the time of ancient Greece to support immunity. Our Organic Baby Elderberry Drops include zinc and organic echinacea for added support, and are made with agave syrup, so they’re delicious and appropriate for babies 4 months and older.


    Probiotics help support a balance of healthy bacteria in the gut and can support digestion and boost immunity. Try feeding your little one probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or kefir, or give her a daily probiotic supplement to keep her immune system flexing.

    When All Else Fails


    If an occasional cough comes through, your little one needs plenty of rest in a quiet, comfortable place. Stick to calm, restful activities for a while. Books, puzzles, art projects, or even a favorite show can all be good options. And, of course, extra cuddles!


    Saline drops are a fantastically easy, drug-free way to help with drippy noses. We designed our Saline Mist and Saline Drops to soothe dry nostrils and help loosen mucus.


    For kids more than 12 months old, honey can be a safe way to soothe an irritated throat and reduce occasional coughing. But what can you turn to when your little one is still under a year old? Try Mommy’s Bliss Organic Baby Cough Syrup. It’s formulated with organic agave, which is soothing and approved for babies 4 months and above, along with slippery elm bark, organic ivy leaf, and herbal extracts.* The daytime version includes elderberry to support immunity and the nighttime version includes our Bedtime Bliss Blend of organic chamomile, organic lemon balm, and organic passion flower to help promote restful sleep.


    Moist air is key to clearing mucus and can help to loosen nasal secretions, making it easier for baby to breathe. Try keeping a humidifier running in your child’s room or sitting in a hot, steamy bathroom for 15 minutes a couple of times a day. A warm, steamy bath is also helpful for calming your little one and helping break up mucus


    For kids that are older, prop up one end of their crib mattress, or if they are in a bed, prop up a few pillows to reduce the amount of postnasal drip. This will help with any coughing overnight.


    Staying hydrated is classic advice for a reason. Young babies may want formula or breastmilk more often when their immune systems need support, and older kids need to drink plenty of water. And, of course, you’ll want to consult your child’s physician any time they’re feeling less than their best. Here’s to your family’s good health, and your good times together.

    Is it Gas, Colic, or Constipation?

    As a pediatrician, parents often bring newborns into my office for common tummy troubles. A newborn’s digestive system is still in the process of developing so it makes sense that they will have some difficulty as it matures. Here are three of the most common newborn tummy troubles and what we can do about them:

    1. Gas

    Because a baby’s digestive system is still developing, air can get trapped-known as gas. It is important to note that gas is a natural product of the bacteria that line the digestive tract and babies swallow air when feeding. So many babies can be gassy. It is only when babies are fussier than normal, arching, squirming, or are significantly relieved after passing gas that this may be a cause for concern. To help a baby suffering from gas, first, have your child evaluated by a pediatrician to confirm the diagnosis and also to exclude any dietary causes. Since babies suck in air while feeding, it’s important to burp your baby during and after feeding to relieve some of the gas. Bottle-fed babies can take in a lot of air during feeding so by making sure that the nipple of the bottle is filled with milk before giving it to your baby, you can decrease some of the air that gets ingested. If those methods don’t work you can try gas drops like Mommy’s Bliss Gas Relief which provides a small dose of simethicone to help break up bubbles in a baby’s tummy.

    2. Colic

    Colic is defined as frequent crying in a baby that is otherwise healthy. Babies with colic cry for three hours a day, for more than three days a week and this can last three weeks or more. As a parent whose child has also suffered from colic, I know firsthand that parents can often be seen crying alongside their babies as well! To help a baby with colic it is important to have a pediatrician first exclude other causes. Once a diagnosis of colic has been established, we can try and ease a baby’s discomfort by various methods of calming babies--such as swaddling, swaying, and using white noise. You can also try Gripe Water like Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water made with ginger and fennel to ease baby's tummy troubles and fussiness. Colic can start in the first few weeks of life and while there is no established medical treatment for colic, it usually resolves by about 3-4 months of age. Colic is short-lived, but for parents, this can feel like a long time!

    3. Constipation

    When you are a parent of a newborn, having daily conversations about poop is the new normal. You become intimately connected to the timing and consistency of your child’s poop patterns. So how do you know when your child is constipated? Some babies can poop several times a day and others can poop once every couple of days. All of these patterns can fall within the range of normal. If your child has poop that comes out as hard balls or your child is uncomfortable and straining to poop-these are signs that your little one may be constipated. Constipation can be caused by switching between breast milk and formula, by the mother’s diet in a breastfed baby, or even due to an intolerance to milk protein. Therefore, it is important to get your child evaluated by a pediatrician to determine how to best manage constipation for your baby. As the newborn’s digestive system is developing, probiotics such as Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops can help to support a newborn’s gut as it matures. By adding beneficial bacterial flora to the gut, we can help to ease some of these common tummy troubles. For babies six months and older, Mommy’s Bliss offers Constipation Ease made with ingredients like prune juice to help get things moving again quickly. However, before giving any supplements to your baby-check with your pediatrician first. I’m Dr Smita and I hope this helps you on your path toward finding belly bliss. – Dr. Smita

    Top 5 Questions From New Parents

    Even though I have been a pediatrician for almost ten years, it was only when I became a parent four years ago, that I realized how overwhelming it is be a new parent. As a pediatrician, I had questions for my own pediatrician. So when new parents come to my office with questions, I not only welcome them…I expect them! Here are the top five questions I get from new parents:

    1) How often should my baby poop? What color should it be and when should I worry?

    When you become a new parent, one thing you can count on is endless conversations about poop! Newborn stools change quite frequently as their diet changes so it makes sense that parents will have a lot of questions about it. In the first 2-3 days of life, your newborn will have stools that are black and tarry. This is called meconium and it is made up of substances that your baby ingested in the womb such as dead skin cells, mucous, bile and water. As your baby starts to take in milk, the stool will change in color. Breast-fed babies will have watery, yellow colored stools with a seedy appearance, like mustard. Formula fed babies usually have stool with a pasty consistency and can range from green to tan to yellow in color. Because breast milk is easier to digest than formula, breast-fed babies can average about 2-5 stools per day. Formula fed babies stool less often and generally stool about once per day. However, each child is different and babies can go 2-3 days without stooling. Check with your pediatrician to make sure your baby is not constipated. If the color of your baby’s stool is chalky white or black or if you notice blood or mucous in the stool, please make sure that your child is seen by the pediatrician.

    2) How much should my baby sleep? Is it okay to let my child sleep through the night?

    Newborns can sleep up to 16-17 hours per day. But they usually don’t sleep for longer than a 2-3 hour stretch during the first weeks of life. This results in exhausted parents and an unpredictable schedule! The first two weeks of life are crucial for your newborn to regain their birth weight, so it is important to wake your child to feed every 2-3 hours. After that, it is okay to let your child feed on demand. Around 6-8 weeks of life, newborns start to sleep more at night. And around six months of age, most babies start to have regular sleep cycles and can sleep 8-12 hours through the night. So relief is on the way!

    3) Can I give my baby a pacifier?

    The use of a pacifier is a personal decision for each family. But pacifiers are not harmful. There are a few things to keep in mind before you offer the pacifier. First, if you are breastfeeding, it is best to wait at least 3-4 weeks until breastfeeding is fully established. Second, pacifiers should also not be used as a substitute for feeding. If your baby still wants to suck after being fed, then a pacifier can help to soothe your baby. And finally, remember that eventually you will have to wean the pacifier!

    4) Can I take my baby outside?

    You can take your baby outside. In fact, fresh air is great for both parents and baby. You should be careful not to take your child to crowded places or where there are sick people to minimize the risk of infections. Also, remember to keep your child out of direct sunlight. Because newborn skin can burn easily, keep them fully clothed and shaded with an umbrella or a stroller with a hood. If your child is premature or has a medical condition, please discuss with your pediatrician before taking them outside.

    5) Does my baby need vitamins?

    If your baby is exclusively or partially breastfed, it is recommended that they get 400IU of supplemental vitamin D daily. If your baby is drinking at least 32 ounces of formula per day, then they do not need supplemental vitamin D. All formulas sold in the United States have the appropriate amount of vitamin D. The first few months of a child’s life are a tremendous time of change and adjustment for both parent and baby. And having a support system of reliable people that you can reach out to for help is crucial. In those moments when you are completely exhausted and sleep-deprived- it’s important to remember that our lives are made up of changing seasons. And this season will change. So you don’t have to be a perfect parent, just a real and loving one! I hope this helps you on your path toward finding bliss. – Dr. Smita

    Baby Constipation - The Reality

    As a new parent, you find yourself more curious and concerned with poop than ever before. When your baby is constipated and having trouble or lack of pooping it can be very painful for baby and disconcerting for you as a parent. Along with pain and excessive crying, constipation can also interfere with regular feeding. For your baby’s health—and your own sleep/sanity—it’s always recommended to take a proactive approach to ease your baby’s constipation.

    What is Constipation?

    Constipation is a condition where the correct number of bowel movements are not taking place. For adults, this is about three times a week, whereas for babies it is upwards of three times a day. It’s best to understand why your baby is crying, so you can do the best you can to help them. Whether through various physical therapies, a change in diet, or the right natural supplement, there are many ways to ease the pain of constipation. The key factor to understand is that the passing of a stool should be a regular way for your baby to rid itself of waste. Yet, pain during pooping is an important sign to understand if your baby is constipated.

    When Do Babies Suffer Constipation?

    An infant may suffer constipation throughout the day, since they usually poop at least three times daily. If your baby has a specific rhythm of feeding and pooping, you’ll know something’s wrong when that rhythm is interrupted. For babies, constipation is a painful experience. When babies experience pain, they will cry to let you know. If your baby is crying and hasn’t pooped in a while, all signs point to infant constipation as the problem.

    What Causes Baby Constipation?

    Baby constipation is something we’re only aware of through excessive crying or a lower frequency of pooping. Though there are many causes of baby constipation, including but not limited to diet, medication, and prematurity.


    How your baby reacts to the food he or she eats is a major factor in baby constipation. Many times, moving from one type of food to another requires a transition period for your baby’s digestive system. Moving from breastmilk to formula, or to cow’s milk, can cause constipation. Moving to solid foods can also cause constipation. While still developing, a baby’s digestive system can see solid food as something to be rejected as it’s not used to breaking down harder compounds.


    We’re all familiar with the side effects of medications. For infants, almost every medication has a side effect, and infant constipation could be one of them. Medications that have a high iron content can often cause constipation. Some pain relievers also list constipation as a side effect. If you’re concerned one of your baby’s medications is causing constipation, consult your pediatrician about a potential medication change.


    Many babies are born prematurely each year. Premature babies often have organs that are underdeveloped, which could impact digestion. With underdeveloped gastrointestinal tracts, premature infants will have a harder time passing stools. If the GI tract is underdeveloped, this can lead to lower rate of digestion, meaning harder stools are produced.

    What Are the Signs of Baby Constipation?

    Trying to tell whether your baby is constipated is a guessing game. Since your baby cannot simply tell you, “Mommy, I’m constipated,” that means we as mothers must take all the evidence we have on hand to determine if constipation truly is the problem. Signs of constipation include:

    • Excessive crying
    • Irregular bowel movements
    • Blood in their stool
    • Hard belly
    • Loss of appetite

    How to Tell Your Baby Is Constipated

    Since constipation is a source of pain, a crying baby is a pretty good indicator of constipation. All mothers seem to have one sure-fire way to calm down their baby, but if this doesn’t ease the abdominal pain of constipation, this could be an issue to address. You can take note of when your baby is crying. If it is right after a feeding, this could indicate that your baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not pushing out poop once new food is introduced.

    How Often Should Your Baby Poop?

    The frequency pooping is a clear indicator of if your baby is constipated. Much of this depends on what your baby is eating. Breast milk contains a natural laxative that will often lead to pooping almost immediately after feeding. Sometimes—as is the case with those little poop machines—a breastfed baby can poop several times a day. Bottle-fed babies will poop less often, mainly because formula can be more difficult for a baby to digest. The frequency will be lower, and it’s at this stage that many babies begin to experience constipation. Solid foods are furthermore difficult to digest. This means that your baby’s gastrointestinal tract will have to work even harder as it transitions to breaking down solid food.

    What Happens When a baby is Constipated?

    Constipation is defined as the inability to pass a stool. But, what actually happens? In most all cases, the stool is too solid to pass through the gastrointestinal tract. Many times, this is simply because the poop can’t be broken down into a soft-enough form to pass through a baby’s still-developing digestive system. As you’ve probably seen, baby poop is most often soft, and sometimes liquid. This is largely because it’s much easier to pass a soft material through a developing digestive tract than solid matter. Adult poop is very often solid, mostly because we’ve moved on to solid foods years ago. If you see your baby has a more solid poop, you can bet it was painful for your baby to pass. Along with the crying and discomfort your baby may experience after a feeding, a solid poop is one of the clearest indicators your little nugget is feeling constipated.

    How Long Does Constipation Last?

    In many instances of baby constipation are caused by adjusting to new diets, meaning it’s only a matter of time before your baby’s gastrointestinal tract matures enough to handle formula or solid food. This doesn’t mean you have to wait for your baby to develop to ease constipation—by using various safe remedies such as juices, foods, and organic supplements, you can safely curb your baby’s constipation pain while also offering yourself some much-needed relief.

    Remedies for Baby Constipation

    1. Juices

    You may be familiar with various juices that are helpful in easing constipation. Prune juice is an incredibly powerful, simple, and healthy way to ease constipation, but you may not know that apple and pear juice are also effective remedies. This is because these fruits contain sorbitol, a natural laxative found in many foods. Sorbitol works by drawing water into the gastrointestinal tract which can break down solid stools, one of the leading causes of constipation. As these are fruit juices, you can be assured they are a great healthy alternative for your baby—an added bonus: they are tasty too! A note on juices—a baby’s palate might be sensitive to the acidity of various juices. This can be eased by simply diluting the juice with water to your baby’s liking.

    2. High Fiber Foods

    Various foods are also great remedies for constipation. Breast milk contains natural laxatives, in part because of baby’s developing gastrointestinal tract in the first months of life. Sometimes pediatricians will suggest reverting to breast milk during a period of constipation to give baby’s body more time to adjust to formula or solid foods. Foods high in fiber are also great for baby constipation. Oatmeal cereals, fruit sauces (apples, pears, and prunes for example), and many vegetables such as broccoli are effective foods for constipation. We like Beech-Nut's Naturals Just Pears Jar or Naturals Prunes Jar, both are high in fiber and made with no artificial ingredients.

    3. Physical Therapies

    One of the tell-tale signs of constipation is a taut or hard stomach, potentially caused by gas buildup. Gently massaging the stomach can help to ease pain and has been known to encourage bowel movements. You can also encourage your baby to exercise, either with guided movements, such as bicycling their legs, or by simply moving around. Getting the muscles moving allows the colon to contract with baby’s movements, potentially breaking down harder stools and fostering healthy bowel movements.

    4. Natural Supplements

    There are many various supplements known to be beneficial for baby constipation. Gripe water is made most often with ginger and fennel, gripe water is a great way to relieve gas and the associated pain that follows. What’s important about easing pain is the strain it causes on the colon—as the muscles are relaxed, regular bowel movements and passing stools becomes much easier. Similarly, probiotics help foster healthy colons, as harmful bacteria are replaced with healthy bacteria. This has the potential to improve colon operation and lead to a healthier gastrointestinal tract while your baby is still growing. A formula like Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops are great for babies as they can be adding right into formula, with breast milk, or applied on breast when feeding.

    The Best for Your Baby

    Constipation is a complicated issue for infants and newborns. As a parent, you want to do what is best for your baby. Regardless of how you choose to help ease baby’s constipation, it’s always advisable to contact your pediatrician about issues surrounding constipation. With all the factors that can contribute to constipation, a strong relationship with your pediatrician is crucial to ensuring you make the right choice for baby.

    Gripe Water 101: Colic**, Hiccups & Gas...don’t stand a chance.

    When your baby has gas buildup, colic**, or abdominal discomfort, it can be a very difficult time for baby and for you! Crying, lack of sleep and the overall discomfort that gassiness and colic** may bring, can have parents desperate to find some relief for their fussy baby – and themselves. Enter our magical, baby-friendly Gripe Water; a tried and tested herbal remedy for fussy babies, to relieve occasional stomach discomfort caused by colic**, hiccups, and other stomach-related issues*.

    Gripe Water is an age-old remedy used for more than 100 years in Europe, Asia, Africa, India, and the Caribbean – to relieve occasional stomach discomfort from colic**, gas, and hiccups*. Mommy’s Bliss founder, Roshan Kaderali, a nurse and certified midwife used gripe water for years to ease baby's tummy troubles and calm colicky babies while working in Scotland. When she moved to the U.S., she was shocked that the magical gripe water formula she loved wasn’t available here...so she created it herself, and the rest is “bliss-tory”.

    What Is Gripe Water for Babies?

    Gripe water is our #1 herbal supplement and the time-tested herbal remedy to help relieve occasional stomach discomfort caused by gas, colic**, hiccups, and fussiness. Our Gripe Water is carefully crafted with organic fennel seed, and organic ginger root to ease nausea and stomach discomfort.* For generations, mothers have relied on and used many variations of gripe water, but Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water uses only high-quality, safe, and gentle ingredients, because we believe, fewer gripes starts with better ingredients. Just one of the reasons this is our bestseller for over 25 years.

    Is Gripe Water Safe?

    Gripe Water is made with trusted, safe, and gentle ingredients to ensure it’s safe for your baby and easy on their tiny digestive system. This family-favorite blend of organic fennel, and ginger is mild enough for baby, yet effective enough to bring peace and calm to the home. Gripe Water is proudly made without gluten, sucrose, alcohol, dairy, soy or parabens.

    What Is Gripe Water Used For?

    As their internal organs are still developing, infants often will experience gas buildup. This gassiness often leads to babies crying for extended periods of time, as they cannot relieve themselves of the pressure. This internal discomfort can be caused by several factors, including colic**. If your infant is crying for at least three hours a day or three or more times a week, they might have colic**. Prolonged hiccups can cause discomfort as the muscles in the abdomen contract quickly and repeatedly. One potential cause of hiccups is taking in too much air while feeding or breastfeeding. But using Gripe Water for babies and newborns helps relieve stomach discomfort* caused by gas pressure and hiccups; a common cause of internal discomfort for babies under 12 months of age.

    What Does Gripe Water Do?

    Gripe Water helps relieves gassiness* with a simple blend of herbal ingredients that are safe and mild enough for newborns and infants, and gentle enough to address stomach discomfort that many babies face in the first year of life

    By settling baby’s tummy, Gripe Water addresses the stomach discomfort* associated with all of the above - including gas buildup, hiccups, colic**, and the fussiness that accompanies them all.

    What Is Gripe Water Made Of?

    Gripe Water is a mixture of natural herbal ingredients with a mildly sweet taste babies love. While many traditional recipes have existed over the years, many variations use ginger as the main ingredient. Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water contains organic ginger and fennel which work together to calm stomach discomfort caused by hiccups*.

    How Does Gripe Water Work?

    Gripe Water is a gentle herbal supplement for babies who suffer from gas, colic**, hiccups, and general fussiness* – even from teething. Gripe Water helps to settle baby’s tummy by relieving gas buildup and calming tiny tummies with the help of fennel and ginger - historically known to ease nausea and discomfort* caused by gas.

    When Do You Use Gripe Water?

    Most babies will benefit from Gripe Water after feeding - when gas, and hiccups can occur from taking in too much air while eating or breastfeeding. It’s always a good idea to wait 30 minutes after a feeding to administer Gripe Water, as this allows time for food to digest.

    How Do You Use Gripe Water?

    Gripe Water Original comes in a sweet, yummy tasting liquid form that is fed directly to your baby and is less thick and viscous than breastmilk or formula. To avoid diluting the solution, it’s best to administer Gripe Water with a syringe directly into your baby’s mouth or into an empty bottle. Make sure to hold baby upright and dispense to side of cheek slowly following packaging directions. Gripe Water serving size is important to consider because the serving you use per application is based on the age and weight of your baby. Consult with your healthcare professional if you have questions.

    We recommend using the Gripe Water dosage guide:

    • Two weeks old to six weeks old: 1 mL up to 15 times a day
    • Six weeks old to ten weeks old: 2 mL up to 15 times a day
    • Ten weeks to twelve months old: 5mL up to 6 times a day

    Gripe Water Nighttime is the nighttime version of our #1 selling supplement - to relieve occasional stomach discomfort from gassiness and colic** while promoting restful sleep with chamomile, lemon balm, and passionflower.* Swaddle baby for extra comfort, try a white noise machine for soothing ambiance, and use Gripe Water Nighttime to gently ease baby’s gripes and give them the blisszzzful sleep they need.

    Side Effects of Gripe Water

    Because Gripe Water is made with gentle herbal ingredients, there are likely to be no side effects when using this product. Parents may notice that their babies become sleepy after administering Gripe Water. This is because babies who have been suffering from colic**, extreme discomfort, or gas, are often exhausted due to the tension. Gripe Water offers much-needed relief from stomach discomfort* which will help them get some much-needed rest. As with any supplement, we recommend consulting your pediatrician before giving your little one anything.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    There are many common questions about how to administer Gripe Water to your infant. Read on for the answers that provide the peace of mind you need.

    When should I give Gripe Water to my baby?

    Gripe Water can be used any time your baby is experiencing discomfort from gas buildup, and the various issues associated with it. It is advised to administer Gripe Water 30 minutes after feeding or breastfeeding, to give your baby time to digest their last meal. Gripe Water Nighttime is given at bedtime with soothing lemon balm, chamomile and passionflower to promote restful sleep*.

    How often can you give gripe water?

    It’s best to follow package directions regarding amount and times per day based on different age groups.

    Do I give Gripe Water to my baby before or after feeding?

    Because each baby has different needs and unique experiences there is no specific time that is best to administer Gripe Water. However, most babies benefit from Gripe Water right after feeding when gassiness occurs from eating too quickly and taking in too much air. We recommend waiting at least 30 minutes after feeding to administer Gripe Water.

    Can you mix Gripe Water with formula?

    Because Gripe Water is a mild supplement, we do not recommend mixing it with formula. It is suggested to give your newborn a serving of just Gripe Water after feeding.

    How do I give my baby Gripe Water?

    You can give your baby Gripe Water using the Mommy’s Bliss syringe provided and follow packaging directions.

    Can I use Gripe Water with baby gas relief drops?

    Yes. Using Gripe Water with Gas Relief Drops is completely safe. Our Gas Relief Drops are a safe, sweet-tasting, simethicone-based over-the-counter medication that quickly breaks up gas bubbles in baby’s tummy to provide gentle, effective relief.

    What else can I do?

    Along with the benefits of Gripe Water and all the Gripe Water formulations, come the benefits of TLC as only you can deliver. A gentle massage, a cozy swaddle, soft music or a white noise machine can all help to calm a fussy baby and help relax a tired, stressed-out body. You know best what your baby needs, and Gripe Water is right there with you every step of the way.


    In conclusion, Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water has been trusted by millions of moms over the last 25 years as a great way to ease their baby’s stomach discomfort*. As a mild herbal supplement, it is a safe way to relieve your baby of stomach discomfort* from hiccups, colic**, and upset tummy. Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water was created by moms, for moms, and loved by families for decades. Our Gripe Water is also the number one selling herbal supplement for supporting baby’s digestion and easing the discomfort caused by gas and colic**. A Mommy’s Bliss bestseller for decades, this is real relief with a big side of peace of mind. All these tiny tummies can’t be wrong.

    Be sure to check out our other blissful products trusted for years to help keep babies’ tummies and digestive systems happy and healthy:

    Probiotic Drops Everyday – formulated to support baby’s digestive health and immunity, by helping maintain beneficial intestinal microflora. *

    Constipation Ease*– our gentle herbal formula to safely ease occasional constipation and promote regular bowel movements. *

    This site is intended for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice. Please consult your physician or other health-care professional.

    **For colic not due to a medical condition
    *These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    The 411 On Gas Drops

    Is Your Baby Suffering from Gas?

    Babies cry for a variety of reasons, especially within those first few months. So how can you tell if your baby is crying because of gas?

    Look for these signs:

    • Pulls legs toward tummy
    • Cries when feeding
    • Has a bloated, hard belly
    • Clenches fists
    • Has a red face
    • Spits up

    What causes gas?

    Gas is often caused by the combination of an immature digestive process and air that is swallowed while feeding or crying. If your baby drinks too quickly, he can end up gulping down air along with his milk or formula. If the flow of milk or formula is too slow, this can also cause baby to suck in air. If you are using formula, shaking the bottle can cause air bubbles to form, which are then swallowed by baby. While gas related issues can last from infancy through the toddler stage, the most difficult period is often from 4 to 12 weeks.

    How Gas Drops Can Help

    Mommy’s Bliss Gas Relief Drops contain simethicone, which helps ease discomfort by decreasing the surface tension of gas bubbles, causing them to combine into larger bubbles in the stomach that can be passed more easily, helping baby pass gas and feel nearly instant relief from that full, bloated feeling. Gas drops are perfect for newborns because the small dosage is easy to administer, fast acting and can be given after every feeding when used as directed. Simethicone is safe and gentle for infants, and is unique in that it passes through the intestinal tract without being absorbed. For additional tips on helping ease discomfort associate with gas, check out 4 Ways to Calm a Gassy Baby

    What Vitamins Does Your Little One Need?

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin A is essential for overall growth and development and aids in the healthy development of bones and eyesight. Vitamin A is in both breastmilk and formula. As baby gets older and starts eating solids dark green, red and orange vegetables are all great sources of Vitamin A.

    Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

    Thiamin protects the nervous system and helps the body convert sugar into energy. Thiamin is in both breastmilk and formula. As baby gets older and starts eating solids beans and fish are great sources.

    Vitamin B6

    Vitamin B6 aids in digestion and healthy immune function. Vitamin B6 is in both breastmilk and formula. As baby gets older and starts eating solids bananas, chicken, beef and potatoes are great sources of Vitamin B6.

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C aids in the creation of red blood cells, aids in healing, helps boost the immune system and helps keep gums healthy. Vitamin C is in both breastmilk and formula. As baby gets older and starts eating solids oranges, strawberries, broccoli, spinach and bananas are great sources of Vitamin C.

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is very important for babies, it helps with the absorption of calcium. Too little Vitamin D can cause rickets, a softening and weakening of the bones. All Infant formula provides the suggested amount of Vitamin D as a legal requirement enforced by the FDA, but exclusively breastfed infants are at risk of a vitamin D deficiency. For babies, liquid supplements are a smart option. Mommy’s Bliss Vitamin D Organic Drops contain 400 IU per one-drop dose, and have no additives, chemicals, or artificial flavors. As baby gets older and starts eating solids tuna, salmon, eggs and cheese are great sources of Vitamin D.

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E helps with healthy immune function and blood flow. Vitamin E is in both breastmilk and formula. As baby gets older and starts eating solids kiwi, peanut butter and almond butter are great sources of Vitamin E. (note that nut butters should be spread thinly for small children) All of the vitamins listed above can be found in our Multivitamin Organic Drops

    ! Provide your baby with essential vitamins for healthy growth and bone development. All vitamins are derived from extracts of organic fruits and botanicals and come in a yummy grape flavor. A 1mL serving size contains the daily amount of Vitamin C and D recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics as well as Vitamins A, B & E. Remember to consult your child's physician before giving a supplement.

    The Vitamin all Babies & Toddlers Need

    You want your baby to have everything they need to be healthy and happy. You research the best formulas and what is nutritionally appropriate for each developmental stage. But there’s a good chance you haven’t heard that most babies and toddlers are deficient in one very important vitamin: vitamin D. In fact, American Academy of Pediatrics studies show that nearly four of every ten toddlers are vitamin D deficient. That’s why they recommend that all babies receive routine vitamin D supplementation (400 IU per day; 600 IU per day for toddlers) for proper bone growth and development.

    Here’s why: When sunlight hits the skin, specifically UVB rays, the body begins to go through a natural chemical reaction that turns a prohormone on the skin into vitamin D. But if you live in far in the north or in an urban area where the buildings block the light or your baby or toddler spend a lot of time indoors, it can put them at risk for deficiency.

    Many believe that their newborn is getting enough of the vitamin through breast milk. But unfortunately, babies who are exclusively breastfed are even more likely to be deficient. This is because breastmilk only contains about 50 IU per quart if the mom has sufficient vitamin D in her diet. And even formula-fed babies might not be getting enough of the vitamin. Though many formulas are fortified with vitamin D, babies need to drink 34 ounces of it to get enough. According to the CDC, only one in five babies on formula are getting the recommended 400 IU that pediatricians call for.

    Why does your baby need vitamin D?

    Vitamin D not only helps the body absorb calcium, ensuring bone health and density, but it also helps regulate the immune system. Without it, the bones and teeth may not develop properly. A deficiency causes the bones to break easily, delay growth and cause cavities or other issues with the teeth.

    Infants and toddlers who are severely deficient in vitamin D may have some serious health concerns like rickets. Rickets affects the development of the bones causing stunted growth, wide bones, and soft skulls.

    How do you give vitamin D to babies?

    Luckily, there are ways to get vitamin D into your child’s system easily.

    If the child is still breastfeeding exclusively, increase your own vitamin D intake to increase the amount of the vitamin available in your breastmilk. Studies have shown that women consuming 6,400 IU per day will give breastmilk enough vitamin D for the baby’s needs.

    Liquid supplements are also a great way to make sure your baby is getting the recommended 400 IU per day. Drops are an easy way to administer the vitamin. You simply place the dropper in the baby’s mouth and squeeze gently, providing just the right amount. As your baby hits the 12-month mark, they might need more. Toddlers need about 600 IU each day.

    The Mommy’s Bliss Vitamin D Organic Drops are an excellent option for moms looking for a safe and organic way to make sure your baby is getting enough vitamin D. It’s only one drop, once a day. As always, it is free of additives, chemicals, and parabens.

    Gas & Tummy Troubles? The Struggle is Real

    Bloated tummy. Lots of crying. Spit up everywhere. These are all signs your baby is suffering from gas and tummy troubles. We know the fussiness can sometimes be overwhelming and how hard it can be to see your little one uncomfortable or in pain.

    How to Prevent Gas & Tummy Troubles

    The best way to avoid fussiness and discomfort from gas and tummy troubles is to keep them from happening in the first place. Here are some of our favorite tips and tricks to keep baby’s tummy from ever getting unhappy.


    Spit up is a normal part of babyhood, and as long as a baby is healthy, happy, and consistently gaining weight, there’s usually nothing to worry about. But if you’re wanting to minimize how often you’re washing your shirts, try these ideas:

    • Feed baby smaller and more frequent meals
    • Pause to burp multiple times throughout the feed
    • Practice paced bottle feeding
    • Avoid laying your baby flat during feeding, keeping his or her head above the stomach
    • If breastfeeding, try eliminating dairy, eggs, beef or other potential allergens from your diet.
    • Try using a different brand of formula. Your pediatrician will be able to offer some suggestions
    • Change to a slower or faster bottle nipple size.
    • Keep baby upright for 20-30 minutes after feeding


    If your baby is suffering from gas-related discomfort, you aren’t alone! Gas affects both breastfed and bottle-fed babies, and the majority of parents deal with this at some point during those first few months.

    Many normal, everyday baby things can create gas, including an immature digestive system, excessive crying, and eating too quickly or too slowly. All of these mean gas becomes trapped in the belly, causing bloating and discomfort.

    Here’s how to keep that gas from getting in:

    • When feeding, keep baby’s head higher than her stomach so the air is easier to burp out.
    • If bottle feeding, make sure there are no air no air bubbles in the nipple.
    • Burp early, burp often.
    • Switch to a slower-flow nipple.


    Babies cry. It’s as simple as that. And newborns typically cry a lot because of their little bodies trying to keep up with all the new things going on with them. Look for these signs when you’re trying to figure out if your baby is crying because of gas and tummy trouble:

    • Pulls legs toward tummy
    • Cries when feeding
    • Has a bloated, hard belly
    • Clenches fists
    • Has a red face
    • Spits up

    And here’s the 3-3-3 rule: If your baby cries for 3 or more hours per day at least 3 days a week for at least 3 weeks, he may have colic. Consult your pediatrician for the best way to make him feel better.

    How to Soothe Gas & Tummy Troubles

    While the best defense is to try to prevent gas pains with burping, proper feeding techniques, when the discomfort has already set in there are a few tricks that can help calm your baby:


    To help baby gently pass gas, we recommend our Gas Relief Drops. Made with simethicone, Gas Relief Drops provide baby with nearly instant relief from that full, bloated feeling.


    Gripe Water is a great option to relieve the discomfort that infants face from colic, gas, and hiccups. It typically contains natural herbal ingredients, such as ginger and fennel, that work together to calm hiccups, soothe upset tummies and help ease the symptoms of colic quickly. Mommy’s Bliss #1 selling Gripe Water has been used effectively by millions of parents to relieve their distressed babies.


    Softly stroke baby’s belly in a clockwise direction, this follows the path of digestion and can help get the air moving in his tummy


    Giving baby a bath can take his attention away from the discomfort while the warm water will help him relax.


    A safe, tight swaddle can comfort your baby and help calm him.


    A carrier is a great option for combining soothing motion with skin-to-skin contact.


    Turning on a fan, running the vacuum, or using a white noise machine to mimic the sounds of the womb can help create a calming environment.


    Sometimes a change in surroundings, fresh air, and different sounds can be just what baby needs to calm down and reset.

    Dealing with tummy troubles can be incredibly frustrating, and it’s perfectly okay for you to put baby down in the crib and take some time for yourself by catching up on The Crown or having a cup of tea. Try to remember that this is just a phase and it will pass. If you ever have any questions or concerns about your child’s health, be sure to contact your pediatrician.

    Helpful Teething Tips from the Experts at The Teething Egg

    As parents, we can feel extremely helpless when our little ones are in pain. We spend countless hours reading, seeking the advice of family and friends, and desperately trying to avoid anything that might cause our babies discomfort. We at The Teething Egg have discovered firsthand that the teething stage is not only one most expectant mothers don’t know how to prepare for, but it can also sneak up on you and strike at very inconvenient times such as the middle of the night or a long car trip home for the holidays. So, we are here today to outline the main teething symptoms most babies experience and provide helpful tips on soothing your little one to help make teething more bearable… for the entire family! Teething can be a very different experience from child to child and can start as early as 2 months old. Some parents will say they didn’t even know a tooth was coming through, while others will stress it was a long few months before their baby got just one. The first signs of teething can range from drooling, sore and swollen gums, irritability, trouble sleeping, biting, chewing, to putting anything they can find in their mouth, rejecting food, grabbing their ears, and lastly, a visible tooth showing below the gums. The first reaction a lot of parents experience is 'Could these symptoms be related to other issues?' And the answer is yes! Many parents will rush their little ones to the doctor only to be sent home with a teething diagnosis. As with any stage of growth with a baby, the symptoms can vary. The secret is observing your child and learning what symptoms affect them most. Some babies will drool a lot, while others just simply do not want to eat or become very irritable. Your parents or grandparents may have warned you that a fever or a runny nose could also be related to teething. This is merely an Old Wives Tale. There’s no scientific proof that these conditions are a direct link to teething even though many parents will swear they are related. Call your child’s healthcare provider if your baby experiences a fever higher than 101 degrees F or shows symptoms of lethargy, vomiting, or diarrhea. When it comes to treating teething pain we wish we could say there was just one thing that works, but as we know, each little one is different and what might work for one baby won't soothe another. Cold compresses are a great place to start. Place a wet washcloth in a plastic bag and into the freezer. The fabric with help massage the gums while the cold numbs the pain. Monitor baby at all times and check that the frozen washcloth is not too cold for their tiny hands. Finding a teether that is both refrigerator and freezer safe is best! There are a wide range of teethers on the market today, here are a few key aspects to check for when shopping and using a teething toy.

    1. What is it made from? Does it consist of any toxic materials?
    2. Is it liquid filled? Check for leaks each and every time before handing to your little one.
    3. Are there any holes in the toy? If so can water, saliva, or other liquids get caught inside causing mold?
    4. Check for choking hazards.

      When we designed The Teething Egg we made sure it checked off on all of these. The Teething Egg is CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) tested and made from an all-natural, FDA Approved, Food Grade TPE material. TPE is the latest in rubber blend technology and is completely BPA, BPS, PVC, Phthalate, Metal, Latex, and Lead-Free! The Teething Egg is a completely closed system so no liquids can get inside, which makes it easy to clean to sanitize. Teething babies need to overwhelm the sensory receptors on their gums to help stop the (Nociceptive) pain signal that is sent to the brain that says 'OUCH!'. Having a consistent, soft textured surface with a firm body underneath is one of the key features that sets our product apart from other teethers. If your baby has already graduated to solid foods, some can be used to put pressure on the gums and relieve the pain similar to the way teethers do. Large carrots, teething crackers, and frozen bananas are just some of the popular teething items found in your kitchen. Always keep an eye on your baby to make sure they do not choke while gnawing on them. Finally, gently rubbing your baby’s gums with your clean pinky finger might just do the trick! There are many popular sayings we hear as moms that can help us cope while tackling adversity. Our favorite has to be, 'The days are long but the years are short.' We know how hard the teething stage is for both you and your baby, but the key is to find joy in the ways you soothe your little one and lift your spirits. We recommend putting the cleaning on hold, ordering in food and soaking up the extra snuggles. It might just be what your baby (and you!) need! We are always available at www.TheTeethingEgg.com to answer any questions and offer you support. We hope once this stage passes and you are onto the next one, you take some beautiful memories along with you.

      Holiday Gift Guide for Baby

      Are you scratching your head trying to figure out what to give baby this holiday season? Here are a few of our faves: PS scroll to the bottom to find out how you can win some of these products! ;)

      0-3 Months

      Those first few months with baby are absolutely magical, but they can also be quite challenging. Whether you're a first-time parent or on your fourth, here are a few products we love to make that time just a little bit more manageable.

      Aden & Anais Silky Soft Swaddles

      Swaddle blankets are key for sleep and to helping soothe a fussy baby, but they can be used for so much more! In a crowded restaurant? Cover your baby's car seat to keep out noise, germs, and the inevitable nosy stranger. Keep baby cozy in her stroller or use the blanket for tummy time at the park. We love these because they are made from natural, breathable fabric and are perfectly soft for your baby's fragile newborn skin. Plus, how cute is this print??

      TWELVElittle Diaper Backpack

      Babies come with a lot of gear. A basic trip out of the house can mean diapers, wipes, changing pad, extra clothes (hello, blow out), bibs, burp cloths, bottles, toys, a blanket...yikes! Keeping all of that organized can feel nearly impossible. And forget about looking stylish, right? This diaper backpack from TWELVElittle perfectly combines function & fashion. It's gender neutral for both mom and dad, stylish, comfortable to wear, water resistant and filled with tons of inner and outer compartments to help you keep track of your baby's items.

      ModBabyCo Lovey

      These loveys from ModBabyCo are dreamy. The fabric is perfectly soft for your little one's skin, they fit nicely in a diaper bag or car seat, are easy to clean, and with so many adorable prints to choose from, you're bound to find one you love.

      Bright Starts Tummy Time Prob & Play Mat

      You can start tummy time with your little one as early as two weeks. If your baby seems to hate tummy time, you aren't alone. It is pretty common for babies to be resistant to tummy time at first. We love this play mat because it keeps baby engaged with crinkle sounds, a baby-safe mirror, a rattle, teether, and other toy attachments. There's also a cute prop pillow for extra support during those newborn months. And, since the mat is machine-washable, you can easily keep your baby’s play place fresh and clean.

      Boogie Wipes

      These saline wipes are perfect for gently cleaning snotty noses, messy faces and sticky hands. They are extra soft & made with aloe, chamomile and vitamin E to help moisturize baby's skin. We love the unscented version!

      Gripe Water & Gas Drops

      There is nothing worse as a parent than watching your little one suffer and not knowing how to help. If your baby has gas & tummy troubles, you know first hand how hard it can be to see him uncomfortable or in pain. Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water and Gas Relief Drops are must-haves for easing your baby's symptoms. Made with simethicone, Gas Relief Drops safely decrease the surface tension of gas bubbles, causing them to combine into larger bubbles in the stomach that can be passed more easily, providing baby with nearly instant relief from that full, bloated feeling. Gripe Water contains bicarbonate and natural herbal ingredients, such as ginger and fennel, which work together to calm hiccups, soothe upset tummies and help ease the symptoms of colic quickly. They are the ultimate team in combating tummy troubles! Pro tip: keep one of each in the diaper bag!

      Peek-a-Boo Forest Soft Book

      Peek-a-Boo Forest is an interactive soft book that allows your little explorer to learn about different animals that live in the forest. Each durable page has soft peek-a-boo flaps that are easy for little fingers to open and close, promoting hand-eye coordination. We love that it features bright colors, multiple textures and surprise crinkles to encourage exploration & development.

      3-6 Months

      Phew! You are out of the newborn stage, hopefully sleeping a bit more and your little one is more interactive everyday. Here are some of our favorite items for developing baby.

      Chewbeads Perry Teething Necklace

      Most babies can expect their first tooth by 6 months and if you've gone through teething with your little one, you know just how challenging it can be. This baby-friendly necklace doubles as a soft, flexible teether and is designed to safely soothe your little one's gums. Great for on the go teething needs, this necklace is the perfect balance between functional for baby and fashionable for mama.

      Nuby IcyBite Keys Teether

      We love these for soothing the toughest teething pain! The ring and keys are perfect for little hands & with multiple textures and surfaces, baby is bound to find a chew spot that feels good on her gums. The keys can also be refrigerated & stay cold long enough to provide extra relief for sore gums.

      Oball Rattle

      This adorable rattle ball is easy to grasp and hold with finger holes that fit just right for little hands. Embedded in the ball are multiple rattles filled with shaker beads that encourage your baby to hold and shake to hear fun rattle sounds. Pro tip: When you're on the go, attach a pacifier clip to keep the rattle within baby's grasp!

      Boobie Bar

      These delicious lactation bars are perfect for the nursing mamas out there. Just one bar is packed with all your daily milk-boosting herbs. We love that they are non-GMO and they even offer a gluten-free flavor!

      Covered Goods Nursing Cover

      These multi-use nursing covers give you all the benefits that traditional covers do... and more! They actually provide FULL coverage and can be used as a car seat or shopping cart cover or as a cute scarf. We love all of the different prints and the super soft, stretchy material.

      Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes

      This toy is amazing for keeping baby happy & distracted. Designed with large and easy noticeable push buttons, your baby will love clicking her way through baby-friendly versions of music by Mozart, Vivaldi, Rossini, Chopin & more. We love this toy's ability to keep baby entertained and promote development. Pro- tip: Keep one by the changing table for those moments when your little one is a bit too wiggly during her diaper change.

      6 months+

      This stage couldn't be more fun. Full of giggles, wiggles & tons of new developmental milestones, you better hold on to tight, because your little one is about to take you on one wild ride!

      Melissa & Doug First Play Wooden Jumbo Knob Safari Animal Puzzle 

      How cute is this puzzle? The smiling tiger, giraffe, and lion have wooden knobs for noses that are easy for little hands to grasp. Babies and toddlers 12 months will love matching pieces to pictures on the wooden puzzle board, discovering colors and patterns, and developing fine motor skills and problem-solving.

      GoSili Tableware

      From bibs and spoons, to table mats and coffee cups, we love the GoSili tableware products. The silicone products are a wonderful alternative to plastic and combine functionality with modern design.

      Constipation Ease

      At 6 months, your little has probably started solids! It's such an exciting & fun time, but can often come with occasional constipation. Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease is a safe and effective, all-natural supplement that gently alleviates occasional constipation. It contains prune juice to help ease constipation and organic fennel and organic dandelion extract to relieve stomach discomfort and bloating. A must-have starting from 6 months all the way through toddler and childhood!

      cuddle + kind Maximus the Cat Stuffed Animal

      These adorable, mission-driven dolls are made with all natural, high-quality cotton. Every doll is lovingly handcrafted by incredible women artisans in Peru, providing them with a sustainable, fair trade income and for each doll purchased, 10 meals are given to children in need. Definitely a purchase you can feel good about!

      Baby Safety Month: Often Overlooked Safety Hazards

      *image by Molly Conner, Brand Ambassador

      As a parent, keeping your baby safe is always a top priority. It’s just one of those things you can never be too careful about. From the careful selection of the products you use to baby proofing your house, parents can spend a ton of time on safety. In honor of Baby Safety month, we wanted to share some safety hazards and tips that are often overlooked:


      Because the cords are often right at eye level for a baby who is starting to stand, it can be a particularly tempting object to touch and play with. It can be easy to forget about certain cords, but cords like your phone charger, lamps, or TV cords can be a hazard to your baby’s health. It’s particularly important to keep your baby away from them because he could end up pulling on the cord and cause the object to fall, potentially on him. It’s also vital to keep your baby away from cords because of that tendency to put everything in his mouth! If the cord is within reach, your baby may try to put it into his mouth. He may try to chew on the wire or on the end of it which may cause him to get an electrical burn. Almost two-thirds of electrical burns happen to babies and children, and if the cord is in his mouth, it can make the electrical burn even worse. Electrical burns can cause damage (both temporary and permanent) to the skin, tissues, and even the major organs. To prevent this, keep all the power cords out of your baby’s reach. This includes cords for your phone charger or even chargers to your baby’s toys. Make sure you put them up and away when you aren’t using them.


      Clutter is another often overlooked hazard to your baby. Loose change, batteries, rubber bands, or other little objects left around the house are choking hazards to your baby. If he discovers them on his crawl around the room and you’re turned away for just a second, he could pop them in his mouth and start choking. Similarly, a lot of clutter on the floor can be a tripping hazard for your baby. It’s not only difficult for you to manage, especially if you’re carrying your baby around the obstacle course of your living room, but it can also be dangerous once your baby starts crawling and walking. Toddlers are very shaky and unsteady, making it easier for them to trip. Improper toy storage can be a danger to your baby too. Once he is independent enough to start pulling on things, if he tries to pull a particular toy away from a stack, it could cause the whole thing to come tumbling down on him. Having a lot of clutter around the house can also be a bacterial nightmare for your baby. If there are a ton of items stored in a damp environment, it could begin to grow mold or fungus. Dry climates might be full of dust and other microbes. If your baby disturbs the clutter, it could send all that into the air and into his lungs, which is not good for his health. To prevent clutter from becoming hazardous to your baby, make sure you keep all the little items picked up off the floor and countertops and keep your home organized and clean.


      The dishwasher can present a variety of safety risks to your tiny tot. Not only can an open dishwasher give your curious baby access to all sorts of sharp items like knives and forks, but it can also give them easy access to the detergent. If your baby puts the detergent in his mouth, it can burn his mouth, airway, and esophagus. Dishwasher detergent is incredibly corrosive and poisonous that can lead to lifelong injuries. It can even be fatal depending on the dose. Household cleaning products are one of the leading causes of chemical exposure for children. If your baby swallowed any detergent, call Poison Control immediately. Keep your dishwasher safe from your baby by always making sure that it is clicked shut. Also, make sure detergents are kept in a childproof container.

      Trash Cans

      Trash cans and small wastebaskets can be dangerous for your baby. If your baby tips over the wastebasket in the bathroom, he could unleash a ton of hazardous material. The waste baskets are often full of things like cotton balls, old razors, or old cosmetics. The cotton balls can be a choking hazard, and some cosmetics could lead to poisoning or overdose if swallowed. The razors can cut or scrape the baby, and if he puts it in his mouth, it will be even worse. Trash cans in other areas of the house are still full of bacteria and other objects you don’t want in your baby’s mouth. An easy solution is to keep the trashcan in a locked cabinet to keep your baby from getting into it.

      Unsecured Furniture or TV’s

      Another safety issue that might have escaped your notice when you were babyproofing your house is all that big furniture. The TV, TV stand and other furniture like bookshelves can be hazardous to your baby if it isn’t safely anchored to the wall. Not only could the sharp edges impale your toddler’s soft head, but he could also yank on it and pull it down on himself if it isn’t stable. Bookshelves with a shelf that’s eye level can be tempting to your toddler. He can end up toppling the whole thing by climbing on it or by reaching for a book. Make sure your furniture has rounded corners. Or if you aren’t looking to repurchase all the furniture you already have, cover the sharp edges with adhesive cushions. Keep your bookcases secured by bracketing them to the wall. Also, make sure there are no items on your baby’s eye level shelf that could potentially fall and injure him.


      Doors can be another favorite toy for your little one. But it can be dangerous if your baby starts pulling on it or if something causes it to close with force. Doors can cause a variety of finger injuries to your little one’ digits depending on the force. It can either cause a slight pinch to a crushed finger, and it can even amputate them if it is slammed closed. Always make sure you keep those little hands away from the door before you close it and don’t allow him to play around the doors in your house. Try using a pinch guard to prevent the doors from slamming on those little fingers.


      Remaining vigilant is one of your top defenses against any hazards towards your baby. Make sure you always keep an eye on your baby, because no baby proofing is 100%. If you are looking to baby proof your house before your little one is crawling around, invite a friend over who has older kids… you’ll learn very quickly what needs to be baby proofed and what doesn’t!

      Developmental Milestones for Baby: 0-6 Months

      The first six months of baby's life is full of changes! The baby you bring home from the hospital will hit many milestones by the time they reach just 6 months old! While every baby is different and hits milestones at their own pace, here are a few you can expect to see in those first months of parenthood and some tips for encouraging development:

      First Smile

      Between 6 and 8 weeks baby will give you that first toothless grin (and this time it isn't gas!) To encourage those smiles...talk to baby which won't be hard at all.

      Holding up Head

      Between 1 and 3 months baby will begin to lift their head and chest off the floor when lying on their stomach. To help develop these muscles keep up with the 'tummy time'. We know tummy time isn't always baby's favorite time of day so here are a few ways you can make the AAP recommended 15-20 minutes of tummy time per day more fun:

      • Tummy time doesn't have to be on the floor. Lay on your bed and place baby stomach down on your chest.
      • Get a play mat and some toys and play to keep baby engaged.
      • As baby gets older place a plastic mirror on the ground in front of them. They will love looking at the 'baby!'

        Focusing on Objects 8-12 Inches from Face

        Starting around the end of the first month baby may begin to focus on objects 8-12 inches away and their favorite thing to focus on...a face! So keep baby engaged by talking to them and getting plenty of face time. (That mirror might come in handy here too as babies love looking at themselves!)

        Opening and Shutting Hands and Following Moving Objects

        Between 1 and 3 months baby may begin to open and shut their hands, follow moving objects with their eyes and swat at toys...all making playtime more fun! During playtime grab a toy that baby seems to love and try moving it around to encourage tracking with their eyes and to see if they reach or swat at it.

        Rolling Over

        Some babies reach this milestone between 3 and 4 months, with most reaching this around the 6 month mark. When baby is starting to show signs they are ready to roll over try to encourage this by placing baby on their back and putting a toy on their side just out of reach.

        First Food

        By 6 months baby is likely ready to start solids. You'll know baby is ready when they have head control, are curious about food, are able to grasp objects with hands and bring to mouth and have good control over tongue movement. This is a very exciting time and after talking to your child's doctor about the foods to start with, give it a try! Occasionally this change to baby's diet can lead to occasional constipation. If this happens Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease may help. Again remember that every baby develops differently and will hit milestones at different times. If at any time you are concerned about baby's development consult your pediatrician.

        How To Properly Administer Gripe Water

        People tell you about colic, but you just don’t know how bad it can be until you hear your little one cry for hours with no end in sight. You would do anything to make them feel better. You pull out your mom's bag and try everything that worked before: swaddling, rocking, singing, running the shower, driving around (and around) the block. Finally, you realize you need some help, and you look for more options. We’re glad you found Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water. We’ve been there ourselves, and we are here for you—we moms know how to make it better.

        What is Gripe Water?

        Gripe Water is what we can give our little ones when they are colicky, gassy, or fussy. We moms hurt right along with them, and we rush to soothe them through the slightest discomfort. Still, we know that one of the scariest moments for a mom is giving your baby a new product. The last thing you want to do is make your baby feel worse.

        How to Administer Gripe Water

        When administered properly, Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water is a safe and gentle way to help ease the symptoms of colic, gas, and other abdominal discomforts*. As with anything you give your baby, read the full package instructions thoroughly and always consult your pediatrician before administering. Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water comes with a no-spill syringe and bottle top adapter designed to make it easy to administer safely. Before dispensing, shake the product well, and follow the package directions to fill the syringe. Always follow the usage directions, amount, and frequency of Gripe Water administration, for the age of your baby. Never give Gripe Water Original to babies under 2 weeks old or less than 7 pounds and never give Gripe Water Night Time to infants under 4 weeks of age or under 8 lbs. To avoid causing your baby to gag or choke, hold your infant upright, and never give liquids to a crying child. Our Gripe Water should not be diluted in any other liquid—including water or milk—but given directly into baby’s mouth by syringe, dropper, or using a slow flow nipple on a bottle. Using the no-spill syringe provided, dispense the liquid slowly toward the side of the mouth/inner cheek, a few drops at a time, allowing your baby to swallow after each amount. It is important to make sure you don’t administer it too quickly or shoot it in the back of the baby’s throat, which can startle and cause your baby to choke on the Gripe Water.

        Slow and steady is the way

        It can take several minutes to get the entire serving of Gripe Water administered. And remember babies have a good gag reflex, so don’t push the syringe into the mouth too far or your baby may gag and choke. You can also use a dropper, taking care that the Gripe Water lands next to the baby’s cheek, not on the tongue—and never in the back of the mouth to avoid choking. Always make sure to give your baby time to swallow each drop before continuing. Some moms put the measured amount in an empty bottle with a slow-flow nipple. Remember: We’re moms too, and we’ve been there. We got you—and you got this!

        Read more about how and when to use Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water:

          Solids and Constipation in Your 6 Month Old Baby

          An exciting milestone in your baby’s development is the switch to solids. It’s messy, fun and definitely frustrating for both of you at times, especially considering that introducing solids into her diet can also cause some issues in that tiny tummy. First foods can be challenging for your baby as her digestive system is accustomed to formula or breast milk. While at this point the system has matured and developed, allowing her to digest more complex foods and absorb nutrients, the process of digesting solids takes longer and can often leave her constipated.

          Why does your baby get constipated?

          Adding solids to your baby’s diet can lead to constipation mainly because many of those recommended 'first foods' don’t have enough fiber, causing her to become backed up. Solids like bananas, applesauce, or low fiber cereals can induce constipation. Dairy-based solids like cheese or yogurt are also more difficult for your baby to digest which can lead to constipation.

          How to help a constipated baby:

          Start Simply

          One of the best baby constipation remedies is to eliminate the guesswork of what is causing it. Start introducing only one type of solid food every other day or every third day. By adding foods individually, you will have instant feedback on what food causes constipation or if your baby has an allergy to certain foods.

          Avoid the ABC Diet

          Foods like applesauce, bananas, and cereals are very binding and can cause constipation in babies. Instead, choose more fiber-filled fruit or vegetables to help loosen her stool. Foods like fiber-rich cereals or fruits like prunes, peaches, or pears can help the stool pass through the intestines quicker. Prune, apple, or pear juice can also soften the stools and make it easier to pass. They are particularly helpful in providing minor constipation relief.

          Gentle Massage

          Sometimes the baby’s bowels only need to be stimulated with a little help. Massaging the belly in a light circular motion near the belly button can help encourage your baby’s digestive system to get moving again. The massage may also help relieve the discomfort your baby is feeling from constipation and can relax her muscles which stimulates the digestive tract.

          Warm Bath

          A warm bath can have a similar effect on relieving a constipated baby. The warm water relaxes the muscles, reducing the abdominal pressure and discomfort.

          Bicycle Kicks

          Exercise is necessary for regular bowel movements. It helps the food move through the GI tract faster. For babies, moving the legs in a bicycle movement can help stimulate the contractions of the intestinal muscles. By assisting the muscles contract more efficiently, it keeps things moving throughout the system and encourages regular bowel movements. Just lay your baby on her back and move her legs as though she was riding a bicycle.


          Probiotics can be a long-term solution for constipated babies. The naturally occurring bacteria help the healthy flora thrive in your baby’s digestive system. The probiotics support the healthy bacteria to break down the waste, making it easier for your baby to pass the stool.

          Mommy’s Bliss Constipation Ease

          Another option for your 6-month old’s occasional constipation is Mommy’s Bliss Constipation Ease. The all natural liquid supplement has prune juice and organic dandelion extract. The prune juice loosens the stools while the dandelion extract helps ease the discomfort and bloating, relieving your baby’s constipation without any harsh stimulants.

          Real Mom Review: Everyday McKay Shares Her Thoughts on Gripe Water Night Time

          I remember the very first time I heard about gripe water. It was at 2 am and my daughter Sophie was about 4 weeks old. She had been up all night screaming. I was a first-time mom and I was clueless. I had no idea what to do or how to help her. I was browsing some mom groups on Facebook and just lurking the posts. I noticed a couple of moms had mentioned 'gripe water'. I thought it was a typo.

          Gripe water? Do they mean grape water? What is this?

          I had never heard of it before. So I decided to make my own post. At this point it was 2:30am- I was not expecting anyone to respond to my 'baby won't stop crying, please help!' Post. But right away I received a ton of comments. 'Mommy's Bliss.' One mom said. 'Yes! Mommy's Bliss is the best!' Another mom commented. Hmm...I thought. Okay, off to google. So I did some research and it turns out Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water is highly recommended and it had great reviews. I sent my husband out that minute! (3am) and I told him to make sure he got 'Mommy's Bliss' Gripe Water! He came back and we gave it to Sophie and ahhhh, relief! She stopped crying!

          From that moment on, it's been my saving grace, my go-to, my Hail Mary, and my absolute must-have favorite baby product.

          This is now my go-to baby shower gift to new moms. I tell every mom I can about it because it's given my baby so much relief it's amazing. I now have a new baby! He has his share of tummy issues. Gas and hiccups keeping him up at night but I was prepared this time! I now give him my Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water (I love the night time version) and he sleeps like, well, he sleeps like a baby!

          5 Easy Solutions to Soothe A Fussy Gassy Baby

          All babies have gas because all babies have digestive systems!

          This is due to what I call the baby gut trifecta:

          • Babies are on all liquid diets (meals move through them very fast).
          • They eat frequently (8-12 times in 24 hours).
          • They do this with a digestive tract which is very immature.

          It’s no wonder our babies spend their days and nights with rip-roaring gas! Since passing gas signals good GI health, these noisy tooting babies are at least happy most often. The real problem lies when their gas can’t be passed. It becomes trapped in their intestines which can cause bloating and discomfort. This inability to pass gas has parents often losing their minds. Try these simple prevention tips, along with some tips on how to soothe even the fussiest gassy baby.

          1. Prevention

          Feed Upright

          No matter if your baby is fed by breast or by the bottle, the more swallowed air = the more gas goes into their large intestines. Does feeding upright sound unnatural? Not really, when you think of how only human babies are fed this way. Feeding upright is more natural. Need further proof? Google nursing pictures of other mammals and you’ll find them always nursing upright.

          Feeding in an upright position has many advantages for the gut:

          • A new baby who is just learning how to suck-swallow-breathe can accommodate large volumes of milk, from both breasts or bottles while coordinating breathing better, if sitting upright. This is especially imperative for breastfed babies whose moms have a fast milk ejection reflex, aka fast let-down.
          • Eating and staying upright after meals aids in digestion. In fact, staying upright is the best way for swallowed gas to escape upward before going into our large intestines causing discomfort. So hold your baby a little longer before immediately laying them down or use an infant seat or swing.

          How do I feed upright? Modify your nursing positions. Have the baby’s tummy facing yours with their butt lower than the breast. To bottle feed, hold baby in a sitting up position( about 90°) and externally pace how fast the baby swallows air by offering breaks. Remove the bottle after gulping down 1-2 ounces. then restart the feeding when baby has time to rest. Burp While some babies don’t burp well, it’s best practice to always offer between switching breasts if nursing and after an ounce if bottle feeding especially if you heard air being swallowed(big gulps). You can also see “air” swallowed with bottle-feeding which makes bubbles appear in the bottle. Too late...my baby’s tummy is distended and bloated and he can’t pass any gas!

          2. Soothing Techniques


          Comfort your baby while getting all the “stuff” done. Babywearing was a real game changer for me 16 years ago when I became a mother. It’s the perfect solution for any mama needing to be hands-free while still be able to soothe her fussy baby. In fact, this is one of the most effective tools to own if you have a high-needs baby or a gassy baby. Unlike, a crying baby who can’t pass gas, a high-needs baby is content 90% of the time as long as he is being held. Whereas, a gassy baby still continues to cry even if picked up.

          A baby benefits from being worn too. Gravity is your baby’s friend when being worn. Not only will being upright aid in their digestion preventing trapped gas, but it also helps pass any swallowed air from their upper GI(burps) and lower GI(toots from down below). This occurs from the gentle bounces which naturally occur each time you walk while wearing your baby.

          It’s a natural heating pad. Did you ever have a tummy ache or menstrual cramps and reach for a heating pad? Warmth is very soothing when discomfort is present. Placing your baby in the carrier facing you becomes the perfect heating pad from the body heat the tummy to tummy position creates. This is the ideal position when treating gas pains. If your older baby insist on facing out, create faux body heat by placing a warm rice sock in between your baby’s clothed tummy and the carrier. (Add rice to a tube sock, tie the open end in a knot, and heat in the microwave to warm not heat)

          Go Outside

          Hit the “reset” button for both you and baby. Since most babies have their fussiest gassiest hours in the early evening hours before dark, if weather permits, take them outside to help soothe them. Babywear or use a stroller if you prefer. Being outside works by resetting their emotions the same way “getting some fresh air” does for us adults. There is a bonus for parents too. Taking a walk and getting out of the house will help recharge you so you have the stamina to get through the final, and often hardest hours of the day(it could also help you shed some baby weight too.). Added Bonus: No sunscreen or covers needed in the early evening which saves time!


          Emulate the womb. If your baby has a set window when they are the fussiest , then plan to do the activities that give them the most pleasure to comfort them. Since babies come from a water environment, bathtime should be a real comfort to them. When I hear parents complain their baby doesn’t like their bath, I remind them to make sure they are emulating the womb.

          Keep the water warm.(in utero is about 98° so get the water warm enough)

          Choose a Tub that is Soft and that Cradles Them

          MOST IMPORTANTLY, 10 minutes before bathtime, pre-warm the bathroom by using a small ceramic-type heater or similar and closing the door to assure the room air is also warm. Think that sounds strange? Not really, since no adult I know likes to take a warm shower only to step out into a freezing drafty room.

          Call a Code Brown! Warm water is very therapeutic in relaxing the gut and easing tummy cramps. Beware: It will often produce a sudden Code Brown=poop in the bathtub.

          3. Probiotics

          Add healthy bacteria to your gut. Even breastmilk-fed babies suffer from gas and bloating. Breastmilk naturally contains both prebiotics (fertilizer for the gut) and probiotics. Probiotics powders and drops made for infants work by adding “good” bacteria to the gut. Increasing the number of healthy bacteria is helpful when there is a history of commercial formula use, or any milk if there are symptoms present. Since our digestive health correlates with our immune health, adding “healthy” bacteria will ward off the “bad” bacteria. Having the ideal environment in the bowels will aid digestion and can minimize painful gas. Mommy’s Bliss© Probiotic Drops are a great option for infants, they are 100% dairy-free and have an easy dropper for administering.

          Hooray for a poopy diaper! Before you became a parent you would've never thought you would get so excited for a poopy diaper. Some babies have a hard time pooping after the newborn stage. Moms will tell you on the days their baby poops their baby is a different baby and dread the days when they skip a bowel movement. Giving probiotics help create a healthy gut making it easier for babies who skip a day to “go”.

          4. Gripe Water

          Gripe Water is a great option to relieve the discomfort that infants face from colic, gas, and hiccups. It typically contains natural herbal ingredients, such as ginger and fennel, that work together to calm hiccups, soothe upset tummies and help ease colic symptoms quickly. Mommy’s Bliss #1 selling Gripe Water has been used effectively by millions of parents to relieve their distressed babies.

          5. Gas Drops

          Made with simethicone, gas drops decrease the surface tension of gas bubbles, causing them to combine into larger bubbles in the stomach that can be passed more easily, helping baby pass gas and feel nearly instant relief from that full, bloated feeling. Mommy’s Bliss Gas Relief Drops provide safe & effective relief from gas and work in just minutes! Gas Relief Drops can safely be used in conjunction with our Gripe Water products. The two products together can be especially useful to babies who have been crying incessantly. The Gas Relief drops help baby to burp up all the churned-up air in the stomach from bouts of crying. Gripe Water likewise aids burping and helps soothe baby’s tummy distress with the ginger and fennel ingredients. The two together relieve gas pains and provide longer-lasting relief by soothing the baby’s tummy.

          If these tips don’t show much improvement be sure to discuss your findings with your baby’s healthcare provider. If breastfeeding, also see a board-certified lactation consultant(IBCLC). They will rule out any medical conditions or lactation conditions that can cause more gas which is easily treatable. Hang in there mama! Your baby’s gut is maturing every day making these times less more frequent as time passes.

          When Does Fussy Mean Gassy?

          When your newborn is constantly upset, it’s not only frustrating—it breaks your heart! When you’ve helped in all the ways you can think of, it’s time to find the reason for the racket. Pediatricians say that colic and gas are two of the most common causes of fuss in new babies. Here’s how to tell which kind of trouble is making your baby’s tiny tummy too tender, and how to get quick relief.

          It could be colic if he:

          • Cries for no apparent reason
          • Cries around the same time every day
          • Cries for at least 3 hours a day, for at least 3 days a week, for at least 3 weeks
          • Exhibits signs of gas (see below)

            Get Relief

            Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water and Gripe Water Night Time are safe, gentle, NSF-certified herbal supplements that relieve fussiness and discomfort associated with both colic and gas. Our mom-designed formula soothes sensitive stomachs with organic ginger and fennel, and never contains alcohol, parabens or artificial colors or flavors. Take Mommy’s Bliss Organic Gripe Water Gel with you for an easy on-the-spot swipe, or pop in a drop of Organic Gripe Water Gel Night Time to promote restful sleep with lemon balm, chamomile and passionflower, so you can both have a quieter night.

            It could be gas if he:

            • Pulls his legs towards his body
            • Cries after feeding
            • Spits up frequently
            • Has a bloated belly

            Get Relief

            Mommy’s Bliss Gas Relief Drops work in minutes by safely breaking up gas bubbles, effectively helping baby pass gas so she feels better immediately. You can use Gas Relief Drops and Gripe Water together, to cover all the bases of your baby’s belly woes. Calmer babies mean calmer parents, so here’s to finding our chill together.

            Baby Essentials: 0-3 Months

            Walking the aisles of a baby store can be overwhelming, what do you really need for baby? Here are a few of our favorites for those first few months, they may not be necessities but they can help make things a little easier.

            Gripe Water: In those first few months baby may experience some tummy discomfort, Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water is a safe and gentle herbal supplement used to ease stomach discomfort often associated with gas, colic, and hiccups.

            Baby Carrier or Wrap: Perfect to keep baby close and keep your hands free, great to take for those shopping trips and just around the house.

            Diaper Bag: A large diaper bag packed with all baby's essentials ready to go will make getting out the door much easier!

            Baby Bath Tub: A baby bath tub isn't a necessity but it really makes bath time much easier. There are many units on the market now that fit right into the bathtub.

            Onesies with Zippers: All those cute outfits (skirt and top, jeans and button up) are great for pictures and special occasions, but you will not want to put baby in them everyday. Make sure you have plenty of one piece outfits around, zippers are great for those night time diaper changes as the buttons can be hard to match up in the dark.

            Muslin Swaddles: Muslin swaddles are multi-purpose and can be used as blankets, car seat cover, play mat and much more.

            Bouncer or Swing: A safe place where you can place baby is essential.

            The Scoop on Poop

            It's amazing how much you care about poop after you become a parent. What is in baby's diaper can tell you a lot about how baby's digestive system is working and help you determine if baby is constipated. Here's what you can expect from baby's bowel movements:


            Depending on your baby, what's considered normal may range from one bowel movement every several days to several poops every day. Generally breast-fed babies poop more than formula-fed ones.


            Infants who are breastfed tend to have somewhat watery bowel movements that are soft or even runny. Formula-fed babies pass slightly more firm stools that are similar in consistency to peanut butter.


            For breastfed babies, a mustardy yellow color with little seed like white bits is common. A yellow-tan with hints of green is typical for infants who are formula-fed. Small changes to baby’s diet and routine can lead to occasional constipation, while the complete absence of bowel movements can be an indicator of constipation so can stools that are hard or difficult to pass. If baby’s stool is small and pebble like or they are really straining to pass stools they may be constipated. Some things you can do to bring baby some relief include:

            • Some foods and juices like pear, apple and prune have a laxative effect and can help to relieve minor constipation.

            • Gentle stomach massage and bicycling baby’s legs can help to get things ‘moving,’ try after a warm bath.

            • If you are formula feeding baby consider switching to a different formula that might be gentler on baby’s system.

            • A natural way to help ease occasional constipation in babies older than 6 months is Mommy’s Bliss Constipation Ease*. Its extra gentle formula contains prune juice and organic fennel and dandelion extract, and is free of harsh chemicals or laxatives.

            If you have any concerns or baby is not getting better, be sure to contact his or her doctor.

            Are Daily Probiotics Beneficial for Baby?

            Chances are you’ve been hearing about the benefits of probiotics for a while now. You may even take one yourself every day—good for you! Wondering if your baby could also benefit from taking a daily probiotic? We’ve gone through the latest research and the good news is yes! Here are just a few of the ways your baby could benefit.

            GAS AND COLIC

            Probiotics are natural microorganisms similar to those found in healthy digestive tracts. By adding them to your baby’s routine, you can help to build up good bacteria in the gut leading to less tummy troubles like gas or colic. In fact, a 2007 study in the journal Pediatrics found that giving probiotics helped to keep the bacteria in the gut balanced which resulted in less intestinal inflammation, which is a major cause of gas and colic in infants. A 2011 study in European Journal of Clinical Investigation found that probiotics can also help food to move through the digestive system more easily, leading to less frequent spitting up.

            UPSET TUMMY

            Giving probiotics can help restore the balance of good bacteria in baby’s bowels and can help with digestive upset. A great daily option to build up baby's gut microbiome is Mommy's Bliss Probiotic Drops- Everyday. If you are looking to build up baby's gut health quickly try Mommy's Bliss Probiotic Drops- 15 Day Boost.


            Sometimes it feels like the first year of your baby’s life is really just a series of discussions about poop. What color is it? What’s the consistency? Is this normal? And maybe most concerning: where is the poop?? Constipation can be caused by several factors including changes to diet and changes to routine, but studies have shown that keeping the digestive tract healthy with a healthy amount of “good bacteria” can help to prevent occasional bouts of constipation. To put it simply: a daily probiotic supplement can help keep your little one regular!


            In addition to digestive and gut health, probiotics can help fight toxins and boost baby’s immunity. Try feeding your little one probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or kefir or give her a daily probiotic supplement to keep her immune system strong.


            If your baby was born via C-section, he could benefit from a daily probiotic supplement. A 2013 Swedish study found that C-section babies had less gut diversity during the first two years of life than babies delivered vaginally. They found that C-section babies are lacking the Bacteroides phylum, which helps the immune system respond to the right triggers, a bacteria they would have otherwise been exposed to in the birth canal.

            5 Things to Know About Probiotics

            Probiotics seem to be popping up everywhere these days. From the drugstore to every aisle in the grocery store, from kombucha to coconut kefir, probiotics are the new “hot” health supplement. But what are they and why should your family be taking them? Here are 5 things you should know about probiotics:

            What are probiotics?

            Probiotics are living microorganisms like bacteria that are frequently called the “good bacteria.” Probiotics help the digestive system get rebalanced, fighting off the harmful bacteria and helping rebuild a healthy digestive system. There are a variety of probiotic strains that are very similar to the bacteria found naturally in the gut. Each strain has different effects on the digestive system, and they each have various benefits. The most prominent strains of probiotics are:
            Lactobacillus rhamnosus
            The lactobacillus is one of the most studied strains of probiotic bacteria. It is a lactic acid bacterium that helps support healthy digestion and can naturally support relief and recovery from colic or tummy upset. Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a probiotic that is often remarked upon for promoting a healthy gut environment and boosting the immune system.
            Lactobacillus Plantarum
            Lactobacillus Plantarum is a strain of probiotics that helps produce the amino acid L. lysine, a protein that is vital for absorbing calcium, producing hormones and improving the immune system. It lives naturally in the gut, but it can also be found in cultured vegetables like kimchi, cultured vegetables, and sauerkraut. Lactobacillus Plantarum is vital for newborns and pregnant women. Pregnant women need this strain of probiotic to line the cell membranes with probiotic culture to help them stay healthy. Newborns require it to establish a well-balanced inner ecosystem, helping to prevent colic and bowel disorders.
            Bifidobacterium longum
            Bifidobacterium longum helps the acid levels present in digestive juices to stay balanced. It is one of the earliest probiotic to develop in the infant’s digestive system. Bifidobacterium longum stimulates the immune system by combating infections. It can even help prevent respiratory infections in infants! It benefits the digestive system by improving the flora in the GI tract and preventing intestinal inflammation.

            How do probiotics work?

            Probiotics stay temporarily in the gastrointestinal tract, which means it’s something your family needs to take consistently to get the benefits. While there, they help prevent pathogens from releasing toxins. They also help improve the barrier in the digestive tract, preventing pathogens from entering the bloodstream and allowing nutrients to be absorbed efficiently. Probiotics also work in the gut to help absorb nutrients like carbohydrates and vitamins, ensuring that the digestive tract is efficiently converting the carbs into nutrients and guaranteeing the vitamins get absorbed properly.
            Probiotics map help your baby with colic and other digestive issues
            When babies are first born, the only flora they have is colonized from the mom’s birth canal. Those that are born during a cesarean will gain bacteria from mom’s skin, but not as much as through a vaginal birth. This means that when you bring your newborn home, her digestive system is still developing and the healthy bacteria is still being colonized. Because the digestive system is still forming, it can be difficult for infants to break down the foods, causing colic or acid reflux. Babies who have colic or other digestive issues can benefit from taking probiotics. Studies have shown that babies given probiotics, either through breast milk or supplements, will have less tummy discomfort.
            Probiotics vs. Prebiotics
            Both are tiny microorganisms found in the gut. However, prebiotics are specialized fibers that nourish the probiotics that are already in the GI tract. Prebiotics team up with the probiotics to improve health by maintaining the balance of intestinal bacteria and reducing inflammation. Probiotics add the good bacteria to the gut, but prebiotics act as a kind of fertilizer for probiotics, allowing them to grow and thrive. Probiotics end up getting absorbed by the body, which is why you take them every day to keep the healthy bacteria plentiful. Prebiotics, however, are not destroyed in the body and play a role in nutrient absorption and overall digestive health.

            Where do you get probiotics and how often do you take them?

            Adults can absorb probiotics most easily in fermented food or dietary supplements. Probiotics are found in Kimchi, yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and a variety of other fermented foods. When looking at probiotic supplements, make sure you are looking at the strains of probiotics. For infants, probiotics are readily absorbed through breast milk (which is why mom should be taking them too!) Breast milk provides probiotics naturally and adds in the immunoglobulin A, which helps keep the gut lining sealed, preventing any pathogens from entering the bloodstream. There are also a variety of probiotic supplements available for your baby. Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops have over 1 billion Lactobacillus rhamnosus cells per serving, helping promote a healthy gut environment for your newborn while supporting their immune system. It may also help prevent colic by helping your baby’s digestive system break down the foods and move through the system faster. Probiotics should be taken frequently, if not daily, to keep replenishing the healthy bacteria in the gut and promote healthy immune functions.

            Looking for Digestive Health Boosters?

            If you are looking for even more of a digestive health booster for your baby, try Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops + Vitamin D. These drops contain the same amount of Lactobacillus rhamnosus but with the added benefit of 400 IU of Vitamin D. It has all of the above benefits of probiotics, but with the addition of all the benefits of the recommended dose of vitamin D. Vitamin D will help your baby absorb calcium and ensure healthy bone growth. It teams up with the probiotics to give your baby an even bigger immunity boost! If your looking to boost your babies immune system in a short period of time, try the Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops 15 Day Boost. These drops replenish the healthy bacteria in 15 days. Each of these probiotics can help your baby’s digestive system flourish and may help boost their immune system.

            Signs Baby's Poop Is Normal

            How often should baby poop? What should their poop look like? How will you know if baby is constipated? Here is a little guide to help you determine if baby's poop is normal:
            Depending on your baby, what’s considered normal may range from one bowel movement every several days to several poops every day. Generally, breastfed babies poop more than formula-fed ones.
            Infants who are breast- fed tend to have somewhat watery bowel movements that are soft or even runny. Formula-fed babies pass slightly more firm stools that are similar in consistency to peanut butter.
            For breastfed babies, a mustardy yellow with little whitish seed-like bits is common. A yellow-tan with hints of green is typical for infants who are formula-fed.
            If your baby is passing stools that are unusually hard or pebble-like, and he’s straining without success or he’s excessively fussy, he may be constipated. If baby is constipated Mommy’s Bliss Constipation Ease* is pediatrician recommended to safely and naturally ease occasional constipation and promote regular bowel movements*. If baby’s symptoms do not get better or you have any concerns at all call your pediatrician immediately.

            4 Ways to Calm a Gassy Baby

            Baby gassy?

            Not sure how to help them when they are suffering from gas pains?

            Here are 5 things you can try to calm your gassy baby:

            Feeding Angle: Feed baby on an angle, make sure her head is higher than her stomach so they don't take in as much air. Gentle Tummy Massage: Softly stroke baby's belly in a clockwise direction, this follows the path of digestion and can help get the air moving in his tummy. Bicycle Legs: Lay baby on their back and gently move their legs in a bicycle motion to help release any air trapped in her stomach. Gas Drops & Gripe Water: Gas drops quickly and effectively break up gas bubbles, helping baby pass gas and feel nearly instant relief from that full, bloated feeling. Gripe Water is an herbal supplement that eases discomfort & reduces fussiness caused by colic. Mommy's Bliss Gas Relief Drops are fast acting & effectively ease stomach discomfort caused by gas. The simethicone based drops are safe for newborns+ and gentle enough for use after each feeding when used as directed. Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water and Gripe Water Night Time are gentle herbal supplements that relieve discomfort due to gas and colic. The gentle formula contains organic ginger and fennel. Gripe Water Night Time includes chamomile, lemon balm & passion flower help to promote restful sleep for baby. Mommy's Bliss products do NOT contain alcohol, parabens, or artificial colors or flavor.

            Infant Hiccups - Quick Remedies

            Baby hiccups might be adorable, but they can often be a source of worry for new parents. It’s important to know that these infant hiccups are usually harmless and are typically not a sign of bigger health issues. Like in adults, hiccups are involuntary, sudden contractions of the diaphragm. When babies swallow air during feeding, it can cause quick contractions of the diaphragm muscle which snaps the opening of the vocal cords shut, making the hic sound. Some babies aren’t disturbed by hiccups and can even sleep through them. However, hiccups frequently can often be a nuisance that interrupts feeding or nap time.

            How do you get rid of infant hiccups?

            Most hiccups are caused by overfeeding, reflux, or belly distention, so most of the solutions are related to slightly changing how you feed your little one.


            If your baby has a case of hiccups right before feeding, nursing can help calm the diaphragm. Sucking has a soothing effect on your baby, helping her breathe more calmly and relaxing the diaphragm.

            Reduce Air Intake

            If you hear your baby gulping or swallowing a lot of air while nursing, she will likely get the hiccups. If you are breastfeeding and you think your baby might be taking in too much air, make sure she is latching well. Have her lips sealed around the whole areola, not just the nipple to prevent her from swallowing too much air. Bottle feeding can also cause your baby to take in air while feeding. If the nipple hole isn’t large enough on the bottle, she might suck quicker and harder, swallowing more air in the process. Similarly, if the hole is too big, she might be drinking the milk too quickly, filling up her stomach which places pressure on the diaphragm.

            Take a Break During Feeding

            Whether you breastfeed or use a bottle, taking a break during the feeding can help your baby get rid of her hiccups. If you use a bottle, take a break after 2 or 3 ounces. If you breastfeed, take a break when you switch breasts. During the break, burp your baby while they are sitting upright or rub her back to help her get rid of the extra gas. The upright position can ease the pressure on the diaphragm by letting the air rise to the top of the stomach.

            Feed Less More Often

            Feeding your baby less milk more frequently will prevent your baby from overfeeding. When your baby takes in too much milk, too quickly, her belly becomes distended and triggers the diaphragm into the sudden contractions. By slowing down the feeding, you prevent her from getting too full which prevents pressure on the diaphragm.

            Offer a Pacifier

            Sometimes your baby’s hiccups start on their own. If that’s the case, try offering her a pacifier. The soothing effect of sucking on the pacifier relaxes the diaphragm while helping your baby control her breathing.

            Try Gripe Water

            If your baby continues to hiccup for more than ten minutes, try giving her some gripe water. Gripe water is a natural combination of herbs like ginger, fennel, chamomile, or cinnamon which help ease stomach discomfort caused by excess gas or air in the stomach. If you are looking for natural gripe water, try Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water. The natural herbal supplement works using ginger and fennel to help expel the extra gas that puts pressure on the diaphragm.

            Hiccups and Reflux

            Very rarely, infant hiccups could be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux, better known as GER. This brings some of the acids and undigested food back into the esophagus, causing hiccups and discomfort. If you are concerned that your baby’s hiccups are a sign of GER or that they are happening too frequently, mention your concerns to your pediatrician.

            Natural Ways to Ease Baby's Gas Pain

            Is your baby gassy? You aren't alone, most infants suffer from gas in the first 4 months of life. Here are some natural ways you can ease baby's gas pain at home.


            Gently massage baby's tummy or bicycle their legs to help release any trapped gas.

            Gripe Water

            Mommy's Bliss #1 selling gripe water, is a safe and gentle herbal supplement used to ease stomach discomfort often associated with gas.

            Feeding Angle

            Try to keep baby's mouth is above their belly and that they are not taking in too much air while eating. If you are nursing consider asking a nurse or lactation consultant about baby's latch, if you are feeding baby from a bottle consider 'anti-gas' bottles.


            Be sure to burp baby during and after feedings to release any gas that may have gotten trapped while baby was eating.

            Tummy Time

            Regular tummy time can help baby pass gas better, not just when tummy time follows a feeding.

            8 Tips to Relieve Baby's Constipation

            You probably never imagined you would spend much time thinking about someone else’s poop. But since bringing your baby home, you’ve probably thought about your baby’s bowel movements more often than you’d care to admit. Questions about how it should look, how often it should happen, and whether it's normal are common concerns for new parents. But what happens when you feel like your baby isn’t going enough?

            How can you tell if your baby is constipated?

            If you have noticed any of the following symptoms, you might have a constipated baby on your hands.
            • Hard, dry stool
            • More than three days since the last stool
            • Trouble passing
            • Firm belly
            • Less than three bowel movements per week
            • Irritability, crying, or discomfort while trying to pass stool
            • Spitting up more than usual

            Why is your baby getting constipated?

            Babies who are not formula fed are unlikely to have constipation because the stool remains soft. However, once you start switching to formula and solids, you are more likely to get a constipated baby. That’s because the proteins in formulas are slightly different and cause the stool to become harder. Illness is another reason you could be dealing with baby constipation. When babies get sick, they don’t eat or drink normally which can cause their delicate digestive systems to get off track, often leading to constipation. If your baby was born premature, he might also have some difficulty with constipation. Some premature babies don’t develop the GI tract fully causing food to move more slowly through their digestive system. Also, watch out for dehydration. When your baby is dehydrated, his body starts to redirect the fluid from whatever he drinks into the more vital systems, leaving the stool to become dry and hard.

            Here are some remedies to try on how to relieve constipation in babies quickly:

            1. Change Mom’s Diet

            Though exclusively breastfed babies don’t get constipation very often, it can still happen. If that’s the case, you might want to consider changing up your diet. Your little one might be sensitive to something you’re eating. Keep a food diary and make a note if removing something seems to help.

            2. Change Formulas

            Formulas based on whey or soy could be irritating your baby’s digestive system. He might be allergic to some of the proteins found in the formula which causes the constipation and discomfort. Switching to another brand may help relieve the symptoms because the milk proteins aren’t the same. Some of them have proteins that are already partially hydrolyzed or chopped down, making them easier to digest. Talk to your pediatrician to discuss which formula is best for your baby’s tummy.

            3. Get Off the BRAT Diet

            If you have made the switch to solid foods, you are likely giving your baby some of the BRAT diet. This includes bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Often parents will give these foods to their baby to soothe an upset tummy. However, they can cause him to get backed up. These foods are low in fiber, causing the stool to harden.

            4. Fruit Juice

            Fruit juice is an option if your baby isn’t on solids yet. If your baby is under four months, try an ounce of prune, apple-prune, or grape juice to help relieve symptoms of constipation. Don’t forget to dilute the juice with water! Though it varies, your baby’s bowels should be moving in 12-24 hours. For some, it might only take a few minutes!

            5. Warm Bath

            A warm bath can help your baby’s muscles relax to get things moving again.

            6. Gentle Massage

            If the bath didn’t do the trick, try a soft massage on the baby’s tummy when drying him off. Gently massage the belly in a circular motion near the navel, slowly moving away from the center of the belly. This stimulates the bowels and encourages the system to pass the stool.

            7. Bicycle Legs

            Movement and exercise can help stimulate your baby’s digestive system, causing a natural contraction of the intestinal muscles. To get those muscles contracting, lay your baby down on his back and start to move his legs in a half-bent position, as though he is riding a bike.

            8. Constipation Ease

            If your baby is older than six months, try Mommy’s Bliss Constipation Ease. This supplement can help relieve symptoms of constipation. The gentle ingredients like prune juice, organic fennel, and organic dandelion help soften the stools while easing discomfort and bloating.

            Is Your Baby Having Trouble Pooping? Could they be Constipated?

            Have you noticed baby straining when they pass stools? Or maybe it has been longer than three days since they had a bowel movement, they may be constipated.

            Signs of constipation include:

            • absence of bowel movements for three or more days
            • straining while passing stool
            • painful stools
            • small streaks of bright red blood in stool (caused from small tears in anal wall)
            • small hard stools

            Constipation can be caused by changes in baby's diet and routine including:

            • starting solids
            • new foods added to diet
            • new formula
            • not getting enough water
            • not getting enough fiber

            Easy things you can do to try to bring baby some relief if they are constipated:

            • small amounts of diluted fruit juice (prune, pear, peach or plum are best)
            • switch formulas (consult child's physician first)
            • for baby's eating solids cut back on applesauce, bananas and rice cereal
            • for baby's eating solids offer them purees of prunes, pears, peaches and plums
            • Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease
            If you have any questions or concerns be sure to contact baby's pediatrician.

            Signs Baby May Be Constipated

            Has baby been passing infrequent stools? Have they been straining while passing stool? Not sure if they are constipated? While the complete absence of bowel movements is a sign of constipation, there are other signs that baby may be a little backed up. Here are some ways to help you determine if baby is constipated:
            • Pain or discomfort while passing stool.
            • Less than three bowel movements per week.
            • Stools that are hard or like small clay balls.
            • Hard or firm belly that is tender to the touch.
            • Loss of appetite.
            • Bright red streak of blood in stool (caused from tearing of anal walls when passing harder stools)
            Some easy ways you can try to bring baby some relief include Mommy's Bliss constipation ease, fruit juices (if they are old enough for juices) and more fiber rich foods for babies that are eating solids. If you have any concerns about baby's constipation be sure to contact your pediatrician.

            Tips to Relieve Baby's Night Time Gas Discomfort

            Gas pains keeping baby awake at night? Here are some tips to help ease their discomfort and help them drift off to blissful sleep.


            Make sure to burp baby during feedings throughout the day to help avoid gas pains at night.

            Feeding Angle

            When feeding a baby, either nursing or by bottle, try to keep their head higher than their stomach.


            A gentle stomach massage can help to break up the gas bubbles.

            Gripe Water

            Gripe water can help to ease stomach discomfort associated with gas & colic, and Mommy’s Bliss new night time formula is perfect to help ease fussiness and help baby drift off to sleep.

            Bicycle their Legs

            Move their legs in a ‘bicycle’ motion to help break up the gas bubbles (this might also get you a giggle).

            Warm Bath

            A nice warm bath can both ease gas pains and get baby ready for bed.


            If you are breastfeeding and notice that baby is gassy, try to avoid certain foods that can cause gas like cabbage and beans.

            Gas Drops

            Mommy’s Bliss Gas Relief Drops quickly and effectively break up gas bubbles, helping baby pass gas and feel nearly instant relief from that full, bloated feeling.

            Can Introducing Solids Cause Constipation?

            Starting your baby on solids can be a very exciting milestone, but sometimes this change to the baby's diet can lead to constipation. The first step in bringing babies some relief is recognizing that they are constipated. While constipation is often thought of as the complete absence of stool, babies may also be constipated if their poop is small and hard or if they are straining when passing stool.

            If the baby is constipated here are a few things you can try to bring them some relief:

            • Feed them fruits like pears, peaches, plums, and prunes or vegetables like broccoli and brussels sprouts.
            • Increase breast milk or formula. Talk with your child's pediatrician about offering small amounts of water or diluted fruit juice.
            • Try bicycling their legs or gentle massage to help.
            • Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease is a safe & effective all-natural liquid herbal supplement used to promote regular bowel movements and ease occasional constipation.

            Always consult your child's pediatrician with any concerns.

            Traveling with Baby? Ways to Help Relieve Constipation On the Go

            Taking baby to see family and friends during the holiday's can be a lot of fun, but all these changes to baby's routine and diet can lead to constipation.

            Why does baby become constipated while traveling?

            • Change in diet. Change in eating time. Change in sleep routine. Change in amount of activity.

            What can you do to help prevent constipation?

            Try to keep baby on their regular eating and sleeping schedule. Make sure they are moving around enough. Make sure they are getting enough fiber rich foods.

            If baby does get constipated here are some things you can do to help bring them some relief:

            If baby is old enough for fruit juice, a small amount of pear, apple or prune juice can help relieve constipation.
            • Warm bath.
            • Gentle massage.
            • Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease is a safe & effective all natural liquid herbal supplement used to promote regular bowel movements and ease occasional constipation.

            Common Causes of Constipation & Tips for Relief

            With new parenthood often comes a new focus on poop! Is that color normal? How often should baby be pooping? Is this consistency okay? How do I get this poop stain out? Another big question that parents ask, what happens when there is NO poop?? Constipation is miserable for anyone, but seeing your little one uncomfortable can be heartbreaking. As babies go through various changes, the frequency, consistency, color, and smell of poop can all change drastically...and vary from baby to baby. So how do you even know if your baby is constipated? While frequency is an important factor, what matter most is actually how difficult it is for your baby to poop. If he is only pooping twice a week, but the stools are soft and pass easily, he probably isn't constipated. Look for these signs when determining constipation:
            • your baby has a hard time going or seems uncomfortable
            • he has hard stools
            • he doesn't poop at least once every 5-10 days
            As always, if you aren't sure or feel that something is amiss, call your pediatrician!

            So What Causes Constipation?

            More often than not, a change in diet can be at the root of constipation. Shifting from breastmilk to formula or introducing cow's milk can trigger constipation. If your baby has a dairy allergy or intolerance she could end up constipated from milk based formula or dairy in mom's diet. If you suspect a dairy allergy or intolerance is responsible for baby's constipation consult your pediatrician and ask for recommendations. When your baby starts solids the change can throw off her digestive system. Be sure to start with foods that are easy to digest and avoid only feeding her foods that can cause constipation. The BRAT diet is one that is used to combat diarrhea, so feeding your baby too much of these foods can actually cause constipation: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. Make sure to incorporate plenty of high fiber foods into her diet.
            Dehydration can result in hard stools that are difficult to pass. Monitor your baby's liquid intake and be sure to provide plenty of formula or breast milk to meet his nutritional needs. If your baby is 4 months+ and you think adding an ounce our two of water per day might help, ask your pediatrician for recommendations & best practices.
            If your little one has recently been feeling under the weather and is constipated, chances are she’s probably not eating or drinking as much as usual, which can throw off her system.
            Supplements that are high in iron or certain pain medications can cause constipation. Your doctor will know if baby’s medicine could be to blame.

            Tips for Relieving Constipation:

            • A warm bath - this can relax your baby's stomach muscles, helping him to more comfortably pass stools. Just watch out for that code brown!
            • A gentle tummy massage - softly stroke your baby’s belly in a clockwise direction, following the path of digestion to help get things moving.
            • Bicycle his legs - lay your baby on his back and gently move his legs and hips in a bicycle motion.
            • High fiber foods - if your baby has started solids, try increasing her fiber intake with foods such as spinach, pears, plums, peaches and peas.
            • Constipation Ease - try this safe and effective, all-natural supplement that gently alleviates occasional constipation. It contains prune juice to help ease constipation and organic fennel and organic dandelion extract to relieve stomach discomfort and bloating.

            Could Probiotics Help Relieve Baby's Colic and Gas?

            Probiotics seem to be the new ‘hot’ item on the market, but could they really help your baby? If your baby suffers from gas or colic there are studies suggesting that regular probiotic use can be beneficial.

            What are Probiotics and What Do They Do?

            Probiotics are tiny living microorganisms like bacteria or yeast that help the digestive system. You can think of probiotics as the helpful bacteria that renew the good bacteria in your gut to help you digest food and fight off infections. There are three groups of main probiotics, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Saccharomyces boulardii. Lactobacillus is the most common probiotic often found in fermented food or yogurt. This strain of probiotic is particularly useful for helping digest lactose. Bifidobacterium is found in most dairy products and helps the gut absorb nutrients while keeping the food moving. Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic found in yeast that helps with digestive issues. When probiotics enter your system, they remain in the digestive tract to restore the balance of good bacteria. They help boost the immune system and protect against infections by preventing the harmful bacteria from growing in your gut.

            Why Babies Get Colic

            Colic is very common in babies, affecting nearly 20% of them. They will be fussy and irritable for hours at a time, and it will be tough to soothe them. You can tell your baby has colic if he has been crying for three hours at least three days a week for three weeks at a time. Despite how common colic is in babies, no one knows precisely what causes it. Experts think it could be overstimulated senses or exposure to tobacco, but the majority of the reasons have to do with the digestive system. The undeveloped digestive system could cause your baby's colic. The digestive system of newborns and infants are still maturing, making it difficult to break down the foods. This leads to gas in the intestines which can cause severe discomfort for your baby. Acid Reflux could be another digestive cause of your baby’s colic. Acid reflux will often develop in babies with an underdeveloped esophagus, letting the stomach acid flow back up into the throat and mouth. The acid causes your baby’s throat to become raw and painful. Food allergies are another possibility. If your baby is formula-fed, it could be an allergy to milk protein. But if he is breastfed, it could be an allergy to something in mom’s diet that is getting into the milk. The allergies can cause pain in the stomach or intestines, leading to colic.

            How Probiotics Help Colicky Babies

            Probiotics may help with your baby’s colic by reducing gastric inflammation and improving conditions like lactose intolerance. Studies have recently shown that probiotics, particularly the lactobacillus family of probiotics, can help manage the underlying issues. The helpful bacteria in probiotics support healthy gut flora to digest food. As the probiotics break down the food, your baby’s digestive system can move the food without creating gas. Probiotics can also help with colic caused by acid reflux. The Lactobacillus helps the meals move through the stomach faster, preventing your baby from spitting up.

            Why Babies Get Gassy

            Most babies will have gas at some point in their infancy, but for some, it can cause pain. If your gassy baby is breastfed, you might take a look at mom’s diet. Sometimes the gas is caused by the traces of certain gas-inducing foods like legumes or cruciferous vegetables found in mom’s breastmilk. Sometimes gas is produced by the acidity of foods in mom’s diet like tomatoes, citrus, or berries that are highly acidic. As we mentioned, the digestive systems of newborns are still maturing and learning how to function correctly, leading the supportive digestion muscles to be inefficient. Because the muscles don’t create the most efficient rhythm yet to move the food through the GI tract, it creates pockets of gas in the intestines. For older babies who are starting with solids, the new foods can irritate the GI tract and produce painful gas.

            How Probiotics Help Gassy Babies

            Because baby’s digestive system is still maturing, it doesn’t have all the beneficial flora the system needs to digest the food thoroughly. Probiotics help balance this lack, adding the beneficial bacterial flora to the gut. As the healthy bacteria grows over time, it aids the digestion process and helps the intestines secrete enzymes. Probiotics also help reduce the intestinal inflammation, preventing gas pockets from getting trapped in the intestines.

            Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops

            If your baby is colicky or gassy, it might be time to try a probiotic. Mommy’s Bliss Probiotic Drops have 1 billion Lactobacillus rhamnosus cells in each serving which are designed to ease symptoms of gas or colic. It is safe for newborns and infants as well as toddlers or older children. We use an all-natural live culture of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and it does not have any parabens or artificial colors. You don’t even need to store it in the fridge and it’s easy to give to your baby. To use, simply shake the bottle and administer one serving daily. You can add it to a bottle or use the dropper.

            Why Newborn Babies are Fussy in the Evening

            If your baby is an angel during the day, but suddenly becomes incredibly fussy at night (preventing you from having any peace and quiet after 5:00 p.m.), you might be experiencing what’s commonly known as “the witching hour.” It might start right around dinnertime, and it might seem as though there’s no cause. It can often feel as though nothing helps your baby calm down. Pacifiers won’t hold in the fussiness and the feedings don’t seem to provide any relief. It’s important to remember that nearly all babies go through this stage of getting fussy during the evening. It will typically happen after they are a couple of weeks old and might last until they are about three months old.

            Why does my infant get fussy at night?

            There are several reasons why your baby might be getting fussy right around the same time each evening.


            Colic is often defined as crying or fussiness that occurs more than three weeks in a row, happens at least three times per week, and will usually last more than three hours. Colic will only happen for early infants. It’ll start right around your infant’s two-week birthday can is heightened when he is about six weeks old. Luckily it will pass when he is around 3 or 5 months old. Though no one knows the official cause of colic, some studies indicate that it is a developmental stage. If your baby is colicky, help your baby with movement and white noise. Movement like bouncing on an exercise ball will simulate what the infant experienced in the womb. The white noise similarly helps a newborn because he is used to constant sound like your heartbeat. Breastfeeding might also help your baby calm down because he needs to “cluster feed.” Cluster feeding is when the newborn is feeding more often at closer intervals in the evening to fill up for the longest stretch of sleep.


            Sometimes the crying and issues getting to sleep might be because your baby is overstimulated. When they are under three months, babies don’t know how to self-soothe. Think about it like this: your baby is brand new to the world and is taking in all these amazing sights, smells, and feelings. Sometimes it can be too much and he tries to cope with it by whining, crying or fussing. Once your baby starts to feel cranky and starts on the road to a meltdown, it can be difficult for him to calm down. If your baby has been overstimulated, try taking away some of the stimulation. Cut out unnecessary noise like the TV and take him into a dark room. However, sometimes fussy babies like to have white noise and movement since that is what they were used to when they were in the womb. Try using a swaddle to create the calming reflex.


            Besides being overstimulated, if your infant has become too tired, he might start to get fussy. Your newborn might be tired because he is a bit colicky which causes him to fall asleep when he wants to. This can wreak havoc on creating a sleep schedule. Once your baby gets a bit older, right around the four-month mark, he will start to need to go to bed earlier. At that age, your baby starts to transition to a better bedtime routine and begins to resemble an adult sleeping pattern. If your baby is overtired, it might be time to get into a better sleep routine.

            Gas Pains

            Sometimes the fussiness is caused by gas pain. If your baby is squirming around or pulling up his legs, he might be feeling uncomfortable. Your infant might be getting gas because of the way he is drinking. If he drinks too quickly or too slowly, he might be taking in too much air as he gulps it down. If you are giving formula, air bubbles can lead to gas. Swaddles, pacifiers, bouncing, and movement can all ease a gassy baby by simulating the womb and releasing endorphins.

            Prolactin Levels

            Prolactin is the hormone in the mom’s body that causes you to make milk. There is often a natural dip in mom’s prolactin levels as the day progresses. This will cause the milk flow to slow down which might make your little one frustrated. When the milk volume is lower, your baby has to work harder to get the same amount of milk, and he may want to feed more often. Don’t worry, this is a very normal process during breastfeeding and feeding your baby often will ensure you continue to have a steady supply of milk.

            How can I help my fussy baby?

            Skin to Skin Contact

            When your little one is fussing, they might need extra attention. By holding and soothing him with skin to skin contact, your baby will calm down. This “Kangaroo Care” can have a lot of benefits like boosting mental development, making breastfeeding easier for your baby and you (it helps you produce milk), reducing baby’s stress and helping him sleep. Take off the baby’s clothes and lay him on your bare chest.

            Simulate the Womb

            By simulating the womb with white noise and movement, your baby will start to feel more comfortable with these familiar feelings. Swaddle him or take him to a dark room to help him calm down.


            Burping after each feeding can help move the gas through your infant’s digestive symptoms. Air gets trapped in his gastrointestinal system when he feeds and it needs to be released. Burping helps release the gas bubbles up through the esophagus and out the mouth.

            Gripe Water Night Time

            Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water Night Time helps your infant relieve some stomach discomfort, particularly if your newborn is gassy or colicky. The herbal supplement which includes ingredients like Chamomile and Passion Flower eases the pain and helps them sleep peacefully.

            Natural Remedies for Gas & Colic

            Does your baby suffer from gas or colic? Try these natural remedies!
            1. Warm Towel
            A warm towel placed on baby's tummy can help relieve gas.
            2. Rocking
            Rocking baby back in forth in either a swing or rocking chair can both calm him down and help him to pass gas.
            3. Probiotics
            If baby has recurring gas or colic a daily probiotic supplement like Mommy's Bliss Probiotic Drops might help.
            4. Kangaroo Care
            Skin to skin contact can help calm and soothe baby.
            5. Gripe Water
            Gripe water can help to ease the symptoms associated with both infant gas and colic. Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water is a safe and gentle herbal supplement for newborn fussiness and gas relief.
            6. Bicycle
            Bicycling baby's legs can help him to pass gas.
            7. Tummy Massage
            Softly stroking baby's belly clockwise can help get the air moving in his tummy. If you find that none of these approaches are working, try Mommy's Bliss Gas Relief Drops! They're safe and effective for easing stomach discomfort caused by gas in newborns+ As always, if you have any concerns please check with your child's doctor.

            Baby's Constipated? We have a natural solution.

            Baby is having difficulty pooping and you are wondering if they are constipated and what you can do to ease the constipation and prevent it from happening in the future. Constipation in baby's can be caused by a change in diet and/or routine. A lack of bowel movements isn't the only indicator that your baby may be constipated, other indicators are poop that is small and hard and baby if straining when passing stool.
            Treat It:
            To ease baby's pain and discomfort you can try rectal stimulation with a thermometer dipped in petroleum jelly or a natural supplement like Mommy's Bliss baby constipation ease.
            Prevent It:
            If you are exclusively breastfeeding consider making some adjustments to your diet, keep a food diary and note if eliminating any foods or food groups seems to help. If you are formula feeding talk to your pediatrician about changing baby’s formula to one that is a little easier on their tummy. If your baby is eating solids some fruits and veggies could do the trick. Try fruits like pears, peaches, plums and prunes or vegetables like broccoli and brussels sprouts.

            Tips to Calm Baby's Upset Stomach

            A baby with an upset stomach is no fun, here are some tricks you can try to help ease baby's stomach discomfort. In addition to the tricks listed below try to keep a log of when your baby is experiencing stomach discomfort to see if there are any triggers.

            1. Burp Baby

            Whether feeding milk, formula or solids try burping baby in the middle of a feeding if you suspect gas may be the culprit.

            2. Gripe Water

            If burping doesn't help try our gripe water with ginger and fennel to help with infant gas relief.

            3. Bicycle Legs

            Try laying baby on his or her back on a firm surface and moving their legs in a bicycle motion to help with gas pains. You will know this is working if they start to pass gas.

            4. Don't Overfeed

            When baby starts solids it can be easy to feed them too much, if you think they are getting a stomach ache from eating too much try cutting back a little to see if that helps.

            5. Tummy Massage

            Try a tummy massage, gently move hand in a circular motion over your baby's tummy. In addition to relieving stomach pain this could relax baby and help get them ready for sleep. If these don't work or if you are concerned about your baby's upset stomach consult your physician.

            Tips for Traveling with Baby

            As the holiday season quickly approaches you may be planning to go see family and friends, if you are planning to bring along baby we have some tips that could help the trip go smoothly.
            1. Plan travel around nap times
            When booking your travel (if traveling by plane or train) or planning your ride try to plan around nap times. If you are en route when baby is already supposed to be sleeping then there will be minimal disruption to their schedule and hopefully make for a more peaceful ride.
            2. Bring plenty of food
            Be sure to pack additional food, formula and/or breast milk for the trip. Planes and trains are often delayed and you want to be sure to have enough food on hand should that occur. Also if this is your baby's first time flying it might be a good idea to have some expressed milk in a bottle, the first time I flew with my son he would not nurse and I had to feed him from a bottle during take off and landing. (I also tried to remember to throw in a few snacks for myself)
            3. Travel Gear
            A portable crib like is great to set up in the airport so you can have a clean safe place to put baby down, and also a familiar and comfortable place for them to sleep. A travel system is also great, having the car seat and the stroller it can click into will make travel with the car seat much easier. If you are traveling by plane and intend to take the car seat on the plane double check that is approved for air travel. Baby carriers are great to keep hands free while walking through the airport, if your baby is a lap child consider checking your car seat and stroller and putting baby in the carrier for the airport. Once on the plane for take off and landing your child will have to come out of the carrier.
            4. Well stocked diaper bag
            Pack more than you think you will need to prepare for any delays, I liked to pack twice as many diapers and changes of clothes as I would for a normal outing. I also made sure to bring along a well stocked first aid kit complete with diaper rash cream, fever reducer, thermometer and remedies to calm my son's stomach like gripe water on the go packs.

            The Colic Survival Guide

            If you think your baby might be colicky, the first thing to do is be sure she actually is. Though the condition's origins are kind of fuzzy, colic's symptoms are well defined: colic is characterized by crying in a baby that lasts at least 3 hours per day, 3 days per week, for at least 3 weeks. Usually, the crying begins at the same time each day, and has to do with indigestion. While the behavior can be a great stressor on babies and parents alike, there are a few things you can do to get through your baby's colicky phase.
            Avoid Possible Triggers
            Pay attention to your baby's behavior, and try to figure out if anything in particular triggers colicky fits. The wrong formula could set some babies off. The mother's diet can, too, if the baby is breastfeeding: stimulants and dairy products in particular can spark allergic reactions in infants. Two other possible colic triggers are overfeeding and medicine passed to the baby through breast milk. To see if any of these are the culprit, try switching baby formulas, your own diet, and the amount of milk your baby takes in during one feeding. Make sure to ask your doctor if any medications you're taking could be upsetting your infant.
            Give Your Baby Gripe Water
            Gripe Water may help reduce your baby's discomfort. It's a natural supplement that both provides relief from gas and helps reduce fussiness. Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water is NSF Certified and contains no gluten, starch, or dairy, and is 100% vegetarian and vegan. It does contain organic ginger and fennel, two ingredients that can soothe the digestive system.
            Try Sound and Motion
            Movement and soft noise may help calm colicky babies down. Gently carrying your baby around, sitting with him in a rocking chair, or pushing him in a stroller can all help. Likewise, benign and consistent sounds—from sources like white-noise machines, fans, or dryers—may also comfort colic-stricken infants.
            Use Sleep Patterns
            Don't forget an often-overlooked tactic in the fight against colic: making sure your baby has a consistent bedtime. Though babies aren't likely to put up with an overly constrictive sleeping routine, putting them in a dark, soothing room at the same time every night can create a calming routine. Overly long naps—lasting longer than three hours—during the day can disrupt sleep at night, so consider cutting back on your baby's nap time to improve her overall quality of rest.
            Remain Calm
            Though it can be a challenge, one of the best ways to calm your baby down and get through colicky fits is to stay calm yourself. Babies mimic their parents' moods, and a parent's stress can exacerbate a baby's. So make sure you get enough rest to keep yourself in good spirits. Consider recruiting a sitter or family member to watch the baby for awhile, giving yourself a break. Even stepping away for just a few minutes can help both you and your baby. And any time you're feeling truly overwhelmed, just remember that all babies get over colic eventually, usually by 4 months of age. For more inforation, visit our Gas & Colic page.

            What to Do When Burping Fails

            Are you spending late nights pacing around the house, bouncing your baby gently up and down while humming and doing a jig? You must have a colicky baby! It may seem like you will never get a good night's sleep—or even a moment to enjoy your favorite new TV show—without a baby screeching in your ear, but hope is in sight. There are some tips and tricks you can try to relieve your gassy baby, especially if you've already tried the old standby, burping, to no avail.

            Why is Your Baby Gassy?

            Gas can make your infant very uncomfortable and fussy. Those air bubbles your little one swallows can easily get trapped in her belly, leading to a buildup of pressure. The only way to relieve that gas is to pass it, and boy will your baby do just that! On average, your baby will pass gas between 13 and 21 times a day. When your baby can't readily get rid of that trapped air, she may start to become fussy, characterized by lots of crying and squirming. Gas can be caused by any number of things, from swallowing too much air and crying to bottle or breastfeeding and even sucking on a pacifier. You'll know your baby is experiencing discomfort due to bloating and burping, cramping, crying, straining, and ultimately passing gas.

            Tips and Tricks

            If your baby is fussy and gassy but is having trouble passing the gas himself, there are some tips and tricks to help him out. Take your baby on a bicycle ride—no, not on a real bike, but rather in your living room. Place your baby on a blanket on the floor, then take his legs and pump them gently back and forth to work out the gas. Infant massage is another popular option, as is giving him plenty of tummy time and taking a warm, bubbly bath, all of which will help your baby pass the gas that's causing him discomfort. When feeding your baby, check that his head is higher than his stomach so the milk gets to the bottom of his belly quicker and the air stays close to the top. This type of gas is easiest to get out through burping. Since gas bubbles form most often from the gulping of air, use a slow-flow nipple if you find your baby is sucking down his bottle like there's no tomorrow. Try burping your baby after each feeding, even if he doesn't always give you one. You may also want to experiment with different foods. Cut out fruit juice, which your little one's body has a hard time processing. Nix the caffeine in your diet if you're breastfeeding, and if you're bottle-feeding, switch brands of formula and see if that helps. You can also try Mommy's Bliss Gripe water, a gentle liquid formula designed to help baby pass gas and calm bouts of hiccups and discomfort, and it could be just the thing for your fussy baby. The good news is, that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Your baby is constantly growing and developing, and will likely grow out of her gassy stage before you know it.

            Soothing Your Baby’s Colic Symptoms

            By Roshan Kaderali, RN, CNM, CLE. Crying is a baby’s way of letting us know something is wrong. When the crying becomes excessive and lasts for longer than three hours a day, however, this may be a sign that you have a colicky baby on your hands. When dealing with colic, mothers suffer just as much as their little ones; calming a seemingly inconsolable infant can be frustrating, and mothers will do anything to soothe symptoms, even if it means staying up all hours of the night. Whether you are new to motherhood or you are already a mother of four, it can be hard to know exactly what to do when colic strikes. Luckily, there are some easy solutions to help ease your baby’s pain and discomfort, and help bring bliss back into the home! White noise: Sometimes, all it takes to soothe a colicky infant is a little bit of white noise. The most popular white noise used to relax a baby during colicky periods is the vacuum; however a white noise machine, a recorded heartbeat, the shower or other household appliances have also been effective. Massage and swaddle: Some soothing contact can change a baby’s whole mood. Try massaging them gently, or wrapping them tightly in a blanket to provide a safe, relaxing environment similar to the snug feeling your baby was used to inside the womb. Likewise, holding the baby will provide a similar feeling, and if one position does not work, try shifting to another. Ease a gassy tummy: Colicky babies tend to swallow air while crying, which can result in painful gassiness. Try a supplement; Gripe Water containing herbs such as ginger and fennel, or Gas Relief Drops containing simethicone each help to settle the stomach and relax cramping muscles, while also being safe for your baby. For some added help in the evening, try Gripe Water Night Time, containing chamomile, lemon balm, and passion flower, which all help to calm and relax your baby for a peaceful night's sleep. Keep an eye on baby’s diet: Intolerance to certain foods or ingredients may upset your baby and cause tummy troubles as well. If you are breastfeeding, try switching out certain foods from your diet to see how your baby reacts. If your baby is on formula, it may be beneficial to switch to one with different ingredients – just be sure to talk to your baby’s doctor before making any significant dietary changes. Roshan Kaderali is a Registered Nurse, Certified Nurse Midwife, Certified Lactation Educator and founder of Mommy’s Bliss. Working with an FDA-registered current good manufacturing practice laboratory, she developed Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water over 20 years ago.

            Is Gripe Water Safe for Newborns?

            What Is Gripe Water?

            Gripe water is a natural supplement that contains sodium bicarbonate and organic herbal ingredients, such as ginger and fennel, which work together to calm hiccups, soothe upset tummies, and help ease the symptoms of colic quickly. Mommy’s Bliss #1 selling Gripe Water, is NSF Certified and has been used effectively by millions of parents to relieve distressed infants.

            Is Gripe Water Safe?

            Yes! Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water is made with natural ingredients and doesn't have gluten, alcohol, dairy, soy, or parabens. Gripe water is also BPA-free, reducing the potential for any skin irritation. As with most products used as a supplement for any type of illness or discomfort, the smartest course of action is to consult a physician or a pediatrician before giving it to an infant. Speaking with your doctor or your child's doctor can help to clear up any concerns you might have before trying out this safe, natural supplement. Whether your infant is suffering from colic pain, gas pain, hiccups, stomach pain, or general irritability you can trust gripe water as a safe, healthy, alternative to help your baby find the relief he needs.

            Looking for additional tips & techniques to ease your baby’s tummy troubles?

            Here are some natural remedies for gas & colic.

            10 Steps to Help Your Baby Sleep Better

            As Moms everywhere out there know, sleep is precious. When your little one is soundly sleeping, your day and night transforms into the opportunity to catch up on work, with family, tidying up, or some R&R for you. In order to help your baby sleep better, here are Mommy’s Bliss recommended Ten Steps to Help Your Baby Sleep Better. Follow these quick tips to help create a bedtime routine, help your baby sleep through the night and continue with a good sleeping schedule. Be sure to share your very own tip that helped your baby sleep soundly.

            Step #1: Find the Drowsy Sweet Spot

            Put your baby into the crib in that magically drowsy state that’s somewhere between fully asleep and awake-and-screaming. Babies in the sweet spot will pacify themselves and fall asleep in the crib on their own without creating associations with sleep time that are difficult to break.

            Step #2: Set a Pattern

            “Babies become more aware of their surroundings after about 3 months,” says Aliza Pressman, PhD. She recommends setting a pattern for them to ideally sleep at the same time and in the same place every day and every night.

            Step #3: Sleep Cozy

            Babies who feel safe always sleep better. If your child is enclosed in a bassinet, the coziness helps sleep to come more quickly. If your infant is having trouble sleeping, move the bassinet into your bedroom for a time to raise your baby’s feeling of safety.

            Step #4: Regulate the Light

            Babies’ bodies are sensitive to light in the daytime and darkness at nighttime to coordinate with their body clocks. Use dimmer switches to regulate the lights in your home. Turn them a little lower after sunset and make the lights brighter during the daytime to help regulate your child’s circadian rhythm.

            Step #5: Bright Light at Wake Time

            Use the bright morning light to help your child become alert when it’s time to awaken. Walk over to the window or walk outside to stimulate your child’s body clock.

            Step #6: Climate Control

            The ideal comfort temperature for babies to sleep soundly is between 65 and 70 degrees F. The room should be a little cooler at nighttime and a bit warmer in daytime.

            Step #7: Avoid Eye Contact at Night

            When you’re up feeding your baby in the wee hours of the morning, avoid eye contact. Locking your gaze with your child’s eyes causes a rise in blood pressure and an increased heart rate. This makes your baby more awake and less likely to go back to sleep.

            Step #8: Bedtime Message

            “Babies fall asleep faster and sleep longer after a 15-minute pre-bedtime massages,” says Dr. Pressman. It also reduces colic and improves growth and muscle tone. Use a baby massage cream to soothe the skin and try slow, soothing strokes with a slightly moderate pressure.

            Step #9: Rhythmic Noise

            When your infant was in the womb, the rhythmic noise was loud and constant. Babies respond well to soft sounds of nature CDs and white noise that simulate this rhythmic din.

            Step #10: Swing

            Infants who have trouble soothing themselves usually respond well to a swing. Use a mechanical swing with a reclining position to lull your baby to sleep.

            The Truth About Simethicone Gas Drops VS Gripe Water

            As a parent, there is little that is more stressful than a seemingly inconsolable baby. And when it's caused by gas or colic, sorting through the number of products claiming to help can be a bit overwhelming. Some swear by gripe water, others by gas drops. We believe that every baby is different and want to provide you with multiple options so you can find the safe, gentle solution that works for YOUR baby.

            Gripe Water

            Gripe Water contains bicarbonate and natural herbal ingredients, such as ginger and fennel, which work together to calm hiccups, soothe upset tummies, and help ease the symptoms of colic quickly. Mommy’s Bliss is NSF Certified, is the #1 selling Gripe Water, and has been used by millions of parents to relieve distressed infants.

            Gas Relief Drops

            Mommy’s Bliss Gas Relief Drops provide safe & effective relief from gas and work in just minutes! Made with simethicone, Gas Relief Drops to decrease the surface tension of gas bubbles, causing them to combine into larger bubbles in the stomach that can be passed more easily, helping the baby pass gas and feel nearly instant relief from that full, bloated feeling. Mommy's Bliss Gas Relief Drops can safely be used in conjunction with our Gripe Water products. The two products together can be especially useful to babies who have been crying incessantly. The Gas Relief drops help baby to burp up all the churned-up air in the stomach from bouts of crying. Gripe Water likewise aids burping and helps soothe baby’s tummy distress with the ginger and fennel ingredients. The two together relieve gas pains and provide lasting relief by soothing the baby’s tummy. Not sure if gas or colic are causing your baby's fussiness? Here are a few signs:

            Your baby might be gassy if he...

            • Pulls his legs toward his body
            • Cries after feeding
            • Spits up frequently
            • Has a bloated belly

            Your baby may have colic if he...

            • Cries for no apparent reason
            • Cries around the same time everyday
            • Cries for at least 3 hours a day, for at least 3 days a week, for at least 3 weeks
            • Also exhibits signs of gas
            Looking for additional tips & techniques to ease your baby's tummy troubles? Here are some natural remedies for gas & colic.

            Give Gripe Water Before or After Feeding?

            Mommy’s Bliss all-natural gripe water is the number-one selling natural supplement for colic, gas, general fussiness, and babies. It works to soothe and provide the comfort and relief your baby needs.

            When Do I Administer Gripe Water?

            Because each baby has different needs and unique symptoms, there is no specific time during which it is best to administer gripe water. However, most babies need gripe water after feeding because they can have gas from eating too quickly and gulping in the air while feeding. We recommend waiting at least 30 minutes after feeding to administer Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water as this allows time for food to digest. Administering the gripe water too soon after feeding may cause vomiting because your baby is too full and the ingredients may not mix well with stomach contents. If your baby is not able to complete feeding due to gas, you may want to administer Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water prior to feeding to ease the process. As mentioned earlier, there is no single solution as to when is the best time to administer gripe water. Ask your pediatrician and experiment with different times to see what works best for your baby. Although most babies will respond best to gripe water when it is given 30 minutes or more after feeding, your baby may fare better if the product is administered before feeding. For more information about gripe water from Mommy’s Bliss, or if you have any questions about any of our products, please feel free to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you! Looking for more tips for relieving your baby's comfort? Check out 4 Ways to Calm a Gassy Baby.

            Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water Side Effects?

            Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water is a gentle, all-natural supplement that offers relief to babies who suffer from gas, colic, hiccups, general fussiness. Thousands of moms across the country prefer Mommy’s Bliss brand of gripe water because it contains no parabens or harsh chemicals, is derived from all-natural ingredients, and is gentle. For parents whose babies suffer from colic, we understand that it can be overwhelming and frustrating. All you want to do is find a solution that will comfort your baby. Our all-natural gripe water is easy to administer and provides gentle relief.

            Are there any side effects when using Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water?

            Because our gripe water is made with all-natural ingredients, there are no side effects when using this product. Parents may notice that their babies become sleepy after administering gripe water. This is because babies who have been suffering from colic, extreme discomfort, or gas are often exhausted due to the tension. Gripe water offers much-needed relief. As with any medicine, whether all-natural or otherwise, we recommend consulting with your pediatrician before giving your little one anything. Our gripe water is the number one selling natural supplement for colic and gas.

            What makes Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water so special?

            It contains no alcohol, parabens, harsh chemicals, gluten, starch, dairy, wheat, artificial colors, artificial flavors, binders, fillers, sucrose, or petroleum-based by-products. It is NSF certified and created using organic ginger and fennel and is 100% vegetarian and vegan. You do not need to refrigerate the product after opening and each bottle comes with an EZY Serving Dropper for simple application. For more information about gripe water from Mommy’s Bliss, or if you have any questions about any of our products, please feel free to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.

            The Benefits of Gripe Water and Simethicone Gas Drops

            As a parent, there is little that is more stressful than a seemingly inconsolable baby. Gas & colic are common causes of fussiness, but how do you know if your baby is colicky or just gassy?

            Gas vs Colic

            Colic is excessive or intense crying in babies who are otherwise healthy and feeding well; it generally begins between two to three weeks old and typically ends when babies are between three to four months old. Often, colic is described as crying for at least 3 hours a day, for at least 3 days a week, for at least 3 weeks. On average, one in five babies have colic or exhibit colic-like symptoms, so although you may feel alone in your frustration, you aren’t - and relief is available.

            Gripe Water

            If your baby is suffering from colic and you’re searching for a gentle supplement, try Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water. Made with organic fennel and ginger, it's the #1 selling natural supplement for colic and can help relieve fussiness, hiccups, and gas.

            Gas Relief Drops

            For many babies, fussiness can be caused by gas rather than colic. Babies that are suffering from gas often pull their legs toward their bodies, crying after or during feeding, spit up frequently, or have bloated bellies. A few different tools can help provide relief for your baby; try a warm bath, a tummy massage, or bicycling his or her legs. Mommy Bliss Gas Relief Drops are an effective option that can relieve baby's gas. Mommy’s Bliss Gas Relief Drops can safely be used in conjunction with our Gripe Water products. The two products together can be especially useful to babies who have been crying incessantly. The Gas Relief drops help baby to burp up all the churned-up air in the stomach from bouts of crying. Gripe Water likewise aids burping and helps soothe baby’s tummy distress with the ginger and fennel ingredients. The two together relieve gas pains and provide longer-lasting relief by soothing baby’s tummy.

            When Should I Give Gripe Water to My Baby?

            Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water should be given as needed and not as a preventive measure. We suggest that you wait until your baby is two weeks old and over seven pounds before administering our Gripe Water. For all other infants and children, give Gripe Water at the first signs of discomfort. Most babies will need the product after feedings, when they get gassy from eating too fast or from gulping in air while feeding. It is a good idea to wait 30 minutes after a feeding to administer Gripe Water, as this allows time for food to digest. If a baby is not able to complete a feeding due to gas, he or she may need Gripe Water prior to feeding. By administering the product at different times, you will learn what works best for your baby. For gas we also recommend using our fast-acting Gas Relief Drops, which can safely be used on their own or in combination with Gripe Water. Get the 411 on Gas Drops here! Think you might have a colicky baby? Find helpful tips in our Colic Survival Guide.

            The Language of Crying

            Crying is one of the only ways your baby knows how to communicate its wants and needs with you. Over time, you will come to notice differences in your baby’s cry and you’ll learn how to understand what your baby is trying to communicate. Luckily, most babies are easy to understand because they have relatively simple wants and needs, like:
            Newborns typically eat every two to three hours, but it may take a little while to establish a routine feeding schedule. Sometimes, your baby will drink an entire bottle in one sitting and be less hungry than usual a few hours later. Other times your baby may take an extra-long nap which throws off the entire feeding timeline for the rest of the day. Therefore, you must listen and wait for your baby to tell you when he or she is hungry.
            Just like adults, babies can also be too tired to fall asleep because they get overwhelmed by changes in their routine or are overly exhausted from a day of constant activities. When this occurs, you simply have to sit back, sooth them as much as you can, and be patient.
            Gastrointestinal discomfortcolic, or colic, is usually caused by stomach gas, intestinal gas, or baby reflux. Colic is illustrated by persistent crying that lasts for hours. Babies who are breastfeed are less likely to get colic. However, proper burping directly after a feeding can decrease the chances that your baby will get baby reflux or gas. You can also try our gripe water, which is a safe, natural and effective way to ease baby's gas and stomach discomfort.

            Baby's Time of Teething

            Though those cute baby teeth make your baby’s smile even more adorable (is that even possible?) the whole process of teething can be a pain. Because the teeth are coming up through the gums and all those nerves, it can be quite painful for your little one. Pain makes an unhappy baby and stress out his parents.

            When do babies start teething?

            Babies typically start teething around six months but some start as early as three months. If your baby hasn’t started teething around the 6-month mark, don’t be concerned. Some babies start teething much later, as late as 14 months. Whenever they start teething, get ready for a long process. The full set of 20 teeth can take several years to come in.

            What are the symptoms of teething?

            The symptoms and pain levels are different for every baby. Some like to chew more while others tend to drool. For some lucky babies, the symptoms only last for a day or two before the tooth pushes through the gum. Others may have pain for up to a week before the tooth finally shows up. For most, the first few will probably be the worst and then the whole process of cutting teeth tends to become easier. However, some parents find it difficult to tell if their baby is teething or if he is getting sick. Here are some of the most common teething symptoms to watch out for.
            If you noticed that your baby seems to have a lot of drool coming out, it could be a sign of teething. For many babies, teething stimulates the production of saliva. Mild drooling during teething is totally normal. It can lead to a rash if you aren’t careful. To prevent irritation of your baby’s delicate skin, keep it clean and dry with a soft cloth. If it gets too dry, apply a cream or lotion. But excessive drooling could be a sign of something more serious. If it seems like your baby is drooling buckets, get it checked out by your pediatrician.
            Many parents have heard about the nightmares of baby teething and they usually involve severe irritability. You may notice your baby is irritable and fussy during teething. They are not only dealing with the pain of having the tooth push through the gum, but he could also be tired. Many babies start waking up at night because of the pain, making him fussy the next day. He might even be irritable if he hasn’t been eating regularly. If you notice your baby isn’t eating as much during teething, his blood sugar may have dropped, leading him to become irritable and cry.
            Your baby may start biting or chewing more when he starts cutting teeth. Biting helps the teeth come through the gum and the pressure can often relieve some of the pain. This can be painful if you are breastfeeding. If you notice your baby is trying to bite rather than nurse, try substituting a teething toy.
            Rubbing Ears or Cheeks
            Babies that in pain from teething may rub their ears or cheeks more frequently. Because the gums are tender and sore, they try to put pressure on the jaw area to stop the pain.
            Loss of Appetite
            The pain of the emerging teeth may also put your baby off his food. The discomfort of the inflamed gums make your baby’s mouth hurt. The discomfort may increase when he tries to feed on the bottle or eat. Because the gums are so sensitive, any touch may cause pain. Though loss of appetite is common for teething babies, make sure they are staying hydrated. If your baby is older than six months and transitioning to solids, try offering softer foods like applesauce or yogurt. The loss of appetite should not last more than two weeks. If you notice your baby is still not eating after that, consult your pediatrician.

            What can you do for your teething baby?

            Gum Massage
            Sometimes babies need a bit of pressure on the gums to relieve the pain. Giving your baby a gum massage helps soothe sore gums by counteracting the pressure of the tooth. Make sure you clean your hands first to make sure he doesn’t get sick.
            Chilled foods, frozen washcloths, cold spoons or cold teething rings can all help relieve teething pain. The cold reduces inflammation of the gums to make them more comfortable. If your baby is hungry (and old enough for solids), cold applesauce might be just the thing to soothe the gums. When your baby wants to gnaw on something, try using a frozen washcloth or a frozen teething ring to satisfy his need to chew while relieving pain at the same time. The cold spoon works best before the teeth break through the gum, otherwise, you might risk chipping that new tooth!
            Teething Toy
            Organic plush toys or teething rings are safe for your baby to gnaw on. Since biting can help the teeth push through the gum, teething toys might be the perfect option for your little one. When they bite and chew, it also puts counter pressure on the gums, soothing the pain.

            Acid Reflux = The Pits

            Acid reflux can be painful for baby and parents alike. For the parents, acid reflux means watching your little one struggle with eating, vomiting, and irritability. For the baby, acid reflux can often lead to pain in the stomach and throat, eventually creating a disinterest in eating or even colic.

            Despite the tears from baby and the panic from the parents, acid reflux is common, even in healthy babies. Babies under a month old will experience it several times per day, often soon after he feeds.

            As your baby grows older, it will become more and more infrequent. By the time he is a year old, most babies will grow out of it altogether.

            What is acid reflux and what causes it in infants?

            Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux or GER, is when the acids and content of the stomach come back up into the baby’s esophagus. It happens because the lower esophageal sphincter isn’t fully developed. This causes the muscle of the esophagus to let the stomach acids and content flow up from the stomach into the esophagus. When this happens, your baby will often spit up or vomit.

            As your baby grows, the esophageal sphincter becomes stronger and prevents acid reflux from happening. However, if it fails to develop correctly or becomes weak, a baby may develop GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) which has more severe complications. Luckily, GERD is quite rare. It only occurs in about one of every three hundred babies.

            How do you know if your baby has acid reflux?

            The symptoms of acid reflux are typically clear and easy to read. Here are the top signs that your baby might be suffering from acid reflux:

            1. Frequent Vomiting

            Healthy babies will spit-up frequently. But if your baby is vomiting after each meal, he may have acid reflux. Because the lower esophageal sphincter is still developing, the pressure on your baby’s tummy triggers him to vomit.

            Many babies with reflux will even experience projectile vomiting or vomiting with such force that parents may become worried about their child’s safety. If you notice your baby vomiting frequently, he may become dehydrated.

            Try giving small amounts of liquid to keep him hydrated. You can give him a little water, depending on his size. However, babies can become dangerously dehydrated very quickly. If you notice darker urine, diapers that have stayed dry for more than three hours, or tearless crying, go to your pediatrician. Likewise, if your baby has lost weight due to vomiting, it’s time to talk to your child’s doctor.

            2. Irritability

            If your baby suffers from reflux, he will likely cry and become fussy. Infants nearly triple their weight in the first year which means your baby is taking in a lot of calories into that tiny tummy. Taking so much fluid into their stomach can cause the stomach to distend or cause the contents to come back up into the esophagus. The acid of the digestive juices irritates the stomach and esophagus, making baby irritable.

            3. Persistent Coughing or Wheezing

            Many new parents don’t realize a persistent cough or wheeze can actually be a symptom of acid reflux. There is a link between acid reflux, wheezing, coughing, and even asthma.

            If your baby has a chronic cough or wheeze, it could be caused by the acidic stomach contents irritating the esophagus. If your baby is coughing at night, after a meal, or while lying down it may be a sign of reflux. Before treating the cough, check in with your pediatrician to see if reflux could be the culprit behind the cough.

            4. Eating Issues

            Because the acidity of the stomach’s contents irritates the esophagus and stomach, it may make your baby disinterested in eating or even cause him to refuse to eat. If you notice your baby’s feeding habits have become less frequent, try feeding him less milk more frequently. This can help make sure he is still eating enough while reducing the chance that it will come back up.

            If your baby has lost weight or has refused to eat for more than five to ten hours, call your pediatrician. It’s essential to ensure that these symptoms aren’t being caused by something more serious, so talk to your doctor.

            5. Colic

            The persistent crying of a colicky baby could be a symptom of reflux. The irritation of the stomach and the esophagus from all those digestive juices may trigger your baby into colic. The pain will cause him to feel frustrated and uncomfortable, leading him to cry for long periods of time.

            How do you help a baby with acid reflux?

            If you noticed your baby has any of the symptoms listed above, here are some easy ways to ease the symptoms of your baby’s reflux and reduce his discomfort.

            Feed less, more frequently

            Overfeeding your baby can cause the stomach to distend and may cause the contents of the stomach to flow back up through the esophagus and into the mouth. To prevent reflux caused by overfeeding, just feed your baby more frequently but with less milk. Feed your baby every two or three hours with half of the typical serving. The smaller amount of fluid will be absorbed and digested faster, preventing your baby from spitting up as much.


            Burping your baby frequently can also help prevent acid reflux in your little one. A smart way to avoid it is by burping every ounce or two to help keep the stomach pressure to a minimum. This will help your baby lower the chances of regurgitation and will help him digest the milk quicker.

            Keep Baby Upright after Feeding

            Holding your baby in an upright position after feeding can also help prevent acid reflux. The gravity will help keep the milk down and may stop vomiting. Keep him upright for at least half an hour to ensure the milk is digested correctly.

            Give Breast Milk or Change Formula

            Breast milk can help babies with an irritated stomach because it is more easily digestible to the baby’s system. It will not only minimize acid reflux, but it will also aid digestion because of the particular enzymes found in breast milk. If you are using formula, try using hypoallergenic formula. These are more suited to the sensitive and developing digestive system of infants. These formulas are created to be digested quickly, reducing the amount of time it is in the stomach and therefore reducing the chances that your baby will spit it up.

            Try Gripe Water

            Gripe water can also be a great way to ease the symptoms of acid reflux in infants. It is a natural approach to help reduce the stomach acid that causes pain. The mixture of herbs is designed to soothe and relax the infant’s developing digestive system.

            Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water is a safe and gentle way to help ease your baby’s stomach discomfort. The organic ginger and fennel relieve the irritation and prevent the stomach acid from flowing up into the esophagus. Fennel is known for its ability to reduce inflammation and acid in the stomach while ginger’s phenolic compounds help relieve irritation and reduce gastric contractions.

            You can use Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water up to 6 times in 24 hours. As always if you have any questions or concerns, be sure to contact your pediatrician.